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Everything posted by g33k

  1. Hmmmmm. "A certain barbarian" is seeming awfully well-socialized and law-abiding and... well... civilized these days. Welcome to BRPCentral, in any case! ๐Ÿ‘ But I'm having a hard time reconciling this... with this... I experience cats as being very rules-lawyer-y, with rules like "I'ma sleep here now" & "oooo! critical NPC/map/whatever... excellent for kneading/shredding!" & "now we are playing MY game, and MY game is run all over the house hunting imaginary pixies & causing mayhem"
  2. Although it's also worth noting that while some of those are just line-items, some are substantive threads in their own right. If there's substantial advice & commentary on a scenario, I think there's a LOT of benefit it keeping that info collected with that scenario. Not disagreeing with you -- that a top-page full of pinned items is a problem -- but I'd hate to lose something else worthwhile, in the process of solving that one...
  3. +1 ! Ummm... make that "+2" and add a RuneQuest logo! ๐Ÿ˜
  4. Glorantha Wiki says (citing GtG & (via link) Glorantha.com) they're the same: https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Rathor
  5. I believe there is active (albeit slow) conversation happening with Mr.Moorcock & one or more RPG companies; at least, that's what I heard a couple of years ago. But yeah: without his permission, it's a strict no-go ... "for archival purposes" being a thinly-veiled e-jolly-roger these days.
  6. This forum is brand new for Chaosium. I doubt many of the 7ths Sea players even know it exists.
  7. g33k

    New Rune Spell

    This is a revision you're making to the RQG core rulebook? I had understood Rune magic was a direct God:Worshipper thing, not "learned" or "taught" mortal-to-mortal. Spirit Magic is taught by mortals (or spirits, of course), and often on a paid or done-for-favors basis.
  8. There is indeed a Blog function right here onsite. I don't have one running, but several folks do. If you plan lots of maps/art/etc (i.e. high storage need, as opposed to mostly text) you might consult @Trifletraxor as to the limits...
  9. Thing is, they'd really need a whole web-design staff to be able to do those kinds of temporary revisions. Yes, the current situation is lacking; but it's not like this is a free service, they need to pay people do do a professional (and secure) job... or task it internally to someone who then won't be doing other "productive" (relating to currently-salable product) work.
  10. g33k

    Any Conventions.

    Official presence notwithstanding, there's always a decent chance of a Mythras game at any decent-sized (more than a few hundred attendees) gaming con (for example, I see the past 3 years had Mythras going at DunDraCon (in the San Francisco Bay Area)... I played in one of those games! (they have most of their back event-sched's online). Hey Raleel, I saw you call out RadCon... what about SpoCon? If the OP is willing to drive across the mountains to the coast, there's OryCon, NorWesCon, and PAX-West... hey, isn't PAX this very weekend (i.e. Right Now)? And... uh... I'm sure there's more!
  11. MW is getting a new supplement! A 3rd-party licensee is producing the new book. Also, the author of Mythic Iceland is deep into a project to 2e that book; iirc a rough draft has gone to Chaosium & is now back with the author for revision (with planned supplements to follow!).
  12. Yeah, people DO still play those games. Superworld, in particular, gets the GRRM/GoT boost. But as you say -- keeping the PDFs for sale via the online storefront has minimal (essentially zero) cost. Why NOT keep them up? Given that it'd take work (and thus cost) to scrub the website & e-store... Also, it's always possible that some author/developer might get excited at the idea of revisiting those games, and make a pitch that Chaosium would like... So they are signalling that they don't see these as "dead" products.
  13. ๐Ÿ‘ That's what I recall being mentioned. Is the timing such that this may be mentioned? There's a query on the main (non-Cult) CoC forum asking for "shorter" campaigns, easier stuff than MoN & HotOE... My thoughts went straight to ATtH... Come to think of it... take a look at the Stickied threads over on the "Glorantha" forum: "Publications" and "Upcoming Publications." That would seem an asset for the main CoC forum, too... even if the Mythos is an arcane and mysterious thing...
  14. From the players' POV, that presents them with the awful possibility that if they kill it again, it will burble and rise as an even bigger version... ad infinitum (or until they're all eaten, whichever comes first). As a PC, I'd be looking for Befuddle & other non-damaging ways to take it out of the fight.
  15. ... It may be time for us to stop "helping" Jeff. Before he inflicts Fonrit Under Balazar And Razalkark on us.
  16. Dunno... I think I can see the viable "adventuring sorceror" here... A couple of long-term "Buff" spells, cast before setting out. 1-2 "hurt the other guy" spells, needing a round or two to cast (so the party has to protect the sorceror) 2-3 utility/control spells, often cast out of battle to solve non-combat issues (but if utilized in combat, the party again needs to screen/protect the sorceror). I don't see anything that makes this style of adventurer "unplayable." If you want to play a scream-and-leap kzinti, you have Gloranthan options; the studious academic isn't one of them, and that's OK.
  17. Let's go with Cults of Central Genertela, omit the minor letter, and Chaosium can have "the best CCG ever!"
  18. Yes, but is he feeling some urgency, or are things going critical for him? i.e. is he chaining himself to an indoor desk, or an outdoor one, "as winter approaches in Sweden" ... ? ๐Ÿ˜‰ enquring seiรฐkona want to know!
  19. I think they're targeting their aging customer-base. That book was Mythic Memory-Loss
  20. S'ok. Prompted me to revisit the idea. Thank you! Maybe some things on it SHOULD be "gating" items... Or should be scored on a "this is more important" scale of up to 10 points, with lesser ones worth only up to 3 points... or something...
  21. Hi @Mike M (or anyone at Chaosium; but really... who ELSE would I ask??!?) Are there plans to remove A Time to Harvest from the "Cult Only" library, and release it as a general, retail-sales product? โ˜บ๏ธ PDF, POD ... even a little box-set treatment? ๐Ÿ˜
  22. I think any/all of these can be gotten... Broken Tower Stealing the Eye Darkness at Runegate Remembering Caroman (GenCon, 2019 contest) Fainting Spirit (GenCon, 2019 contest) As I understand it, the last two (from GenCon) may still be a little rough, not having had enough time to get proper layout/etc... but that may be "old news" and they may be really done. Looking at the existing "Chaos Library" -- indeed, using forum tools to SEARCH it -- reveals several of these are not yet posted to the CL, which in turn suggests they may not have had sufficient time in layout, or playtest feedback from GenCon revealed work needed, or what-have-you... It'd be nice if there was a sub-library for RQ-specific content! What say you, @Todd@Chaosium? Also -- for those who are insufficiently-lazy -- there is the option of writing your own, and posting it here. I see others posting their efforts! I cannot do so at the moment, but hope/expect to do so in the future.
  23. Note that the list wasn't "gating" -- you must have all these things -- but "scoring:" these things all make the game more and more BRP-family, bigger scores are more-BRPlike. Heck, the BGB itself has hit-locations and big-meatsack-of-undifferentiated-HPs as valid options...
  24. OK, thanks. I guess I missed that.
  25. My bank account is feeling your pain. TDM's Mythic volumes for Polynesia and Mesopotamia are on my "get these by hook or by crook" shortlist. As is Lyonesse! Chaosium's upcoming RQG plans... dunno whether to weep with pain or joy to learn their deities book is become a 2-vol set, but it's another must-have. And Spivey's new sci-fi setting... oooo... Then there's the d101 stuff... and Alephtar... and I may just need to dip into the C&W Renaissance back-catalogue for a project of mine... and... Um. I'm glad my wife doesn't read these forums.
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