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Everything posted by g33k

  1. TYVM ! (bonus points for explicitly citing the page# with the quote)
  2. ??? I need to read the RAW closer, then! When I'm back home with my books, and/or with device that have my e-copies.
  3. Good catch! I think you also learn how to create the focus. THEN you can cast the spell. 😁 (in my Glorantha, you don't NEED the focus, but casting without a focus is a s-l-o-w and rather risky process -- you need a 10-min meditation, + 1 min per point of spell effect, as you laboriously construct the spell; doing this shows up in the Spirit World as interesting, so you're likely to be interrupted by investigating spirits.)
  4. g33k

    Spell Range

    I see the ambiguity, but you appear to be mistaken (YGMV). If there is no specific language to the contrary granting exceptions, I go with the ruling that the most-sensible interpretation of the RAW makes sense. My decision criteria is this: how many spells "break" (need exceptions to an interpretation) for any given interpretation? I find @Shiningbrow's argument compelling, for Speedart & Multimissile; those spells would look kind of absurd if the ended at 50m of range. The OP example of "Demoralize" is another -- the duration is 2 minutes, not "or until more then 50m away." It should only take a round or so to sprint away under the spell... then it's over??? That seems "broken" to me, like a ridiculously-weak effect. How many spells "break" if instead you assume the spell goes away at 50m from the caster? The other line I consider is those same "Touch" spells you dismissed up-front, that would end when the caster stops touching them: rather than consider them "exceptions," I find them exemplars of spell-effects continuing after the target exceeds the range. They "break" under your interpretation of the RAW, unless they have specific language granting them exceptions. n.b. I am away from all my books & unable to check the actual RAW, so I may be mis-remembering things.
  5. Yeah, but YOU got to see the cool bands!
  6. Pedantry: 15G != infinity. Infinite copying requires infinite new accounts, each taking time to set up, therefore infinite time. So...no? (c'mon.... you knew this tangent was going to ridiculous pedantry!)
  7. It's kind of a thorny knot. I look forward to your solution. One notion -- have you considered a KS project where the "stretch goals" represent, not more content, but a superior price-points, quality of product, and other economy-of-scale advantages? I'm not clear how that recent multi-Zine KS worked (and how it worked out) but they may have a multi-product model you could leverage... FWIW and all that... But to be clear -- my basic position is one of gratitude: THANK YOU for getting all that Classic Goodness into our hands!
  8. Hi Pierre! I think a forthcoming product -- pretty far advanced -- has heroic / heroquesting rules in it. No ETA is announced (Jeff has stated that it will be done when it is done). So far as I have seen, Chaosium hasn't stated that it either does or does not have any part(s) with system(s) related to what's in the HQ line. I believe I have seen 2 working titles that refer to the same work in progress: the "GM's Soucebook" and the "Campaign Guide." I could be wrong, those could be 2 different books with 2 different completion dates.
  9. Elsethread, MOB wrote: (RQ subforum, "Trollpak, Pavis, & Big Rubble PDF" thread.) As the Bestiary was also mentioned by Chaosium in the thread, I suspect they will be looking at including it with the "RQ Classic" products. I expect we'll hear something official on the topic when they get it figured out.
  10. I'm having a little trouble here. Which is the pretty end of the boar, again?
  11. Augments might reasonably be used to speed things up in a semi-mundane fashion ("mundane" as in, "no spells cast," but only "semi-" because a Movement Rune augmenting speed to inhuman/inequine travel times isn't really "mundane," is it?). Wind Lords can cast Flight. Mobility is the classic "go fast" spell, but needs to be bumped to some sort of on-all-day duration, likely as a magic item (I need to look at item-creation rules; I presume it's possible.). With the party following him, the Eurmali walks up to the pilot of a Moon Boat <casts Lie> "Moonson has an utterly-secret mission for you: you must take us to XX without telling anyone else anything about the journey, or about us, or communicating with others en route."
  12. IIRC, there's a HonEel piece on RedBubble that doesn't show by default ...
  13. I'm pretty sure all the "unlimited storage" sites actually charge, these days. Thus, copying to infinity has a cost. 😉
  14. n.b. Jason has recently specified (on the rules-clarification thread) that, without a DEX stat, all elemental attacks happen on SR12. YGMV
  15. +1 The availability of print copies was, IIRC, set as an expectation during the KS, but no specific commitment was made (that I recall). But there was a LOT of discussion, so I may not recall... I think Rick's last comment on the topic was that Chaosium would look at the whole pile of Stretch Goals, once they were complete, and try to pull together a maximally-cost-effective print run. I too prefer the DeadTree for most of my game books, and am hoping this happens!
  16. Is it possible that the 2nd-Age content is MRQ-era? Maybe he gregged something from Mongoose, somewhere online (the old mailing list?) and the revised canon (that such-and-such a 2nd-Age cult was actually a fraud) never saw print?
  17. Not so "silently." I really think it comes down to money / sales. They looked at HQ & HQG sales, and they looked at the RQClassic KS going from a 30K ask to a 200K final, and they called it according to what the customers wanted. And if the customers are "old people" (seriously, dude?)... well... so what? Chaosium needs to keep the lights on, keep artists and authors paid, etc etc etc. They are selling to customers who buy stuff, and if RQ customers buy more stuff than HQ customers... Guess where Chaosium produces stuff? I do not doubt -- not for a moment! -- that if the new HQ (and HQ-specific Gloranthan content) begins to sell at something approaching the rate of RQG, then nuChaosium will add authors &c to ramp up production. If there are enough customers with enough money, buying lots of new titles, I expect Chaosium will be VERY happy to produce new titles! I honestly hope it works that way, that HQ3 & the OGL/SRD strategy puts HQ / HQG up in the same range as RQG and CoC, a new Pillar of Chaosium productivity & sales! I don't expect that, mind you... I expect it already would be there, if it was going to. The HQ2/HQG engine is a strong one, not widely criticized for weak mechanics or confusing verbiage. So -- unless there is some radical redesign that excites, or Chaosium finds a new market or marketing method -- I expect HQ will continue chugging along in much the same role: not so sluggish as to get the MagicWorld treatment, nor so explosive as to cannibalize other product lines.
  18. g33k

    Dragon's Blood

    ... If you live, the reward is: you lived. The lesson is: that was really stupid, you almost died, don't do it again.
  19. Hmmm. Suddenly I envision a LBQ with each role filed by a different Elder Race...
  20. And of course, once things get that wibbly-wobbly... causality may exist, but not follow in any sequential sense.
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