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Everything posted by g33k

  1. ... except it might incite Barbarians to sing another verse. Or -- gods forbid -- the entirety of Barley Mow. In God Time.
  2. Of course! They're almost exactly like E.G.G. "Drow," but just a bit... more.
  3. <SNIP> I didn't think so... The thing about "reacts" is their utterly uncontextualized nature. You seem to have read those as critical of you, as "sad that you asked." But maybe the people who clicked meant, "It's sad the rules are in a state where you HAVE to ask." Or "it's sad this wasn't already addressed by Chaosium when originally asked, and needs explicit prompting." Or "it's sad to see rules-clarification queries propagating outside the main thread." Or... well. Really, we don't know. REALLY we don't! Unless you've had PM's with the people who React'ed, and gotten them to expand upon their clicks. 😳 (even that emoji... do you know what I meant by that? are you sure you know?) It's often noted that "text doesn't convey tone." An insult spoken in a joking manner might flip the meaning to the opposite of the words spoken... but not in text! Emoji's and many Reacts, 1-click Wonders, are even worse! And even if the worst interpretation is true... that was 2 people. Maybe they were having bad days. Maybe they mis-read / misunderstood something and Sad'ed about something you didn't actually say. But in the end... it's only 2 people. === From my own perspective... I am finding your interactions here to be useful, interesting, topical. An asset to the board. Also, your vocal and active participation is frankly invaluable: you're one of the small cohort of new enthusiasts speaking up frankly and clearly, whose initial-experience queries help the grognards figure out the stuff that got internalized 3-4 decades ago, and don't even recall any confusion; the grognards are better able to assist the new players at their tables, at FLGS Open Tables, at Con events, etc. You make the fandom stronger, by MUCH more than one gamer's voice.
  4. I had always imagined the Hombobobom crowd favoring really big drums... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY9OS4okZ0c There are bigger drums, too... a Korean Cheongo seems to hold the current record, but I can't find any performance vid's, only tourists getting to pound it a few times... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM61rC2rZwM I envision troll-made drums even bigger... maybe with dinosaur-hide?
  5. I am the "mostly" GM, but the ONLY one for RQ/Glorantha. We'll see if it takes fire in my group, and others become willing to GM it. As the GM, I am designing the concept/backstory for a Duck NPC who I hope becomes a recurring sometime-ally / sometime-rival. Lunarized duck, sometime follower of Jar-Eel, now estranged from the Empire. Just because I'm the GM, doesn't mean I can't make interesting characters to explore! I just need to take care not to MarySue them.
  6. Less seriously: what do you call a Durulz spy? Peeking Duck!
  7. More seriously... Ducks have long occupied a sort of fragile place in Gloranthan gameplay. Partly a Grim Death-Rune species, born to kill. Partly Donald-and-Howard-and-Daffy: comic relief, occasional character more than a regular, 1970's-RPG-weird, etc. With Orange Sauce. Partly a tragic, warped folk: ducks who cannot fly (n.b. ducks are actually amazingly powerful flyers in the RW, so the Durulz are even more accursed than it first appears). I aim for doing all 3, ideally. The Durulz know that others see them as silly and pathetic... and yet the Death Rune sings its dirge within them, and they see those others as fundamentally frivolous, flawed... dying. It can make a duck grumpy, it can! Specially on a nice day for a fly over to the next river BUT OH WAIT, NO, I CAN'T, CAN I?!!! So, DeathRune, plus kinda pissed at the world, plus they ARE a minmaxer's nightmare, so whatcha gonna do? As others have noted -- it's really more a choice for a Roleplay-centric player, someone who will relish the conflicts and dichotomies. I don't see any reason to even TRY to sell the "Death Drake" concept to a player who puts MinMax character design in his top-3 RPG priorities.
  8. Same as the Real World... Orange Sauce.
  9. It's very possible. I cannot check my recollection at the moment, however.
  10. I thought you checked for highest DEX before simultaneous resolution. Within a given SR, higher DEX goes before lower DEX. Only when (on the same SR) the DEX'es are identical do you resolve simultaneously (which can result iba double-kill / etc).
  11. It's also worth noting that you may not need to exactly model every detail identically... Take(for example) Glorantha: RQ (any edition) has its Battle/Spirit/etc magic, and had its Rune Magic, and the game-world manifests in a certain way, as per the rules. But the HW/HQ engine doesn't have those mechanics. Some "spells" in HQ get called "charms" and others seem to be treated with the same mechanics as mundane skills. The mechanics result in very different details... But it's all still recognizably "Glorantha" in look AND feel... === So, start with M-Space, add in a hefty dose of the punk-ish Luther Arkwright vibe, maybe grab some elements from Snead's After the Vampire Wars and/or Worlds United retro 50s/60s? Stop there and playtest a bit. Possibly sprinkle some Odd Soot over it all? And/or Agony&Ecstasy? Even re-skin some of the magic systems from Mythras core?
  12. g33k

    Harpy Dung

    I hope you enjoyed your Sunday brunch.
  13. This looks like a lot of fun! Is Elevation set within / part of the Weaver setting? Obviously, both being M-Space, they could be fit together even if it's not official. But I wonder if it's (officially) an alternate setting, or unified?
  14. I note there's a LOT of distinct instances of shapeshifting in Glorantha, and while a single mechanic would be easiest, their mythic differences IMHO call for some differing mechanics. I share @Jeorg's dislike of the current hsunchen rules with such a huge cost in RP and rune magic. I don't feel confident I have a solution ready to offer online, or playtest, but I note this thread with some interest!
  15. But the 19POW spirit you have a pact with now -- when you need that Befuddle! -- is infinitely more useful than the 30POW spirit you're planning to bargain with, once you finish gathering your ritual components to bump your bargaining effort... Who has the leverage?
  16. Only the Malia worshippers. And the the broo, whoever they worship. ... 🤔 OK, that may be a high proportion of the denizens here, but not ALL of them!
  17. Both hands (Air, Movement) Right Shoulder (elaborate & complex, maybe multiple? "Sartar" rune appears part of it). Left shoulder not visible Torso not visible. Also a bit surprised none on legs or face.
  18. Enjoying (& being educated by) the discussion above! Thanks one & all ! Very evocative, helping me get some clarity & form some Glorantha for my table. I am noting with interest the lack of anyone "official" in the discussion. Not sure if this means they are "still evolving" the canon, or deprecating Kitori entirely, or holding this content for later reveal (e.g. in the new TrollPack), or if it's just a matter of "only human, can't hit EVERY thread because that new RQ content ain't gonna write itself, izzit?" In lieu of an official answer, I'm currently inclined towards an "all of the above" answer. There is a Kitori species, descended from the OOO. There is a Kitori religion, as taught by Kitor the founder; it offers similar abilities as the bloodline Kitori possess. There is an ArganArgar subcult. There are active Kitori not affiliated with AA. There are Kitori whose religion has been suppressed, or have chosen to pursue other gods; some traces of their Old Ways (or even the full tradition, in hiding) may still survive. Etc etc etc. From the non-Kitori perspective, none of these differences are visible or even realized, except for some of the "strayed" Kitori, e.g. the "Dark Orlanthi." But that's a preliminary stance, and may get entirely overturned by later material in this thread or others, or by "official" content (when and if it comes).
  19. "Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath" is a Mythos/Dreamlands story with cats. Call of Catthulhu is a lightweight RPG that can be played comedic / spoof, or straight.
  20. IIRC, Sorcery has (at least potentially) stronger combat-buffs than any Rune Spell has. It's one of the very few ways for Lightbringer characters to get sorcery. It doesn't have to follow the "theme" of any god; it gives you the potential to step entirely outside of Lhankor Mhy's own runes, or those if any associated Cult to which you might reasonably Initiate. But I think, mostly the buffs. I'll let more experienced Sword Sages correct me if I've missed (or mis-stated) anything.
  21. I've always had better luck befriending them when I call them "broobride", but "gorpsucker" is good too. Try either one, next time you want to settle an angry Uroxi (or several).
  22. Most sorts of "camouflage," whether that's hiding a car, a tank, an ICBM silo, a cowering scientist or sage ... ? This is a staple skill for smugglers, and even honest merchants who need to pass avaricious "customs" agents. I have personally used it to prep surprises for my wife; and also to keep my youngest's bag of hallowe'en candy, after she realized she didn't have the self-control not to get sicker than she was willing to get, but DID have the self-control to hand it over that first time (that one turned into a fun game, where I'd pull it from a new hiding-place every night after dinner).
  23. Might I diffidently suggest that, where you WOULD have a product-link in your webstore, you have instead a link showing the French edition and text (possibly bilingual?) along the lines of: And vice versa on THEIR webstore. Maximize the end-user simplicity. They come to Chaosium for Runequest, and they find it ... in any language it's available. 😁 Or is this just an egg-sucking lesson, Grandma?
  24. FWIW, some Googling finds the practice pretty well attested in ancient times, as far as the Indus valley. Honestly, it looks like fixing an "origin" isn't something that can be done from the evidence to date... But yeah, Esrolian "Earth tames Storm" ritual seems like the natural Gloranthan thing. YGMV (I also like "Orlanth Rex tames Storm Bull" -- but then again, that whole Rex'ian "there is another way" schtick is something that Big O got from his wife (not a word, Bill... not one word)).
  25. Hmmm. The earliest I knew was the Cretan/Minoan stuff. That most-obviously goes to Esrolia, and pairs rather naturally with their whole "master the fierce warrior to your service, without ever fighting him" ideas. Egypt, you say? Hmmm.
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