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Everything posted by g33k

  1. These are outlaws with guns, so I'd go with gunpowder in the larger quantity. I think there's 10 outlaws, 1 barrel per, so over 3 months' drinking water. If they are planning to withstand a seige, they will need LOTS of powder...
  2. g33k

    Crimson Bat

    I'm not 100% certain, but I believe the Official And Canonical answer is "YGMV."
  3. Can anybody confirm that the dice (the expansion set) at the webstore now have the corrected version of the hit-location die?
  4. I will suggest that there is no "hard sci-fi" FTL ... Oh, there are interesting speculations, but no hard science. YMMV. Cryosleep is pretty boring RP, for interstellar space travel! That leaves space travel within our solar-system, with very "Age of Sail" timeframes for travel (but likely minimal/zero piracy) and storylines accordingly. Shipboard RP can be a serious thing... espionage, romance, etc etc etc.
  5. Cyber-Polar-bears. Kodiaks are mounts for the Tlingit, Haida, etc.
  6. Bit of a necro, sorry for that ... As noted, 2 years is kind of a long time after the fact to be inquiring; it's not clear to me that your friend's issue(s) can be meaningfully addressed. I note that you "just found" BRPCentral, so I guess that explains why you are bringing this up after so long. A quick google suggests that there isn't a big problem with the Rogue Cthulhu organization, e.g. http://grogheads.com/featured-posts/15307 who played *SEVEN* of their events at Origins 2017 (one presumes they'd have spent their time doing something else, if the events sucked). I didn't spot any other people complaining or saying RC Keepers didn't know the rules, or made up rules. I can only presume your friend got unlucky with a brand-new Keeper who wasn't quite up to speed, one who was having an off day, etc.
  7. The "mystique" of martial arts is that -- as a systematic and codified suite of intensively-studied and practiced techniques -- they sometimes produce very-lopsided encounters vs other systems with different systematics and codifications. Plus of course the eastern-mysticism stuff -- ki/chi, etc... But the difference of techniques is key. Early MMA, I was hearing all about "shoot-fighters" as dominant... but look at what happened when the Gracie family brought BJJ to the MMA field... they dominated for years, until other MMA fighers figured out how to adapt. RE MMA vs other styles, it's worth noting that "dueling-centric" (1:1) systems, particularly groundfighting ones like MMA, become much more dangerous to the user in s melee/battlefield situation, vs. that "duel" scenario. Groundfighting is (broadly speaking) dominant vs. upright striking systems in a "ring" or other duel, but nobody wants to go to the ground on a battlefield...
  8. <toothless Billy Crystal>: "You ARE the fireworks stand!"
  9. Indeed. And one rater suspects Illumination is involved. Though I hadn't previously heard of Illumination via the Machine God ...
  10. What, another one? That makes... uh... 27 Fast Talk riddles. Or 42, depending on the authorities you consult.
  11. I ... do not believe your tinfoil hat will stop a charge by Cceratopsian cavalry.
  12. I thought "Orange Sauce" was the canonical answer to that question!!?!
  13. That sounds pretty cool, but I'm afraid the Aztecs had no dino-riders. All the dinosaurs are in the Amazon &c rainforests on towards the north coast of S.America, so it's THOSE tribes who had war-dinosaurs! 🤡 More seriously, I think a multi-layer game, with mostly-accurate historical/folkloric setting (maybe around 1100CE?) would be great/// PLUS a relatively high-fantasy layer that could "ride atop" the historic base, still based on the tribal tropes & memes (the way D&D is based mostly on Euro-Medieval tropes & memes) and THEN a layer of gonzo whack, with dino-riders and anthromorphic animal-races and Atlanteans and fleets of Imperial War-Junks from Song-Dynasty China and etc etc etc... <grandly and vaguely waves hand> "Make it so, Chaosium!"
  14. Remember, anyone can (try to) sell ANYTHING on e-bay. Specific items get forbidden (illegal drugs, souls, weapons-grade plutonium, etc), but it's generally a "caveat emptor" kinda place... and TOTALLY not a Chaosium venue.
  15. Is everybody good now? I didn't see this error-report before. If memory suffices, though, I was using the forums with no errors about the times folks were reporting issues.... Having poked at it at 6pm PST, Mon 22 Oct, I see no sign of errors. About 3h ago, I posted onto a thread in Glorantha (main forum) with no issues.
  16. Hi... I'm looking for some resources for a d100 campaign-idea of mine, and suspect P&D might have a LOT of what I want. But is ISN'T the game I want; I don't want to buy it for itself, but to either mine for content -- in the venerable FrankenBRP tradition -- or if close-enough to reskin the fluff and use the rest mostly as-is. But if it's NOT the content I want, then I can't reskin what isn't there... So, probably, it's not my "buy" product. 😞 How comprehensive are the ships' rules? How well is "naval combat" supported? Different classes of ship? Could I run, e.g. the sea-going combat-scenes from Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean" ? Ship-v-ship? Chases? Boarding actions? Etc . (yes, I do know of Chaosium's Blood Tide, and it's also on my list to consider ... Likewise TDM's Ships&Shieldwalls, but that's much more ancient than I want ... Any other d100esque resources I should consider?) And yes, I also DO want dragons. So, same-ish question -- how much variety to be had in P&D dragons? Size? Do they have D&Desque varied "breathweapons"? Possibly most challenging -- are there decent dragon-vs-dragon aerial combat rules? (I'm guessing not; tactical aerial combat is notoriously tough to do in RPG). What about dragons vs ships? Flying is enough faster than sailing that I'm not sure this NEEDS special rules, just consider it like dragons attacking targets on the ground (only they can't land to claw/claw/bite (unless small enough to land on the ship with all its rigging)). And again, I've got tooley1chris' "BDBoM" with its plethora of dragons, so there's THAT; but no actual MECHANICS for aerial combat, etc ... Anyone got other pointers for me? Many Thanks!
  17. g33k


    See: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/7475-nochet-pronunciation/?do=findComment&amp;comment=104765
  18. I am particularly minded of C.J.Cherryh's "methane-breather" species in the Chanur novels, or even the "Overlords" from Clarke's Childhood's End &c...
  19. To get us a bit more back-on-topic... Go over to Mongoose and grab "Land of Ice and Stone." You can adapt it to BRP (with a bit of work) or use Legend as-is (or Mythras). Replace the glaciated setting with temperate, and use any decent tribal and/or anthro resources as your setting. Add an appropriate collection of relevant myth and folktales. Run with it.
  20. I think some aliens -- even intelligent aliens -- should NOT be playable species, for whatever reasons (just as nobody expects to play an Ent or Balrog in Middle Earth); they are part of the setting. Also, I'll depart from your list of must-haves. Communication is the crucial one, or the player can't RP the character interacting with other PCs & NPCs. But mobility (specifically self-mobility) isn't a must-have, IMHO; neither is tool-use (though in intelligent sci-fi/alien who's NOT a tool-user is a bit of a genre stretch ... 😉
  21. Also note that there's no reason to think our notions of cyber-enhancement, genetic engineering, and "transhuman" tech (which can easily go asymmetrical) might not have "transalien" cognates ...
  22. I will advocate AGAINST the BGB for an intro/starter short-arc use. It's too much of a toolkit, not enough of a ready-to-run game. You mention not wanting to put in a lot of effort up-front, and the BGB's comprehensive nature is exactly wrong for that! As others have noted, Magic World was the "generic fantasy" entry from Chaosium, and is still available for sale. It would be a great option. If you want to go really simple, just get the quickstart rules (same "DaVinci Man" cover-art as the BGB) and add a few bits. It's a feee PDF (or cheap in print) direct from Chaosium. But then I'm gonna circle-back and kinda-sorta contradict myself, and recommend you DO use the BGB... as a toolkit/reosource, to add a few widgets or features & flesh out your game a bit. === As noted, the "Classic Fantasy" + "Mythras" option is a good one! It's a reworking/expansion of the older BRP-based "Classic Fantasy" just as Mythras expands upon BRP.; so you could stay with the older BRP versions, if desired. This gives them a standard "class/race" framework they are used to, but shows off the d100 engine. === As for specific subsystems to use or not... I'll advocate FOR hit-locations! BackInTheDay when I moved from AD&D(aka 1e) to RQ2, combat with hit locations was AMAZING; I fell in love then, and still haven't found any RPG's melee-combat to beat it.
  23. Come now, styopa! Nobody here wants to kill you, not on SR6 or any other round! You're being paranoid, man! We plan to cut off your sword arm to prevent your action (your argument is in all other ways perfectly valid). Reattachment of styopa's arm is left as an exercise for the reader.
  24. It might, actually... after all, Sorcery is tainted by the "wisdom" of the God Learners ... No telling WHAT perverse ideas they have embedded in their vile practices ! /ReactionaryOrlanthiPOV
  25. Are you the GM, or "Player 2"? Or do you sometimes GM, and sometimes be Arrrrrgh'ing Player-N? 😉
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