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Mongoose Runequest II in 2010


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In the "State of the Mongoose 2009", published on the Mongoose website

today, Mongoose has announced that they will publish a new, revised ver-

sion of Runequest in 2010 - details here, under "State of the Mongoose":

Mongoose Publishing : For All Your Gaming Needs ...

I don't have much hope for the project. Just the "What Lawrence does not know about RuneQuest, frankly, is not worth knowing." line makes me shiver. With all due respect to Lawrence Whitaker, his knowledge of RQ, and his work in the RPG field, last time around they had Steve Perrin and Greg Stafford available for input, and Mongoose still screwed it up.

It wasn't a low RQ Lore skill that hurt MRQ, it was the fact that those who had knowledge of RQ weren't involved that hurt MRQ. It was the fact that those with knowledge of RQ, including the playtesters and the authors of the drafts were ignored or overridden by Mongoose management, who ultimately rewrote the rulebook, ignoring the "committee".

I wonder whose name will appear on the MRQII book when it is released?

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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Myself and Pete Nash.

I hope they leave you guys alone and don't pull the rug out from underneath you at the last minute. IMO the biggest desing flaw with MRQ was that in the end, the ones calling the shots were people who were far more familiar and comfortable with D&D than RQ.

BTW, is MRQII going to be more RQish than MRQ? Where it will stand in comparison to the various other D100-based RPGs? Rules lite, like Call of Cthulhu and Strombriger, more complex such as Chaosium's RuneQuest, something in the middle, or something more customizable ala BRP?

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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Hurrah for Pete and Loz!!

While I'm slightly sadnened there doesn't seem to be a SRD of the cards, I had plans to do a BIG fantasy setting a sort of once in a life time sort of thing, the prospect of a new RuneQuest fills me with glee :D

Head Honcho of D101 Games
Publisher of Crypts and Things/Monkey/OpenQuest/River of Heaven
The Sorcerer Under the Mountain

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BTW, is MRQII going to be more RQish than MRQ? Where it will stand in comparison to the various other D100-based RPGs? Rules lite, like Call of Cthulhu and Strombriger, more complex such as Chaosium's RuneQuest, something in the middle, or something more customizable ala BRP?

Sorry Atgxtg, we are not supposed to talk about it yet. But if you wait a few days, there will be an article in December's S&P describing the general revisions to the system. Hopefully it'll give you an idea what RQII will be like in comparison with its previous incarnations. :)

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Sorry Atgxtg, we are not supposed to talk about it yet. But if you wait a few days, there will be an article in December's S&P describing the general revisions to the system. Hopefully it'll give you an idea what RQII will be like in comparison with its previous incarnations. :)

Fair enough. I wound't want to get you guys into trouble for "spilling the beans".

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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Guest Vile Traveller

While I'm slightly sadnened there doesn't seem to be a SRD of the cards:D

Well, the existence of OpenQuest goes some way to mitigating my disappointment. At least now I can stop waiting to see which one to go with. ;)

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OpenQuest is a great system, but I am a Hit Location and Weapon AP kind of guy (though I'm softening on the weapon AP).

I am all in favor of streamlining RQ, but I gotta have my locations. MRQ1 claimed to streamline RQ, and actually succeeded in some areas but failed miserably in other areas.

There is nothing to prevent someone for creating supplements or rules based on the original MRQ SRD. Mongoose claims the stat blocks will be the mostly the same between the versions. Still it is very disapointing that the new 'fixed' rules will not be open.

Maybe D100Rules will fit the bill for me.

Help kill a Trollkin here.

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Gadzooks Rurik!

Just put Hit Locations back in OQ, its not hard to do.

Either that or I'll do the donkey work and put them back in as an optional rule, which I'll post on them on the OpenQuest Companion.

Sure OpenQuest is designed with how I like to play D100 these days in mind. This does mean a few of old RQs sacred cows (Hit Locations, Tick Skill advancement, golf bags of indivdual weapons) gots slaughtered along the way, but I also made it easy enough to put those sacred cows back in the game if you miss them.

Head Honcho of D101 Games
Publisher of Crypts and Things/Monkey/OpenQuest/River of Heaven
The Sorcerer Under the Mountain

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Sorry Atgxtg, we are not supposed to talk about it yet. ... Hopefully it'll give you an idea what RQII will be like...

Well, when you are allowed to talk about it, please remember that the names RQII and RQ2 are already in common usage for, er, RuneQuest 2. Your new patched version of MRQ should be labelled differently, to avoid confusion - I favour calling it "MRQ2E". Is that OK?

Yep, Newt is right. Making things more complex is easier than simplifying them from a more complex starting point.

Um, so you think that for monsters published with Hit Locations and Total HPs (and perhaps DEX and SRs), it would be ?harder? to ignore some details when using them in simpler systems, than it would be to re-calculate such things and edit them back into simpler-designed monsters used in the more detailed system?? 'Cos I don't think so!

;) ;)

Britain has been infiltrated by soviet agents to the highest levels. They control the BBC, the main political party leaderships, NHS & local council executives, much of the police, most newspapers and the utility companies. Of course the EU is theirs, through-and-through. And they are among us - a pervasive evil, like Stasi.

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Good to know. Still going with the Dedicated Pow rules then? I rather liked Gods using their worshipers as spiritual batteries under those rules. >:->

It is the case but in a modified form, because Elric cults mechanics have some specifics that don't fit other settings and vice versa.
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Signs & Portents 75 with the "Runequest II" preview by Lawrence Whitaker

can now be downloaded from the Mongoose website:

Mongoose Publishing : For All Your Gaming Needs ...

(bunny-ears mine)

Oooo - I'm an "ardent purist"! Thanks, chaps! :) ("MRQ2" it remains to me, though, for anti-confusion purposes. But I'll drop the trailing "E", in honour of Loz/Pete's sterling work). And it's like they wrote that preview for me, personally - it's even got "primitives venerating their ancestral frog totem" ! :D

O M G ! :shocked:

It looks like they've cracked it. Sounds as if they've fixed Magic and done some good things with it - but that was expected. They've repackaged the Feats, sorry 'Legendary Abilities', as reasonable rewards for HeroQuesting. They've done some stuff with combat manouevres that they're proud of and could also be good - we shall see.

However, the big one is this: For combat at least, Opposed Rolls are GONE! :thumb:

I've long thought myself a Mongoose-o-phobe, with an unspoken oath to never buy any of their product. But this is "Damascus Road II" ...I'm converted. Exactly when is it coming out, and where's my chequebook?


Britain has been infiltrated by soviet agents to the highest levels. They control the BBC, the main political party leaderships, NHS & local council executives, much of the police, most newspapers and the utility companies. Of course the EU is theirs, through-and-through. And they are among us - a pervasive evil, like Stasi.

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I'm impressed. I don't know what else to say. It sounds like they've fixed all of the issues I have with MRQ I, and threw in some other good changes. I am sad to see the combat reactions go, and I don't know what I think about the new rules for Cha. A simpler fix would be to use Pow+Cha for Divine and Spirit magic rules.

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