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RuneQuest: Weapons & Equipment - corrections thread


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With the PDF release of RuneQuest: Weapons & Equipmentthis thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted. Please note them here, quoting the relevant page number, the error, and the suggested correction. We will correct the PDF file and the print file before it goes to print.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this is not a thread for questions or discussion of the rules, we are specifically looking for errors and typos only. Please take discussion to another thread.

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On 12/10/2021 at 9:10 AM, DucksMustDie said:

Page 86: should be Shields, but instead lists armor pieces a second time

Page 86 is a repeat of the chart on Page 80 but with Shields as the title head. 


Pg 117, First Paragraph, last Sentence, "at the risk of risk of making powerful spiritual enemies"
Repeats the words, "Risk Of" twice.

Edited by Jason D
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Page 13 The Metals of Arcos

Ehilms Metal

All other non-Dragon Pass deities are explained "Zrethus (old Seshnegi term for Dayzatar)", but this is not. 
--> Ehilm (old Seshnegi term for Yelm)

Picture: Hu-Metal 
Shouldn´t that be bronze colored?

I also find the runes on the pictured metals disturbing, since they don´t match with the associations bewteen gods/elements and their metals. 

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There are also many smaller coins worth 2, 5, 10, etc. of
their respective types, and it is assumed that any amount of
money includes a variety of denominations.

If a coin is worth 2, 5, or 10 of their respective types then I'd expect them to be larger, not smaller.

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"Dart" appears twice in the table, once under Javelins, Spears, & Darts, and once under Thrown Weapons. The stats are very different. What are these supposed to represent? Is the "Thrown Weapons" version to be used when thrown in an arc as described on p.74, right hand side?

If using a Lanyard Dart, which should be used as the base damage, or are there legitimately two kinds of darts, and can either be used as the base projectile with this device? Is the "Thrown Dart" version (1D4) for use in a Kestros, and the Javelin version in an Atlatl?

My apologies if this is not a mistake! It looks like I might have figured it out whilst writing this, but it is confusing and could do with clearing up. Maybe "Dart, Small" would be appropriate for the new version under Thrown Weapons. I would also suggest (3) or (4) for ENC rather than (2) if they are smaller.

Also, the "1/MR" rate looks wrong to me, but again maybe not a mistake.

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Wrist Wrappings damage is listed as "+1 to Fist", surely this should just be "1D3+1+db".

p.69 says "Damage is added to an unarmed strike" so is it intended to be used in combination with one of the other unarmed attacks, so Heavy Cestus with Wrist Wrappings would do 1D3+3+db?

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Page 11

Gloranthan Metals

The list on the left column has mercury
The table on the right column has quicksilver

In general throuout the whole chapter sometimes is used the first or the other term. That might be confusing (especially for non native english speakers). 

I know that the two terms are interchangable, but IMHO it should used consistant in the book. 

Edited by Jason D
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From my GM:
p14, "Enchanted ron does normal damage against creatures such as werewolves"
p17: "Dried pomace is an important fuel as it burns more efficiently than wood. It is also used as animal farmer and even fertilizer. " animal fodder perhaps?

I am of the opinion we just capitalise 'Ron' and Enchanted Ron should exist and he's an awesome bloke, but maybe it should be iron.

Edited by Jason D
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In Weights & Measures, Page 3, the walking rates don't match up.

  • It takes ten minutes to walk a kilometer; but then, it takes two hours to walk 10 km, not 100 minutes.
  • It takes two hours to walk 10 km; but then it takes 15 hours to walk 100 km, not 20. And I trust that would be basically planning for the next few days, right? You can't switch off walking.
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The price of honey seems odd compared to the price of mead.

One bowl of mead is 0.25 l and costs 1 C. Meanwhile, 1 l of honey costs at least 15 L, and is maybe 1.4 kg.

A modern mead recipe typically calls for something like 3 pounds of honey (about 1 l) per gallon of finished mead. 1 gallon = 3.8 l = 15 bowls = 15c, which is a factor of ten off from the cost of the honey.

Should the cost for honey in be in C rather than L? Then the numbers would work out. It does look really expensive as-is, with the value of a liter of honey approaching that of a cow.

Something similar applies to beeswax - 1 kg of beeswax costs 30 L (more than a cow!), yet a beeswax candle (weighing 1/10th ENC) costs 1 C.

Edited by Jason D
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On 12/10/2021 at 10:32 PM, Sid Vicarious said:

p50 "the poem to to covey the patron’s feelings". First "to" should be "is"?

P52 Skilled Entertainers table mentons the Perform Skill. RQG has no Perform skill.

Also, "covey" should be "convey".

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Ammunition, p. 73: Is it intentional that several of the variant ammunition types have no game-technical effects despite often being described as though they have it? Presumably Blunt arrows shouldn't Impale, for instance, and likely do less damage as well? Should lead sling bullets do more damage than stone ones? What damage does a Target arrow do if you shoot someone with it?

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P14 table - "Gustbran: Enchant Rune Metal" - is this a unique single spell (not listed in RBoM or core book)? Or, should it be all of the other Enchant (Rune Metal) spells individually?


Also, p15 "Enchanting: Not all types of Rune metal need this step or are able to accept it. For Rune metals like iron this is essential." The second sentence is at odds with a previous paragraph about having armour (with ENC of 12) giving -60% chance of spells working. Also, what other metals is this essential for? The section it's in is "Crafting with Rune Metals" (emphasis added) - not specifically crafting weapons/armour. So, I'd suggest modifying that 2nd sentence to: "For crafting most Rune metal weapons and armour, this is essential."


ETA: also on P15 is the picture of a breastplate, with lots of Death Runes and an engraving of Humakt... but said breastplate looks rather green, and not the grey that one would normally expect (from a Humakti Enchanted Iron breastplate...), and as depicted on p13 before it.

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P16 Fuels - first paragraph, 2nd sentence - "No prices are provided, as it is assumedly paret of the price" - should be 'part'. Also, 'assumedly' is incorrect and redundant, and should just be removed - "as it is part of the price..."

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