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BRP Adventure Contest deadline coming up!


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The June 15 deadline is days away. Anyone submitting an adventure? I've got one in the works, and Jason Durall had expressed interest several months ago. Anyone else? rust's Pharos IV/Varun musings should be able to supply an entire campaign, let alone an underwater caper or two. We've got write-ups for John Carter and kaldanes; all someone would have to do is throw in a scantily-clad princess and stir! ;D

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....rust's Pharos IV/Varun musings should be able to supply an entire campaign, let alone an underwater caper or two....

I think you hit upon one bottleneck. To submit an adventure some really has to have an idea of a setting to write it for. It doesn't really work out well to write up a generic adventure.

Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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I had a fun adventure I was thinking of submitting, but it was tied to my setting and I didn't like the idea of giving up all the rights to that setting specific material. Adapting the adventure to a more generic setting would have been possible, but more work than I currently have time for. Ultimately, for me, it boils down to a lack of quality free time for writing.

"Tell me what you found, not what you lost" Mesopotamian proverb



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I feel your pain, Thalaba. I've been having trouble squeezing in writing time, too. As for setting, I think one could set an adventure on "Generic Waterworld or Space Station X" without giving away the baby. But then, I'm planning a historical adventure; Chaosium could hardly trademark Oklahoma. ;D

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I am about to submit my scenario/setting

It is a Dystopian Totalitarian Gothic Setting in a Steampunk World with....hold your breath... Nazi Zombies

So the scenario is short because I had to write about the setting for half of it. I hope it makes it in and you guys like it.

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Hehe, sounds like the norwegian horror movie


For a movie that I have never seen I have to admit I put them in the scenario because I saw the trailers to that movie. IMHO Nazi Zombies are like Bacon...everything taste better with them. BTW One of the Nzombies has a gaitlin gun for his right arm...because....well...ummm...its cool and kinda steampunky

Oh I should mention Nazi Zombies are mentioed in the BRP core book as a way to kick up any adventure

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