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Nochet + criminal organisations


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Nochet is known to have had literate theft for centuries, and since the library never completely closed down, all kinds of knowledge thieves - including sorcerers of God Learner and other orientation and origin - will have been task forces to acquire sorrcerous knowledge from the Temple and their rivals.

It would be criminal neglect for any school of sorcery not to employ sufficiently literate and trained thieves to strike at protected vaults of knowledge, neutralizing defensive magics on the way.

So, from me a hearty yay for sorcerous crime gangs. And yes, they would employ mercenaries from other magic systems, too - I suppose a shaman will be invaluable for scouting out a rival vault, or for overcoming certain anti-sorcery wards with spirits.

Shadowrun Nochet...

Edit: and writing that, Sandals of Darkness jump at me, whether involving Argan Argar or Orlanth.

Edited by Joerg

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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9 hours ago, jajagappa said:

Atyar has spells to devour scrolls and books in order to consume the knowledge within.

Also for a scenario that touches on this theme, see MOB's The Getting of Wisdom

Yes, I know that, but there was a specific line that said "occult thieves," that got me started on the version I posted. It's really bugging me that I can't find it now.


Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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Vadeli would very likely provide all sorts of sorcerous services to criminals for an appropriate price - including some exotic ones, like ways to make sure people are assassinated do not return. Or magical poisons. Or strange magical creatures usable as spies or assassins. Of course, this means criminal organisations may find they are obligated to perform services to the Vadeli. And the Vadeli are probably quite happy to fence and trade all manner of specialist magical items as well. While few would specialize in thievery, many would be willing to work with thieves and other criminals. 

The Telendarian school of magic, descended from the magic of Yiymorni, the ancestors of the Vadeli, was originally for exploring but useful for sneaking about, including magic for disguise and evading pursuit. I suspect it was used for infiltration and stealing occult secrets in the First Age, leading to Talor condemning it as Chaotic. I am sure it’s techniques are widely practiced by the Vadeli still, and probably for sale. If you want to become a sorcerous thief, the magic exists, and numerous shady sorcerers will have access to grimoires. 

It makes a great deal of sense that many Atyar worshippers favour sorcery. It gives such a boost to sorcerers potentially. You can greatly speed up your years of study by kidnapping rival sorcerers and Consuming their Mind, and by stealing grimoires and Devouring them. I doubt they lead sorcerous thief cults etc - but they sure will be sorcerers with criminal inclinations and with a desire to have things stolen for them (and worse). Many will have public ‘cover identities’ with a legitimate interest in sorcerous and other study, and practice other magic. 

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Ancestor worship works well for criminal gangs that don’t need a lot of specialist magic to do their criminal activities - protection rackets, corruption, various organised cons and scams, etc. It grants really good access to spirit magic (and at short notice), and really ensures that everyone’s first loyalty will be to their family. And allows a lot of magical defences.

And the possibilities of Incarnate Ancestor are fascinating. If combined with Lanbril or other skill based thief cults, any member of the clan could incarnate a master thief ancestor to pull off a heist! Very interesting if you manage to get an ‘inside man’ in place. And if combined with the study of sorcery, a sorcerous ancestor could be incarnated to cast a few spells - you want to keep a close watch on that, though, lest they take up residence. 

And if someone in the family manages to get access to specialist spirit magic, like the Lanbril spells, Summon Spirit Teacher let’s them probably keep it available to the family. 

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The cult of Xentha is actually a pretty good cult for thieves. It teaches Hide and Sneak, and has access to Dark Walk via Argan Argar. It’s not a big cult, mostly just as an associate cult of Argan Argar, but that probably means a few worshippers in Nochet. I bet quite a few worshippers are thieves. 
And the ones that aren’t are often specialists in summoning Darkness spirits and such, who are probably handy for various criminal activities too. 

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6 hours ago, davecake said:

The cult of Xentha is actually a pretty good cult for thieves. It teaches Hide and Sneak, and has access to Dark Walk via Argan Argar. It’s not a big cult, mostly just as an associate cult of Argan Argar, but that probably means a few worshippers in Nochet. I bet quite a few worshippers are thieves. 

Yes, she doesn't offer all the tools of Lanbril, but I definitely like her as a small thief cult.

6 hours ago, davecake said:

Ancestor worship works well for criminal gangs that don’t need a lot of specialist magic to do their criminal activities - protection rackets, corruption, various organised cons and scams, etc. It grants really good access to spirit magic (and at short notice), and really ensures that everyone’s first loyalty will be to their family. And allows a lot of magical defences.

And this works very well for those associated with the Great Houses of Nochet - certain client houses may come from cadet branches of these families and their founders were skilled criminals/thieves who aided the primary house.  They get access to their ancestors, and have ties with and patronage from the greater house.

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In my Nochet, there's a small-ish Troll thieves' cult (it's actually bigger than most realize, even among their own number).

Their core membership are remarkably well-trained & remarkably disciplined, with little to none of the stereotypical "brutish" violence, although they remain Trollish in many ways.  They have explicitly embraced Lanbril-worship, since coming to Nochet.  Also, of course, Kyger Litor... though with an odd twist, often draping the goddess in a midnight-blue cloak and calling her "the Goddess in Blue."

At the core of the group is a very-small cadre of Blue Moon worshipers.  Virtually none realize this, even within the cult itself.  They deliberately cloak themselves within layers of secrecy and misdirection; most simply think there are a few loosely-organized trollkin gangs, each with a few Dark Trolls at their head.

Whether they are still in contact with (or under the control of) "superiors" at the Blue Moon Plateau... what their agenda or extended mission is, or even if there is one...  All that is (by intent) left unresolved.

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  • 10 months later...

I am curious if anyone has developed special interest taverns in Nochet or any taverns there at all? Looking for a gathering place/tavern near the knowledge temple or an Inn with a large common room and some mid-to higher level entertainment?

This would be where someone like Treasure Trove Hebi would be but at a higher scale, like where a real cartographer might hang out as well as smugglers of high end goods?

If really good entertainment showed up a few noble types may attend?

Trying to add some (already existing) depth to PC's encountering Bluebird in Notchet and to run with MOB's scenario The Getting of Wisdom that takes place there.

Was thinking in Inkhand area maybe rather than along the Street of Sails but could be anywhere I suppose?

Who would do the smuggling for the Caprati and the Du Turmerine's or would they just do it themselves?

Is there published info on Nochet?


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2 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Is there published info on Nochet?

Not yet (beyond the short article where my map appears), but I am working towards getting the full index out via Jonstown Compendium.

2 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Street of Sails

That mostly has the fine residences for the great sea-captains.

2 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Looking for a gathering place/tavern near the knowledge temple or an Inn with a large common room and some mid-to higher level entertainment?

Inkhand is largely the equivalent of your low-end university/student residences and cheap taverns. There's a lot of scribes in Nochet, and those working at the Temple of Knowledge live here.

You could certainly add what you're looking for into the area, though.

Here's a few options on the indexed map below:

D29: The Turn. A small, cramped tavern catering mostly to sages from Elasa’s Hall (i.e. those of the Charterist faction who are predominantly scribes). The stout-bellied tavernkeeper, Merry Durevan, claims to have been a sage of Minlister and his mead is said to take even the poorest scholar into the realms of the Golden Age.

H51: All Beards Inn. Mistress Amantore opens her doors to all sages and won’t tolerate factional fights in her inn. However, she keeps her ears open and quietly sells useful information she picks up to the LM High Priest.

H85: The Shanty Inn. A ramshackle inn whose furniture is made from bits and pieces of old ships and boats. The owner, Kestingar the Miser, is known for his stinginess, even with food and drink. Despite that, the inn serves many odd drinks that are highly favored among sailors in port.

Or put an inn/tavern where either of the red X's are marked in Vadel's Angle. That's the Vadeli enclave, of course, and if you want a mix of unusual entertainment, sinister figures, and shady deals, definitely seek out the Vadeli!

Note: anywhere you see background hatching (green lines, red bricks) are all areas where you can add your own personal details that will not be in the index.


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2 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Who would do the smuggling for the Caprati and the Du Turmerine's or would they just do it themselves?

Trying to do smuggling on their own without paying proper duties or tribute to one of the Enfranchised Houses will run into big trouble.  A large part though depends on what you are smuggling and from where. House Delainaeo dominates the Dormal Temple and many sea-captains come from that house. (D85, D86, and D89 on the map above is their great House palace and gardens - technically D89 is Dormal's House, but he's a hero/god now and in the Gods World not Nochet). House Delaeos is strongly connected with the trade to and from Karse (the D2 complex is their residential palace).

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1 hour ago, jajagappa said:

D29: The Turn. A small, cramped tavern catering mostly to sages from Elasa’s Hall (i.e. those of the Charterist faction who are predominantly scribes). The stout-bellied tavernkeeper, Merry Durevan, claims to have been a sage of Minlister and his mead is said to take even the poorest scholar into the realms of the Golden Age.

H51: All Beards Inn. Mistress Amantore opens her doors to all sages and won’t tolerate factional fights in her inn. However, she keeps her ears open and quietly sells useful information she picks up to the LM High Priest.

H85: The Shanty Inn. A ramshackle inn whose furniture is made from bits and pieces of old ships and boats. The owner, Kestingar the Miser, is known for his stinginess, even with food and drink. Despite that, the inn serves many odd drinks that are highly favored among sailors in port.

Or put an inn/tavern where either of the red X's are marked in Vadel's Angle. That's the Vadeli enclave, of course, and if you want a mix of unusual entertainment, sinister figures, and shady deals, definitely seek out the Vadeli!

More than I hoped for, can't wait to see the Compendium release. Thank you as always Jaja.

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15 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Who would do the smuggling for the Caprati and the Du Turmerine's or would they just do it themselves?

Given that the Queen will be deriving no small part of her income from port dues and duties, bear in mind that most smuggling will take place outside the port. For Nochet clandestine meetings between merchant tubs and reed boats and punts will occur south of the city where the marshy isles and twisting muddy channels will offer ideal hiding places for those boats to lurk, hide, load and unload. 

Edited by M Helsdon
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5 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

So now we need to tie in that grease-ball Halcyon and his nefarious schemes...

He might be a bit young at the time for your 1600s timeframe. Obviously appears in Elkoi ~1615 to 1621. Why is he in Elkoi though? Backwater place in the middle of nowhere with pig-farmers. Clearly failed at some prior responsibility and sent there to get him out of the way. Make his father an important Etyries merchant who wants something for the Lunar Empire and young Halcyon treks along and gets into big trouble with the Esrolian Grandmothers.

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Chaos Holy Ground, he died trying to steal the map from the Lhankor Mhy temple and was killed in the attempt. He's a bad dude and is at generating an ogre army, likely he is one himself that's why his concubines and housekeeping staff are always disappearing, he's having them and then really having them?

He looks old to me and is a perfect continual antagonist.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/14/2023 at 9:44 PM, jajagappa said:

He might be a bit young at the time for your 1600s timeframe. Obviously appears in Elkoi ~1615 to 1621. Why is he in Elkoi though? Backwater place in the middle of nowhere with pig-farmers. Clearly failed at some prior responsibility and sent there to get him out of the way. Make his father an important Etyries merchant who wants something for the Lunar Empire and young Halcyon treks along and gets into big trouble with the Esrolian Grandmothers.

This might be spoiler-worthy:


Halcyon and Marusa were involved in some theft of knowledge in the New Crystal City knowledge temple, implying Bluebird and his missing associate with Gondo. Their Elkoi posting may be a "reward" to keep some other pursuers at distance. Or possibly because the heist shook as many waves as it did. Beats Corflu, by a margin.


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