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Unpublished Scenarios and Source Material (2016) - Dragon Pass And The Wilds

Erol of Backford

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Does anyone know if there are prints of this and it's siblings and if so how one might get their hands on them?

The 3 volume “Unpublished Scenarios and Source Material” set – is three hardcover books with hundreds of pages of unpublished RuneQuest material by Greg Stafford and other early authors. It includes a fair bit of Sorcery rules for the West, the Howling Tower scenario set in the Upland Marsh, as well as a wide range of other material, esoteric and otherwise.

RuneQuest Classic Kickstarter exclusive.

Either way thank you all.


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From the Kickstarter, it looks as though this was only available to Rune Priest-Lords or High Priests.



Unfortunately, I backed it as a Shaman, so only got some of the PDFs, which did not include the Unpublished Source Material, so I am not sure what is in it.

25 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Does anyone know if there are prints of this and it's siblings and if so how one might get their hands on them?

There were prints. Maybe someone who backed the Kickstarter at those levels might sell a copy.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


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1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

RuneQuest Classic Kickstarter exclusive.

Emphasis on the "exclusive". Rick has noted previously that will not change as those who invested at that level did so to get exclusive content.

The only opportunity to get those is if one of those who acquired them decides to sell.

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But that's like me not being able to go to heaven because I was never introduced to a certain religion.

Foul called.

With all seriousness, maybe it could be put on Drive Thru? I don't think I even knew this forum existed until like 2 years ago or I'd have been incessantly badgering you all with questions much sooner!


I do appreciate all the information and that great gaming in Glorantha for about 15 years of campaigns on and off.

Even if you won't reprint, you guys are the best!

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There are at least 60 of them circulating around the world and in theory at least a dozen more in reserve if the original kickstarter backer limits reflect the print run. Most of them will hit the secondary market eventually so the patient, alert, cunning and long-lived will get several chances over the next decade.

If someone reading this has a deep urge to buy in retroactively in the meantime I suggest reaching out to Rick nicely to see what he can do for you and what terms he feels are fair. The gods often smile on the truly motivated seeker.

They're pretty nice.

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singer sing me a given

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I appreciate the information, as always.

To your point on picking up copies of old material...

Curious, I have a chance to pick up Runequest Foes. This one was also rereleased in 2016? Does anyone have it and is it useable (we still do a hybrid RQ2-3) as it claims to have like 1200 Runequest monsters in it? Maybe this should be under Runequest in lieu of Glorantha?

Sorry about that.

Foes, Runequest supplement.jpg

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1 hour ago, Erol of Backford said:

Curious, I have a chance to pick up Runequest Foes. This one was also rereleased in 2016? Does anyone have it and is it useable (we still do a hybrid RQ2-3) as it claims to have like 1200 Runequest monsters in it? Maybe this should be under Runequest in lieu of Glorantha?

It's a large set of generated stats for various types of beings. If you need a large variety of stat blocks at hand, then it might be useful.  It is not a bestiary, if that's what you are looking for.

I don't have mine at hand, but IIRC it looks very similar to Fangs, just a lot more of them (it's all RQ2). 



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jajagappa recalls correctly - it is mostly stat blocks.  There are a couple of pages of an index and intro / 'how to use' information, a few B&W illustrations and the inside front cover has silhouettes of various adversaries.

But otherwise, it is as the title says - foes.

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Foes was of an era when computers were a relatively-new adjunct to (the relatively-new thing that was) RPG's.  People got a little bit... let's call it "overenthusiastic" ... about the wealth of "characters" that (after writing the code) could be produced with a few key-presses.

I myself probably ran through several hundred such, in the month or two after I got my first RQ2 character-roller (running BSD UNIX on a DEC PDP-11/70); not everyone had access to the computers and the code, however!  For those who were without, Foes was a useful set of stat-blocks.  I never printed-out more than a few of my rolled characters; I think I might have used some for mook-style NPCs at the table ... maybe once or twice?  None as a PC.

I suspect (quite strongly) that the code behind Foes was a different fork of the same code that I was running; I know there was at least one person in my group (in 80/81) who overlapped with the Chaosium crew.

These days, I write up a single "Mook" stat-block; I only run multiple copies of "consumables" (HP's / MP's / RP's) to track each mook separately.

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On 3/11/2023 at 11:35 PM, Erol of Backford said:

With all seriousness, maybe it could be put on Drive Thru? I don't think I even knew this forum existed until like 2 years ago or I'd have been incessantly badgering you all with questions much sooner!


I do appreciate all the information and that great gaming in Glorantha for about 15 years of campaigns on and off.

Even if you won't reprint, you guys are the best!

We have a few spare sets that we printed for the Kickstarter in case of damage/loss/defects. We are willing to sell the 3 volume set for $1000, just like on the Kickstarter. We are not going to make it available on DTRPG, nor as PDFs.

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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19 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

I appreciate the information, as always.

To your point on picking up copies of old material...

Curious, I have a chance to pick up Runequest Foes. This one was also rereleased in 2016? Does anyone have it and is it useable (we still do a hybrid RQ2-3) as it claims to have like 1200 Runequest monsters in it? Maybe this should be under Runequest in lieu of Glorantha?

Sorry about that.

Foes, Runequest supplement.jpg

FOES is one of the few RQ2 titles that didn't get re-released as part of the RQ Classic Kickstarter back in 2015. The main reasons were that it is just sets of computer generated stats, has very very little Gloranthan content, and would have been very hard to scan/OCR/clean up. Originals are also available on the used game market for reasonable amounts of money ($20 to $40 on average), at least as far as collector prices go.

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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1 hour ago, Rick Meints said:

Originals are also available on the used game market for reasonable amounts of money ($20 to $40 on average), at least as far as collector prices go.

I saw that and would rather put the $45 into something with scenarios (which we cannot seem to get enough of) and thank you Mr. Meints!

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