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VTT Options for Runequest


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Does anyone know of a VTT that supports Runequest?

I know Fantasy Grounds came close to having the Starter Set but it looks like that was sent off for testing somewhere then died.  I like Fantasy Grounds, especially the automation a lot of the products have but realise it might be time to look into other options.

While I know I can run it on something like Discord, ideally I'd like on screen character sheets and maps.

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Foundry VTT is what I use, and it's excellent. There is a one-time $50 to use the software, but it's been very much worth it. The Runequest module is unofficial, but it includes all the material from the official wiki so character building at least is a bit easier.

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55 minutes ago, Richard S. said:

Foundry VTT is what I use, and it's excellent. There is a one-time $50 to use the software, but it's been very much worth it. The Runequest module is unofficial, but it includes all the material from the official wiki so character building at least is a bit easier.


Thanks.  Your post made me look into Runequest and Foundry, and it looks like Foundry will have an official version at some point. 

I've just started running a campaign (not RQ:G) so I was going to use that time that game takes to look into and set up a RQ:G VTT.  Looks like I need to make the move to Foundry.



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I found two RQ systems on Foundry, one that doesn't look like it's been updated for a while and this one https://sun-dragon-cult.github.io/  that is still getting updates.

The sun-dragon one is possibly the one being worked on by Chaosium based on the site saying "This is a community built Foundry VTT system that eventually (no set timeframe) will get Chaosium backed modules for the Starter Set etc. "  I'd be interested to know, if that's wrong and Chaosium is building a different one in-house.

So far, I've created a basic character and rolled a few dice but I am very new to Foundry, so I'd be hesitant to say I'd run a game using it.  I've grown accustomed to a lot of automation in Fantasy Grounds, and I'm not sure how much is in Foundry.  Should be interesting to find out.

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I have played on both Foundry and Roll20 and as a player there is little difference. In general roll20 is more stable, and has a more flexible char sheet. Foundry tries to do everything and does many things well and in general has a nicer interface, roll20 is easier to use. Although Foundry’s dice roller interface needs work, roll20 is better and more efficient in time use.

As a GM you need more web and service building skills with Foundry. Roll20 is a lot easier to just jump in and get playing for free with the basics.


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On 2/8/2024 at 9:45 AM, Kinjin said:

I found two RQ systems on Foundry, one that doesn't look like it's been updated for a while and this one https://sun-dragon-cult.github.io/  that is still getting updates.

The sun-dragon one is possibly the one being worked on by Chaosium based on the site saying "This is a community built Foundry VTT system that eventually (no set timeframe) will get Chaosium backed modules for the Starter Set etc. "  I'd be interested to know, if that's wrong and Chaosium is building a different one in-house.

So far, I've created a basic character and rolled a few dice but I am very new to Foundry, so I'd be hesitant to say I'd run a game using it.  I've grown accustomed to a lot of automation in Fantasy Grounds, and I'm not sure how much is in Foundry.  Should be interesting to find out.

The Sun Dragon Cult implementation is the one you want and the one I believe Chaosium are looking to provide Official content for.  

As for Foundry v Roll 20 I used both heavily with Call fo Cthulhu and Foundry wins hands down for me and my players preferred it.  Added to that I can self host games, the software is a one-off purchase and it has a lot of features that you have to pay for in Roll20 it's more cost effective (for me) as well.

Geoff has a point regarding stability but I think the issue is when you start using lots of modules (some of which can conflict with others).  So far (and I only use a handful of modules) I've had no issues in the last two of years.

And it's reasonably easy to jump in and start coding your own system and modules and there's a massively helpful community for giving advice on doing your own development.

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5 hours ago, Geoff R Evil said:

... Foundry ... in general has a nicer interface, roll20 is easier to use...

Could you say a bit more about this?
I usually consider "nicer interface" and "easier to use" as essentially the same thing...



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3 hours ago, Dangermouse said:

... And it's reasonably easy to jump in and start coding your own system and modules and there's a massively helpful community for giving advice on doing your own development.

I think this makes Foundry a nonstarter for me.
I already don't get enough time for my gaming; if I had to code as part of game-prep, I'd get in almost no actual playing!

C'es ne pas un .sig

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12 hours ago, g33k said:

Could you say a bit more about this?
I usually consider "nicer interface" and "easier to use" as essentially the same thing...



I work in SWsystems dev, so I can understand your confusion. Design has multiple effects, aesthetic pleasure, which is what foundry does, it’s a lovely User Interface compared to Roll20. However Roll20 has a simpler User Experience and is easier to use, but not so pretty. Whether that makes Foundry or Roll20 better is a user perspective, some trade aesthetics for simplicity, others vice versa. For a GM, as your later statement highlights, it can be a function of time and efficiency. Like you as a GM, despite my sw skills, I don’t want to spend time in any form of system setup and config. So I prefer to go on roll20. But as a player, I prefer foundry because someone else has dealt with that complexity so I just get to play in a pretty space. That said the Foundry dice roller is very poorly designed as a UX. multiple players trying to roll at the same time scrolls your modifiers interface up and potentially off the screen….really annoying. They need to fix a space for your dice roller config that does not scroll.

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15 hours ago, g33k said:

I think this makes Foundry a nonstarter for me.
I already don't get enough time for my gaming; if I had to code as part of game-prep, I'd get in almost no actual playing!

You don't need to code - there's loads of pre-built systems out there to use.  It's more you can if you want to.   I started playing with the Call of Cthulhu system then built one that wasnt available (anywhere that I could see) partly as an challenge to myself.

If you're interested in Foundry and want to see what it's like give me a shout and I'm sure I can host soemthing for you (a bit more tailored than you tube videos) 🙂


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On 2/10/2024 at 10:57 PM, g33k said:

I think this makes Foundry a nonstarter for me.
I already don't get enough time for my gaming; if I had to code as part of game-prep, I'd get in almost no actual playing!


I think a lot of this will depend on the system you are running.  I've never used Roll20 but have a fair bit of time and money invested in FG, and got Foundry to look into the Runequest development.  While there I looked at what other game systems where available, and I picked up Warhammer (I already have a load of CoC on FG which I think works really well).   I've installed some modules and done very minimal config, nothing I would class as coding, and I think apart from creating maps and adventures, I'm ready to go.  

So I'm really hoping that Runequest is as polished, and contains a similar level of automation.   

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You can code if you want to in Roll20 as well.  You just have to pay extra for the privilege of improving their property.

The only way I'd do that is if I was able to sell mods.  But Chaosium doesn't seem interested in being on the same level  as DnD on Roll20 except for some CoC. 

Players like simple interfaces AND cool looking.  Sucks we evidently have to choose only one or the other.  But Roll20 is getting there. I don't know where Foundry currently stands as I was put off by it not being simpler.

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I'm a Roll20 Pro subscriber, and I use the Mods system to automate the monsters in my 13th Age Glorantha game (ScriptCards), and to make setting conditions quickly and consistently (TokenMod). 

Otherwise the Transmogrifier is the Pro feature I use the most, because I can set up Library games for monsters, maps, etc., and keep my active games small & tidy. This used to be more important before they implemented more dynamic loading. 

For example, I have a 13G Library game with a complete bestiary ready to go. 

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On 2/11/2024 at 9:55 AM, g33k said:

Could you say a bit more about this?
I usually consider "nicer interface" and "easier to use" as essentially the same thing...



I found Roll20 a lot easier to just jump in and use.  They host the games so you don't have to worry about hosting the game on your own PC or renting a server from someone to run your game on. 

Foundry is more powerful and a good game implementation (like Warhammer) is a very slick experience and one that Roll20 cannot match.  Because of its capabilities and modular approach, Foundry has a steeper learning curve - if you are prepared to put the effort in you will get more out of it. Foundry seems to assume a fair bit of tech knowledge, certainly more than Roll20.  For sure the community is helpful but that's just a compensating mechanism for a pretty ordinary onboarding experience - you can just get going on Roll20 and are less likely to need to ask for help.  Roll20 did suffer from having a fairly dated interface - they have been updating that over the last 12m with noticeable improvement.

If there was a fully featured RQG module for Foundry I would probably put the effort in.  As there isn't, I use the fan made sheet on Roll20.  The absence of official support for Runequest is a shame.

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I never quite get the "Roll20" is simpler comment as both have nearly identical UIs. From a GM perspective there is the initial purchase and setup for Foundry which is more complex, but from a player perspective they are mostly the same with each having some areas they are better at in a small way. Some of that depends on the game system you're playing and how it was implemented in both.

@Geoff R Evil Regarding the dice in Foundry, the "Dice Tray" and "Dice so Nice" modules are a must for every game. Both are well supported. As for the scrolling, doesn't that affect Roll20 as well?


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I am looking at setting up Foundry VTT for my campaign. I was trying to find/  figure out how to add the sun dragon cult link from above and the required Wiki to the foundry. I tried searchign for premium content runequest, or wiki but was able to find exactly what I needed can anyone point me to where i can access that or add it to foundry? Thanks in advance. 

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5 hours ago, DFinan said:

I am looking at setting up Foundry VTT for my campaign. I was trying to find/  figure out how to add the sun dragon cult link from above and the required Wiki to the foundry. I tried searchign for premium content runequest, or wiki but was able to find exactly what I needed can anyone point me to where i can access that or add it to foundry? Thanks in advance. 

Click Game Systems then click Install System 


and paste  this link https://github.com/sun-dragon-cult/fvtt-system-rqg/releases/latest/download/system.json into the Manifest URL 


If this doesn't work there is another more manual way of doing it.

I am not sure why this buried under a tutorial https://foundryvtt.com/article/tutorial/



Edited by dvdmacateer
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6 hours ago, Ochoa said:

As a related thing, can anyone who's running RQG on Foundry invite me for a quick session so I can check it out personally and decide if I should switch?

I could show you the basics but I don't have time to setup a one shot on anything like that. 

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8 minutes ago, dvdmacateer said:

I could show you the basics but I don't have time to setup a one shot on anything like that. 

Oh man, thank you that would be more than enough, I just want to get a feel for the eventual investment given that it's a serious purchase due to exchange rates. 
Just enough to see how it works and get a sense of how it compares to Roll20 would be great!

Edited by Ochoa

Portfolio at www.juanochoa.co

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On 2/20/2024 at 11:13 PM, Ochoa said:

Oh man, thank you that would be more than enough, I just want to get a feel for the eventual investment given that it's a serious purchase due to exchange rates. 
Just enough to see how it works and get a sense of how it compares to Roll20 would be great!

I sent you  a message via your website.

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3 hours ago, dvdmacateer said:

I sent you  a message via your website.

Thank you!
I've been having a lot of spam through there lately and I sort of block erase.
ochoa dot juancarlos at gmail              works fine though

Portfolio at www.juanochoa.co

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