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Delta Green (playtest docs and KS)

K Peterson

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I'm usually late to these kinds of 'parties', but over the past month I've been getting more familiar with Arc Dream Publishing's Delta Green playtest docs. Last October, I downloaded the docs but never participated in their playtest and just stashed the files on OneDrive to be ignored. I dug them up recently and have been giving them more of a read-through. And tracked down more current versions that have incorporated changes.

I've got to admit: the changes they present to the CoC/BRP/d100 core are more exciting to me than others I've seen from a number of publishers over the past few years. They outshine the bloated and wayward mess that I've seen from CoC7e. I've actually taken them and started drafting up homebrew rules docs of my own as substitutions for how I run CoC in the 20s, 30s, and present day.

I'm anxiously awaiting ACP's DG Kickstarter. More than any KS I've contributed to over the past few years. I really hope it turns out to be a solid product.

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Here are a few I'll summarize:

Occupations play a more significant role in defining a starting agent's skill levels. They're kind of like a template that provide flat skill values (typically ranging between 30-60) based on the areas of proficiency that an occupation should have. There are still free skill points to spend (in blocks of 20) but they're more used to customize the character or potentially boost some skills to a mastery level. Some occupations will start with a larger group of skills than other occupations, but those occupations will typically have fewer Bonds. (These occupations are more demanding in terms of time or involvement which leads to fewer developed and maintained personal relationships).

Bonds are a mechanic that I think are fairly similar to Trail of Cthulhu's Pillars of Sanity. They're people in your life that you can lean on to help you get through stress and mental issues (basically resist outbreaks of insanity). They're a finite resource, though - the more you leverage them the more your relationship with them strains (the bond rating drops). Eventually Bonds can be broken, per se, leading to damaged relationships and a smaller support base for your agent to deal with crises. Bonds can be strengthened during a downtime phase (like between missions/adventures), raising their 'level' back up. (But that is a counterpoint to other activities you can perform during downtime, like training skills or studying Mythos tomes).

There are a lot of Unknown Armies-isms that have been incorporated. UA's crit/fumble system, getting hardened to violence/helplessness. A standard BRP framework is maintained, so these are just minor additions.

Combat is fleshed out to some degree, but still maintains some abstraction (which I like). Heavy weapons (including SMGs, assault rifles, grenades, etc.) have a Kill Rating - and Kill area-of-affect - the former being a percentage value. Percentile dice are rolled for damage with these types of weapons, and if the result falls under the Kill Rating, the target will die. (Except in situations where cover, visibility, or extensive armor is involved). If it's above the Kill Rating then the damage is equal to the total of the value on each dice - so, basically a 2d10 roll. 

I'll steal the vast majority of these rules for my CoC campaigns. I'm still a little up-in-the-air about UA-style crits/fumbles but I might still use them.


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I had a go at the playtest myself, and got in on a game run by someone else at a convention. I think there's some interesting stuff in there, although I'm reluctant to go with the Killing Damage type stuff unless I have a bag full of spare agents lying around, but as an implementation it was nice to see something more tailored specific to the setting.

I'm more likely to go with something like CoC 7e to be fair (which is far from a "bloated and wayward mess" in my view, but we all have our opinions), however I'm willing to give it a go as written and see what shakes out.  The thing is with any of these implementations, you're going to get a large amount of conflicting opinions from playtests, so it'll be nice to see the final result and look at how that works.  Individual Keepers the world over will tailor their games to their style, but it'd be cool if the finalised rules as written turn out to great for one off play so I can demo stuff at conventions.

I've been using Hot War for most of my Delta Green recently, which promotes conflicting agendas.  Looking forward to getting the players all back on the same side fighting the incomprehensible evil arrayed against mankind!

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The KS took a huge jump today with the new backer levels. I can't wait until these come out. I've reread Targets of Opportunity and Countdown several times and always find something i missed. Heck i like reading them just for the fiction. Now with all this new content, i can't give them my money fast enough... damn i'm excited for this!

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Agreed, they're a great read! The challenge was always getting some of that great content to the players without spoiling all the secrets, but giving enough cool stuff away at the same time. ;)

Running games where players are somewhat in the dark is always tricky. It's something I first realized when I was running Paranoia. I'd read this awesome adventure, and have it fall flat as the players were totally left out of the joke. 

The adventures for Delta Green are good at avoiding this. Even when the players never see the big picture, they are good at giving them lots of tangible moments where they brush right up against the Weird. They might not know exactly what is going on, but they always have something to react to. 

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