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Mediterraneo Mitico


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Hi, I'm a fan of RQ, CoC and BRP from Spain. My english conversation isn't enough fine, but I can read it quite well.

It's in spanish, indeed. Mediterráneo Mítico is a setting by the editor of the spanish version of RQ6.

Mythic Mediterrnean, but lots of history too. Year 350. b.C. Cultures: Scythians, Celts, Carthaginians, Nubians, Egyptians, Persians, Iberians, Greeks, Romans. Cults/brotherhoods like Homoioi, Wizards of Heliopolis, Inmortals, etc. The campaign is named "Destiny of Atlantis".

. http://runadigital.es/tienda/es/runequest/11-mediterraneo-mitico-pdf.html

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Got it! Great value or 2.99 dollars!

I don't really "know" Spanish but being Italian I can read it and understand it well enough - it's just slower reading. It's strange but it works, as I learned when I was doing my thesis and tried to read Spanish books for the first time.

I suppose we must thank the Romans for that! :D 

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6 minutes ago, smiorgan said:

Got it! Great value or 2.99 dollars!

I don't really "know" Spanish but being Italian I can read it and understand it well enough - it's just slower reading. It's strange but it works, as I learned when I was doing my thesis and tried to read Spanish books for the first time.

I suppose we must thank the Romans for that! :D 

All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, public health, and making it easier for you to read foreign role-playing supplements, what have the Romans ever done for us? ;)

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Move over citizen, these amphitheater seats belong to the Judean Peoples Front. Or is it the Peoples Front of Judea?....


Edited by Mankcam
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" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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In the age of the campaign the Judean Peoples Front is quite right! Rome wasn't a great power in that time, even it doesn't rule over all Italy. The time of "Mediterráneo Mítico" is a very interesting time, because there are a lot of cultures, very different cultures for playing: barbarian scythes or iberians, o civilised greeks. Persian and carthaginians have an empire, but the don't rule all the Mediterranean Sea. There are greek colonies and foreign cults (i love the carthaginian adoration of Moloch, a dark cult). The first adventure is set in Sicily, in that time a greek land. Then Egypt, then looking for the legendary Tharsis...

Maybe the staff of Runa Digital could make an english version. They translated the RQ6 to spanish.

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About my review: remember you can use the "Translate" button on the right margin. ;) 
When I finish my RQ6 campaign in Sengoku Japan, I'm looking forward to play the campaign "El destino de la Atlántida" ("The Fate of Atlantis") included in "Mediterráneo Mítico".
I just wish they had developed more the magic of the Persian empire and some other small details, but all in all, and it being a reward for the kickstarter campaign of the Spanish edition of RQ6, it's pretty good. Runa Digital also sent the backers a nifty map of the Mediterranean in 350 BC, with all the main towns of the different cultures, three runic dice and a block of RQ6 character sheets nicely laid out by a man called Pelayo.

Read my Runeblog about RuneQuest and Glorantha at: http://elruneblog.blogspot.com.es/

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On November 23, 2015 at 9:36:31 PM, smiorgan said:

Got it! Great value or 2.99 dollars!

I don't really "know" Spanish but being Italian I can read it and understand it well enough - it's just slower reading. It's strange but it works, as I learned when I was doing my thesis and tried to read Spanish books for the first time.

I suppose we must thank the Romans for that! :D 

So we can expect a transliteration to English in a week, and a full translation shortly after that? :D


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