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RQ Classic Update


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22 hours ago, Rick Meints said:

Please send the details of any damaged or missing items to customerservice@chaosium.com.


As a follow-up to this: I emailed 'customerservice' yesterday and got a response back that day. The shipper was notified of the mistake, and I told that the missing bundle was going to ship that day or the following day.

An applause to Chaosium for some quality customer service.

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4 hours ago, styopa said:

Still looking forward to seeing it arrive (USA, MN - hell, I could drive to Bang Printing in 4 hours....)

That's really bizarre that your books have not turned up 

I have had the book delivered two weeks ago, and I live in the state of Queensland (Australia). 

You would think if you live in Minnesota USA you would be among the first to receive the books.

I would be making some enquiries

Edited by Mankcam

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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Guest Vile Traveller
4 hours ago, styopa said:

Still looking forward to seeing it arrive (USA, MN - hell, I could drive to Bang Printing in 4 hours....)

Heh, if it's anything like the CoC print run the books probably passed through Hong Kong on their way to the USA before being sent back here. Globalisation, eh? ;)

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3 hours ago, Mankcam said:

That's really bizarre that your books have not turned up 

I have had the book delivered two weeks ago, and I live in the state of Queensland (Australia). 

You would think if you live in Minnesota USA you would be among the first to receive the books.

I would be making some enquiries

Mine has not shown up yet either, and have received no confirmation of shipment. California here. I'm assuming that the long weekends have delayed them a bit. 


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Well I never thought QLD Australia would be ahead of any deliveries in the USA...

Back in the 1980s I bought RQ2 brand new only to realise that a more recent edition (RQ3) was available in the USA (thanks to an ad in a fanzine for informing me!).

Different times we are living in...:-)

" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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I believe that they made some effort to get the packages to their respective distribution centers at something like comparable times, so that (e.g.) folks in Australia weren't ALL still waiting on a cargo-ship the week after the last USAian shipment had delivered...

Then there were various mess-ups, I think, with/by "Bang Printing" -- and suddenly the USAian shipments were lagging Canada & Australia (at least)...  Hence the weird USAian lags (such as my own).

Also, recall that the shipping-process isn't "we are shipping today" and by end-of-day everything is out the door.  They ship probably 100-200 packages per day (my own top-of-my-head guesstimate. based on  Kixto's commitment of 150/day)... and somebody may even be in-town with them and -- if near the end of the shipping-queue -- not get their package until very late in the process!

C'es ne pas un .sig

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My copy arrived yesterday on Cape Cod. It was well packed and looks wonderful, though it's a bit weird to see it without years of wear on it. I was in the cult of the cheapskate who just got the hardcover + GM shield, not any of the supplements if that makes any difference to anything.

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My status at Bang changed today from "Processed Pending" to "Processed Shipped Complete" -- with a link to USPS, which site confirms they have it in their hot little hands!  Or their big clumsy mitts, depending on your POV I guess; but the reports are all that the RQC packaging is exemplary, so I have no worries.

C'es ne pas un .sig

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Congrats Styopa!

I've been tracking via USPS shipping-number.  It appeared frustratingly-stopped in Iowa for some days.  Then suddenly everything broke loose, and within 24 hours I had 6 more notifications from 3 different post-offices, culminating in the notices that the local post-office had it "received, sorted" and now has it marked "out for delivery"!  (I conclude from the Iowa-to-California teleportation that USPS reports, that Des Moines doesn't (or at least didn't) do a proper departed-facility-scan, as done by all the other PO's that handled it -- it WASN'T "stopped," but in-transit).


C'es ne pas un .sig

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

A RuneQuest Classic update on Kickstarter—TLDR summary:
- editing is completed for Cults of Prax and Cults of Terror; CoP will be ready before November 20th, CoT the following week.
- editing almost completed for Pavis, followed by Big Rubble; intended for release in December.
- devising an economical solution for getting these printed AND for sale from all three of our main warehouses (US, UK, and Australia).
- RQ1 Playtest Manuscript and the Unpublished Manuscripts books are done, and mailouts will begin before the end of November.


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Hi MOB, I was wondering - did you complete getting Cults of Prax ready on schedule as it hasn't appeared in Backerkit yet.

Hope is all going well and pretty much on schedule.

Clearly, "what I like" is awesome, and a well-considered, educated opinion. While "what other people like" is stupid, and just a bunch of made up gobbledygoook. - zomben

Victor of the "I Bought, We Won"

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Vile Traveller

Well, Cults of Prax made it into 2016! The PDF looks good and crisp. I look forward to hearing more about printed versions. Although I backed at Shaman level (i.e. PDF only), I also got a hardback of the rulebook as an add-on and I'm tremendously impressed with the physical quality of the book. I hope the dead tree supplements will be of the same standard when they appear in the shops.

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