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New pavis big rubble books


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4 hours ago, Iskallor said:


<Drools harder>

Though I admit surprise; I'd have though HQ (or trying the dual or even triple stat thing) would be worth a shot, particularly under Mr.Laws' war-banner... 😉


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1 hour ago, Addison said:

I keep asking for a road map to no avail. I think there was a post somewhere saying that they'd rather not disappoint by creating expectations/timeframes that may not be met. But still...

I saw a pretty big list of projects / plans / etc that Jason (iirc) gave out in a seminar at one of the earlier summer 'cons...  @Dymbid was the poster iirc.

That was only a couple of months ago, and was YEARS of publications.  I doubt the overall shape or scope has changed much since then!


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Also sometimes stuff changes...  FrEx, Jeff mentioned that the Gods book jumped way ahead when, in a frenzy of creative inspiration from cult-writeups for earlier books, he moved straight into the other Cults, months ahead of schedule.  So that one may have bumped up-schedule, while other(s) may have bumped down-schedule.  Some freelancers turn in work needing minimal edits, far ahead of schedule.  Others not so much.  Etc Etc Etc.  Crative stuff is hard to assembly-line.  :)

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1 hour ago, g33k said:

I saw a pretty big list of projects / plans / etc that Jason (iirc) gave out in a seminar at one of the earlier summer 'cons...  @Dymbid was the poster iirc.

That was only a couple of months ago, and was YEARS of publications.  I doubt the overall shape or scope has changed much since then!


Could you share?

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1 hour ago, Addison said:

Could you share?

It was posted here on BRPCentral by user Dimbyd, IIRC, I don't have a copy.  I didn't save the link, but the search shouldn't be too onerous.


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On August 4, 2018 at 5:26 PM, g33k said:

<Drools harder>

Though I admit surprise; I'd have though HQ (or trying the dual or even triple stat thing) would be worth a shot, particularly under Mr.Laws' war-banner... 😉


Now that RQ stat locks have things like passions and runes, you can eyeball them for HQ inspiration n the fly with little trouble.  I also think it makes sense as HQ already has an excellent Pavis book in the can, and the spelunking in the Big Rubble is a very RQ passtime. 

I do hope that the long  spoken of Nochet/Esrola book comes out yet for HQ though, even though it may well be sucked into the business decisions gravity well of the financial success of RQG.

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1 hour ago, JonL said:

Now that RQ stat locks have things like passions and runes, you can eyeball them for HQ inspiration n the fly with little trouble.  I also think it makes sense as HQ already has an excellent Pavis book in the can, and the spelunking in the Big Rubble is a very RQ passtime. 

I do hope that the long  spoken of Nochet/Esrola book comes out yet for HQ though, even though it may well be sucked into the business decisions gravity well of the financial success of RQG.

There is also the issue of HQ's simpler system being more amenable to being "eyeballed on the fly" from published-as-RQ rules, than vice versa...

I'd still like to see them try a dual-stat supplement...


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While I want everything right now, I am much happier to get high quality products as they come out, than crappy things on time.  as I basically want it all, order is not as important. ( other than troll pack which should be at the top of the list).  So as order changes I will survive, as long as something comes out from time to time.

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13 hours ago, g33k said:

There is also the issue of HQ's simpler system being more amenable to being "eyeballed on the fly" from published-as-RQ rules, than vice versa...

Right, it makes sense, especially for something like Big Rubble.

Something I do lament though about supplements being moved into the RQ column, even as i respect the business logic of it, is that word-count/page-space that goes into all those stat blocks etc. is space in the book that might otherwise go to more info about the setting & how to use it in your game. We inevitably end up with less qualitative info to make room for the quantitative, or the pricepoint climbs along with the page count.

13 hours ago, g33k said:

I'd still like to see them try a dual-stat supplement...

While I have yet to see a dual statted game book that didn't end up rather awkward in implementation, something I would appreciate going forward is forward is for books that come out for either system that introduce new cults to put the crunchy bits for the other system in an appendix. I also would be keen on systemless setting books that are accompanied by small PFD/POD pieces that have system notes for RQ, HQ, or even 13thAiG.

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4 minutes ago, JonL said:

Something I do lament though about supplements being moved into the RQ column, even as i respect the business logic of it, is that word-count/page-space that goes into all those stat blocks etc. is space in the book that might otherwise go to more info about the setting & how to use it in your game. We inevitably end up with less qualitative info to make room for the quantitative, or the pricepoint climbs along with the page count.

Me too. I understand the business logic behind targeting RGQ, but I feel sad about the space for stats that could have been used for more background/story/etc. Still looking forward to the books though, don't get me wrong.

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On 8/7/2018 at 3:05 AM, g33k said:

There is also the issue of HQ's simpler system being more amenable to being "eyeballed on the fly" from published-as-RQ rules, than vice versa...

I'd still like to see them try a dual-stat supplement...


This is the thing for me, though one of the main points of HQ2 was getting rid of stats for NPCs and monsters entirely. In fact even running straight HQ2/HQG I get an awful lot more information, ideas and support for doing that from an RQ stat block than I ever get in a HQ supplement. I find most of the opposition in the HQ Glorantha supplements very vague and bland because you don't even get much in the way of help in narrating them. Compare the Dancer in Darkness stats in the Sartar campaign book to their equivalent stat block in Tales of the Reaching Moon. I've got a much better chance of running an exciting and interesting encounter with one of them in HQ after reading their RQ stats. That's not because I'm in any way running RQ with the HQ mechanics, it's just that at least from the RQ stats I get some clues as to what kinds of threat they pose and what kinds of tactics they might be vulnerable to even just as flavour.

Coming Storm/Eleven Lights were pretty good in this regard IIRC.

Edited by simonh

Check out the Runequest Glorantha Wiki for RQ links and resources. Any updates or contributions welcome!

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The new RuneQuest books will not be dual-statted. Neither Robin or I think anything needs to be dual-statted for HQ, as we both are of the opinion that if you understand the HQ rules, you can run any scenario designed for another rule system.

And as a general rule, I dislike dual-statted books on principle.


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2 hours ago, simonh said:

This is the thing for me, though one of the main points of HQ2 was getting rid of stats for NPCs and monsters entirely. In fact even running straight HQ2/HQG I get an awful lot more information, ideas and support for doing that from an RQ stat block than I ever get in a HQ supplement. I find most of the opposition in the HQ Glorantha supplements very vague and bland because you don't even get much in the way of help in narrating them. 

You make an excellent point. Reading the RQG core rulebook and bestiary, I'm learning a huge amount of things about how various magical effects and monster attacks are supposed to actually work. For one example, I finally understood what a thunderstone is supposed to do. Sometimes in HQG supplements I've been baffled about what a keyword really means. I haven't yet gotten around to reading The Coming Storm and The Eleven Lights to see how this is handled there.

I realise that I'm partially (totally?) contradicting my earlier response.

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4 hours ago, Jeff said:

Neither Robin or I think anything needs to be dual-statted for HQ, as we both are of the opinion that if you understand the HQ rules, you can run any scenario designed for another rule system.

I mostly agree. The area where I feel it doesn't quite hold would be new cults. The Lay-Member/Initiate/(RuneLevel/Devotee) breakpoints don't quite map the same way between the two games. The "special rune spells" in RQ cults are often good signposts, but it's not always obvious to someone only casually familiar with RQ which ones are a Big Deal vs merely something they're good at.

A good GM with a solid handle on the lore could wing it, sure, but for a previously unseen cult it would really be helpful to have the half-page or so of  "Initiates of this cult can use these runes like this, but not in these other ways. Here are some example devotee-level feats, that are also an implicit ceiling on what initiates can do." guidance available somewhere, whether in an appendix, a separate download, or what have you.

(WRT this particular case HQ is already quite well served by P:GtA - thanks for that. 😊)

4 hours ago, Jeff said:

The new RuneQuest books will not be dual-statted. 

And as a general rule, I dislike dual-statted books on principle.

They're so often awkwardly done and full of design compromises, just "Uggh." I'm very happy that one of the upshots of electronic publishing has been enabling  publishers to do "Cool Setting Guide, available in FATE, Savage Worlds, and 5e editions!" with several weeks to a few months of extra effort rather than years. (To be clear, I'm not suggesting that approach here. 😅 ) 

The one multi-system approach I did like was how Adkison did The Primal Order, with the main text all self-referential with meta-mechanics, and then implementation notes for various systems in the appendix. That was genuinely useful. I happened to get into a Chaldea game Peter was running at last year's Gen Con, and when I pulled out my copy of WOC0001 for an autograph, he was so delighted to see it he came around the table (with clear consent on my part) gave me a hug & a kiss on the cheek as well. 🤭 

Hmm, now I'm wondering about using TPO with RQ for a Hero/Superhero/Demigod-level game. 😈

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2 hours ago, Jeff said:

The new RuneQuest books will not be dual-statted. Neither Robin or I think anything needs to be dual-statted for HQ, as we both are of the opinion that if you understand the HQ rules, you can run any scenario designed for another rule system.

And as a general rule, I dislike dual-statted books on principle.


TYVM for the making this clear, Jeff!  And to be clear in turn -- I wouldn't expect a "RQG" book to be dual-statted.  If Chaosium is disinclined to the experiment, that's a choice I can respect -- I recognized it AS an experiment (and remain curious about the outcome, at least hypotheticaly -- but its your folks' bread and butter (and mortgages, and healthcare, etc) ) .

I just wondered if y'all could get to all 3 audiences (RQ players, HQ players, 13G players -- admitting there is some overlap!  but does anyone know how much???   I'd think this would be something you'd really like to know, business-wise... ) with a book including all 3 systems' crunch, alongside the story/fluff/etc parts of an adventure or campaign.

= = =

What would you think of small / pure-crunch supplements for published books?  e.g. ComingStorm/ElevenLights:RQG-Crunch (and ComingStorm/ElevenLights:13G-Crunch) -- just the stat-blocks, spells, etc for each system, to accompany the excellent stories/etc in the campaigns (ditto SKoH & SC, and so forth); and HQ + 13G Crunch-packs for the new GM Screen Pack campaign/adventure material) etc etc etc...


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