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Everything posted by Chaot

  1. Slow trickle is fine with me. When I introduce people to the system though, I get a better response when the system is actually in print. This is why I now play 'Magic World' instead of 'Elric!'.
  2. By the by, Ben just posted over at RPGNet. WM looks like it will be fine.
  3. Funnily enough, I was looking around at some of these ogl type things. I think GORE actually comes closest to what I play at home. I've been playing with some radical revisions to some magic systems. Maybe I should just rewrite it from the ground up. If the system I use is going to go away I will want some resources out there.
  4. By the way, I do want to offer a very heartfelt congratulations to Pete, Loz and the good people at DM. This change is pretty huge and you've got some exciting times ahead. I do wish you all the best with it. Please don't forget us MW folk in your future plans. Edit: I meant MD. DM and MD team up!
  5. That's great stuff! I agree Colin is awesome. It's funny but when I say his name in my head it's Colin-a-Brett, much like Jhary-a-Conel
  6. Over at YogSothoth they are saying that monographs are dead.
  7. I don't want to be reactionary but I will be extremely disappointed if they phase out BRP. Extremely.
  8. You are absolutely right! It was in both Elric! and Stormbringer5, which is where most MW rules came from. It looks like Ben dropped them. Over all, I think that's a good move. They served a purpose but I'm not sure I know anyone who ever used them.
  9. Great stuff so far, a few additions. There are definitely more than one attack allowed per round! At skill 101% you can split your attacks. Each attack has to have at least 50% in it. Edit: bah. rsandford already pointed that out. Good on you rsandford, I failed my Search roll. As written, there are actually two parts to the combat phase. Actions are declared according to INT rank then resolved according to DEX rank. It let's smarter characters kind of see what's coming.
  10. Nice find. I look forward to diving into it. I hope the execution is as good as the premise.
  11. It seems that I've hit some sort of block on Deep Magic. I've got an outline and some other scribbling down but I need to flesh it out a bit. So, I might jump over to building a better demon or the runically prepared wizard.
  12. This year was going to be the year I headed to GenCon, but things got complicated again so I won't be there. If you are looking for people to run next year I should hopefully be around.
  13. I'm terrible at play by post. Skype/google groups is an option though.
  14. Sounds like fun. What did you have in mind? I can share the resources and sources that I've used here and walk through some methods that I use (not that they are anything fancy).
  15. I started this, had a few players over this weekend. I threw out my preplanning and had the players randomly roll 4 creatures with their professions. The player choose one to play as a main character and one as an ally, the remaining two were enemies. The players made sense of the rolls, creating a light backstory on how their ally and enemies fit in together. In the process we created a city-state, located on a coast and a hub of trade. The city-state of Erk has recently been conquered and occupied by serpent-people. Things are looking gloomy for the inhabitants even though the population for the most part are trying to proceed with business as usual. There is a religious purge going on and outsiders are starting to plot different trade routes. There are dissident kobolds on the outskirts of the city who are actively working to overthrow the serpent-people. Sadly, their approach includes indiscriminate attacks and so they have not been able to win over the affection of the Erkians. As I said above, most of my games are heavily human centric. This one is decidedly not. In fact, I made it unlikely that a player would roll up a human. We have a two city dwellers and a wilderness type. The wild guy is an ogre who hunts in the areas outside of the city-state. Our other to players are a goblin (think Labrynth) who works as an exchequer accountant, the other a lamia doctor. This session saw the creation of 3 PCs and 9 NPCs. In addition, I quietly rolled up 4 characters as well, so I guess it really makes it 13 NPCs. I chalk it up as a success and am looking forward to how it shapes up.
  16. I really like the Witchcraft monologue. Lots of great things in there.
  17. I understand and am largely the same way. In general, I want a world that's lightly brushed out and leaves a lot to be decided in real time. I want the feel to be there without all of the details. Others like delving into that stuff, which is good. I'm going to end up forgetting half of it anyway!
  18. I really like this and am going to use it. I will probably increase it 1 point instead of 1d4.
  19. Yeah, that's where the Green came from. Good stuff in there. It's always nice to start new though and I'd be interested in doing some stuff on your project. There was yet another shared worlds bro project that was held over at Zunder's Tavern. It resulted in Gwenthia.
  20. That was incredibly nice of you to say, thank you. You're obviously an individual of taste and refinement! Ravenloft was fun and I was sad when it stopped. I lost players to Texas and started a new job so I laid off a bit. I didn't mention it but I like Heroic Vitality too. There certainly both worthy concepts to pursue. Good stuff.
  21. I love Cities. I would love to see something like Cities expanded to handle nations and campaigns.
  22. Sometimes organizations need something like this. I am very excited to see how the whole thing plays out. I'm hoping that we see The Chaosium have a bit of a renaissance.
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