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Everything posted by Chaot

  1. I dig what you're doing a lot, especially the part of seperating Luck and Pow. You've broken it down into some nice options and have a solid way of determining the Fate stat. I also agree that there's a place for inflated hit points/heroic vitality. Well done. I'm going to file this away to possibly use a springboard for some of my own house rules.
  2. Up until last year all of my roleplaying was face to face. While I was running BRP Ravenloft I decided to hybridize, buying a nice camera and mic so that it was easy to see and hear people at the table while a few people called in through google. Over all I would rate it as a success and while I still prefer seeing people seated at my table it is a nice compromise. Everybody has to wear pants though. (The equivalent of pants are acceptable.) For years it was pencil, paper, books and dice. Now laptops and ipads are showing up. I use an ipad for my rules books now, which feels odd. I don't use online software though.
  3. If you want, I've a long standing house rule that splits damage bonus into Brawn and Finesse. Brawn is figured as normal, Str+Siz and is used for big weapons. Finesse is Str+Dex and is used for light weapons. Works great and encourages fighters that are just big brutes.
  4. I'll post some stuff from my long running Elric! game. I've got to track them down first. They've been mislaid in a move. Shameful, I know.
  5. Good for you. I've been planning on attending Gencon for the last two years. I really thought this year was it but again it seems that something came up. Good luck and enjoy. If it turns out that I do attend I'll be sure to sign up.
  6. Are there any wee beasties included? Toads or owlets or other familiar fodder? Do we have cats? Please let us have cats.
  7. If it were me I would put it in as a skill rather than tie it to POW, specifically because I use POW for luck rolls. I agree that both methods have merit.
  8. This could be modeled with a specialty skill like 'Perform Impossible Feat of Strength' xx%. It depends how loose you want to run.
  9. I think one of the challenges you might run into is that really high powered BRP hasn't been uniformly thought out. You'll have to experiment a little to get the feeling you want. Off the top of my head I would peg the stats of Hercules level heroes between 20 and 80 for exceptional stats mixed in with stats more in line with the normal human range of the rest. One place you might actually want to look at is SuperWorld. I would also consider taking a look at Charles Green's Focus Skills. They are in the Gods of Law monograph and do a wonderful job of providing unique high powered abilities.
  10. This sounds like it was a fantastic game. I should pull out the old Dreamland books again and run something like this.
  11. Gods of Law was a monograph that is now available as a free pdf. I highly recommend Virtues and Focus Skills from it. Contrivances from Corum were mentioned, I would also recommend the other systems from that book. Chaotic Melds are awesome and they play with the Chaos Allegiance in a cool way too. There are small sections like Elemental Tattoos, Fetishes. Their summoning pact rules are top notch.
  12. I'm almost positive that was on the chaosium digest...
  13. So emulation or booting windows are my choices, right? You need a copy of windows to use WINE, don't you? I forget. It's been years since I've looked at it.
  14. Excellent. I'm really happy that there's so much interest in moding this magic system. I never thought it got the attention it deserved when it came out in the Unknown East. I also feel that it can really use the tweaking.
  15. To piggy back, is there a viewer for mac users?
  16. I too usually only use skill checks in very stressful situations and view a score between 20% and 30% as proficient. Even if a character starts of completely oblivious with a 5% Insight skill, they are bound to increase that quickly with a little practice.
  17. Honestly, I just selected it because it's light and I've used it before so it needn't take up much of my brain space. I hadn't even thought about incorporating netbooks. I'm also adding in a skilled based magic system too but haven't settled between the stripped down one in the BGB or the expanded Classic Fantasy one.
  18. The one from the Big Gold Book. I find it nice and low key. Only a handful of powers but it covers what a psychic character needs.
  19. Thanks for that. It's time I pick up Monster Island. I had forgotten about it. As far as combat styles, they are found throughout the books, right? Sometimes under culture, sometimes under professions and sometimes under NPCs? Edit: Happy freaking birthday to me! I just went over to Drivethru only to see that I've already bought the thing! I swear, my memory stinks.
  20. I don't see it as knocking, I was just interested in hearing about your view point. In my own games I generally pull in other magic systems as well. For example, I'll be starting up a Magic World game soon and I plan on including Psychic Powers and Focus Skills amongst other things. I've pulled systems from other games in the past as well. It's one of the nice things about BRP. It's so modular. For the purpose of this thread though I plan on sticking with the published systems and trying to do everything as by the book as I can. Sorry this thread has lain fallow. I promise to get back to it.
  21. The sorcery spells in Magic World? What didn't you like about them?
  22. Just wondering. I want to use them in an upcoming game and while we can make them up I would love a list.
  23. I really love Wil Wheaton
  24. I think there's some discussion out there. A few reviews wouldn't hurt. If people are interested in an organized campaign it's certainly something that's not out of consideration. Myself, I have loose plans to do a read through of Magic World and Advanced Sorcery over at RPGNet. People have expressed interest in something like that. I was waiting for summer to hit though, as I have more time free then. I may shortly be doing an actual play for Magic World as well. I'm putting together a small group as we speak, but it probably won't manifest for a few weeks because of previous plans. The way I look at it is, this whole thing is a hobby that I like talking about. If it helps sell more books, that's great. If it brings more people to the system, that's great. Those results are not necessarily my end goal though. My end goal is playing and talking about playing.
  25. I too stand impressed at the shear amount of material you produce tooley1chris! Downloaded but haven't had a chance to read yet.
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