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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Sorry, TotRM Tales of the Reaching Moon. GtG Guide to Glorantha. Below are great links for finding more info. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/ https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/ https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page
  2. Like Mr. Square deal said, Trade. We use Rollo (Trade Talk 12 p.13) as a trader who circumnavigates the Bay and does an occasional route along the Caladraland Coast. We also liked the Seapollis scenario in TotRM 16, the PC guard an envoy from X going to Seapolis. Huts of Darkness which is a little east for you but it's good fun. (TotRM 09 p.20). If you are looking at fire we have a set of orphaned Agimori who grow up civilized, one ends up being an Emali Acolyte and the other finds his roots with Lodri, takes them to Vent and all the associated fire cult goings on there. The trade associated with the Caprati and du Tumerine families created by MOB in TotRM 13 brings all sorts of reasons to travel west along the cost. Beyond the Building Wall was also quiet memorable for us though its a bit east and north from Caladraland, TotRM 13 p.44. Good fun is to be had at Fay Jee as a trade stop. There is a good bit of detail in Blood Over Gold: The Trader Princes of Maniria (2007). https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/caladraland/ and links associated will get you more info as well. Additionally there is all sorts of shenanigans going on with the battles being fought, see the clip for the GtG VOL2 though again a bit east and north of say vent...
  3. So might we say the Rathori of Yellow Bear Hills speak Jonating with some influence of the their old Hsunchen Yellow Bear dialect? Curious if we would see any Theyalan language influences mixed in from areas east of those regions speaking Jonating or is the main Jonating language a dialect of Theyalan? (We might just say that is the case and give anyone from Yellow Bear Hills a 1/3 their standard Theyalan ability or something like that as it will be easier for the PC's to converse.) Would we assume any conversation between Elves and Rathori would be in Trade Talk?
  4. Curious what the Hsunchen language spoken by the Rathori of Yellow Bear Hills would be? Would it be understood partly at a percentage in surrounding areas such as Jonatela? Would the Hsunchen Yellow Bear dialect be partly understood by other Bear Hsunchens (are there others) around Glorantha such as the case with the Basmoli language having changed but still partly understood in far reaching areas? Ralios and Prax Basmoli could understand one another whereas the Basmoli in more civilized areas of Ralios have given up their language for the more civilized tongues. Reading this in Glorantha Genertela Crucible of the Hero Wars p.34 So what languages does Harrek speak? Rathori Hsunchen, New Pelorian, Caremnian, Trade Talk, possibly Theyalan?
  5. Just did my first search in the Queen of Cities PDF. Very happy that the Caprati's were included! The main Vigan PC in our campaign is daughter to one of the early unnamed Caprati's in Nochet. She was married off to the Erol of Backford but kept her mother's name which was part of the arrangement. The Caprati and du Tumerine families These two families were created by MOB and first appeared in Tales of the Reaching Moon #13. Their background there did not fit with the development of Nochet as discussed by Jeff, MOB, and myself, but I still felt there was a natural place for them in Nochet. We used the Caprati extensively and even had a sidekick halfling (yes they had them in RQ3) who was acting as known agent of the PC's sponsor, the Caprati...
  6. If we add a river flowing through the Redstone Caverns then you'd have, wait for it... All kidding aside the Redstone Caverns (Troll Pack p.41) with an integrated river would be quite the fit. We'll need to figure out how the river runs through, maybe at the lower levels but it might add an interesting twist to run it a bit higher through the complex? We'll need some cross sections... Thanks Jaja!
  7. I know this is way late for this 2019 thread but isn't there a Hero Quest scenario where there is a wedding ceremony and a giant battle worn shield comes from the sky and cuts the groom in half and buries itself some 20-30' into the ground... some god was fighting in the sky or something like that...
  8. Looking to set the scenario Beast of Gren Dahl Moor from TT 01 p.36, thinking it'd be either near the Blackwind Marsh or possibly Bottomland Marsh. Substituting moors with marsh... Does anyone know of a map that has some of the smaller towns southwest of Smithstone on them west of Karse? Easy enough to make something up but if it's out there already it would be nice to know. Also is the black dot with the arrow near it Grotto Exit, is that the Styx Grotto exit? Are there any existing sceneries related to the Shadow Plateau out there?
  9. Has anyone used The Crystal Egg of the True King in their campaigns? It's supposed to be in Dragon's Eye but may be fun for the PC's to find it... It sort of fits into the Six Seasons - Company of the Dragon as a substitute for the cylinder in the EWF Temple which it seems, doesn't have an explanation besides its a crystalline cylinder the size of a medium amphora with gray metal caps in which swirls a weird green-blue light
  10. To be honest I am looking for a place to locate the Impenetrable Shield of Kiahn which was lost on the way to new Crystal City from Nochet - the shield has rested there near the Haunted Lands, on the road between the cities of New Crystal and Nochet which in my YGWV view puts it in Elmalvo... Close to New Crystal City, within a hex away still gives options. Placing it on the east side of the Runnel would have the ruins potentially filled with debris from the making of the New River.
  11. I've been looking more into the area near New Crystal City, specifically for the Ruins of Elmalvo. I was thinking to place the ruins where the Runnel and New Rivers meet but am not sure. Does anyone have a more detailed map of the area southwest of New Crystal City and placement of Elmalvo? Additionally I am thinking to use old Constantinople with something like the the hagia Sophia for the crystal center city? https://glorantha.fandom.com/wiki/Elmalvo
  12. I recall sitting in another Greg's basement about 40 years ago with our PC's standing in some dry dusty grassland (must have been Prax but we didn't know what that was) being lanced by Tuskers as they rode to and fro through our group and we could do nothing to stop them. We were in bad straights. Missile weapons spent... Then of course someone was able to pick up a rock and a special roll to the head of the Tusker leader took him off his mount which somehow turned on him and began eating him. The other Tusk Riders saw this and fled. There was no looking back, I still don't like Warren Zevon so much due to over play... If this other Greg's older brother hadn't gone and purchased RQ we'd not be here today. Dragon 040.
  13. Shadows in Pavis p.40 has a pretty detailed scenario with a Hero Quest of sorts at Dwarf Knoll.
  14. We are also interested, good questions... we are starting in 1600 and so this is perfect. A few other Pavis questions, what year is the Shadows of Pavis based 1613? What year was "old" Pavis actually completed, guessing like 850 or 855? Twenty or so years would seem normal/minimal to finish such a massive project? Additionally are there will there be scenarios that link us or take one north and west of Pavis, say Where the Rock Speaks or Indagos possibly? Lastly the first release is at electrum now. Is there any update on when it might be POD? Thank you Mr. Thomson!
  15. So which side would win and what would the casualties be on each side? I suppose I could use the matrix provided in Company of the Dragon to estimate? Oh, our campaign will use the Sliver Shields extensively as antagonists from the Sartar Invasion onward. Are there any famous kopis and who, namely, would have them... scimitars are more the Lunr style but... Thanks again!
  16. $65 on amazon for a used copy. We had loads of fun in that book. Couple that with the River of Cradles as a prequel, (ouch its like $125) along with Borderlands & Beyond, the Big Rubble the Sand Heart series and you have a great campaign, loads of scenarios should run a few years. Don't forget Shadows on the Borderlands as its when things got really good! I'd say it's worth picking it/them up... even if to just replay for the memories, good stuff.
  17. I was reading from TotRM 17 IIRC and so it is dated of course. I was looking for thoughts that if an equal company of both were to fight what the outcome might be as the Hell Sisters were potentially being magically potent? Is AaEoDP canon, just curious as if it's on the Drive Through I assumed not? Very nice work BTW.
  18. So when the Black Horse Troop fight the Hell Sisters, I am thinking both have the same or similar mounts and the Hell Sisters are witches of some magical potency are they able to overcome the Black Horse Troop as they are less magical in nature, the Black Horse Troop horseman that is or are they Hero Questers and this fight would be epic in battle/weaponry but also magical in nature? This is the only post I saw with Hell Sister and rather than add a new thread it seemed appropriate to add... Have they ever been in on opposing side in a battle and has anything been written on it?
  19. I had seen that a while back and so the question... thanks Jaja. Heortland & Hendrikland sourcebook by Harald Smith. Manuscript was accepted in 2022 (@jajagappa 25 April 2023)
  20. Jaja IIRC had you planned on a Heortland book of some sort or is that wishful thinking on my part? Any info on that being released if it is in the works? Realize you are catching your breath from Nochet but still hungry for Heortland material as would be others looking to the Plateau as a homeland for PC's, especially if they are Esvularian.
  21. LOl, that is beyond my Gloranthian Lone skill level!
  22. So it's like Feroda in a way, sludged in or maybe Sog's Ruins? Is there a map of Sog's Ruins anywhere? Was it the great flood that swamped Miskos as well as Sog's Ruin and Feroda?
  23. The location of the Great Wheel House in the Green Age is known per the map in Esrolia: The Land of Ten Thousand Goddesses p.27. If we assume that its still there but underground, straight south of Orlanth's House it may be found or likely excavated and its secrets unlocked?
  24. Miskos once lay at the mouth of the Syphon River, it was abandoned due to unknown circumstances. It's not on contemporary maps... What happened there? Did something terrible come from the Bay and carry off the population? Beasts from the Sea? Videli slavers? Plague? Why isn't there any reporting of what happened or is there and its been covered up? Does the LM Temple have hidden documents in the restricted section? Have any LM sages done reconstruction and kept it a secret or only revealed it to their patrons? Did the Erol of backford have his militia march on the town and torch it and if so why? Maybe the residents upset Belintar and he closed the town or cursed those who lived there? Are its ruins currently occupied by bandits or worse?
  25. From Jaja, better in this Thread: The head would be stone. But could have copper skull/jaws/teeth within... Don't forget patrols from the Stone Wood guarding its borders. Anything with a Movement Rune is likely considered a disruption to the powers of Stasis within. (Also, in my vision of Heortland, as you get closer to the Stone Wood, and definitely within, Time changes and slows. What feels like minutes is hours, days, or even weeks - hence one of the reasons Chaos can't easily come spewing down the Syphon valley. It affects anyone venturing in from the other side too.) Gargoyles are a definite presence. Earth creatures that can turn one into stone may also be present (though likely within the wood itself). But if you encounter stone statues... (gargoyles? humans transformed???). 😉 I would fully expect that Dwarfs do not touch (and may also oppose) intervention in the Stone Woods as it: 1) is a "living" part of Stone, Mostal's brother; 2) is one of the few places that has retained the true nature of Stone; 3) it keeps Chaos at bay. This is great stuff, add a few Chaos tunneling crabs and the mining fun begins!
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