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Everything posted by ORtrail

  1. I dunno, sounds like a 3 month paid vacation. I do get having to spend carefully though, the wife has not worked in almost seven months due to health issues. Your pain is the gaming communities gain -if you spend that free time wisely.
  2. Okay, thanks for the responses. A cheap eReader in the B&W Nook and down the road I'll look at getting a tablet of some sort for better PDF use, web browsing, video, music, etc. I really like the eInk screen, and battery life that you count in days, of the basic Nook rather than the rather power hungry Nook Color anyway. As much as I like the smell of ink and dead trees, I can see the future of gaming being PDFs and tablets.
  3. Okay, kinda still on topic: What about eReaders? I'm looking at getting a Nook in the next week or so. Probably the first Nook, as it's on sale now that the new Nook Touch is out. I have been tempted by the Nook color, but it's right at the edge of what I wanted to spend for an eReader at $250. I'm thinking I'd rather get the B&W Nook at $120 and spend the rest on books (a Chaosium purchase or two of course) and Child of Eden for the Kinect. Any suggestions, feedback or advice is welcome. I understand that PDF support is problematic on the older Nook, but really I want a book reader first and any extras are just a bonus.
  4. Between the Hoops of Gamma World, GURPS Bunnies & Burrows, and the occasional mutant jackrabbit of the TMNT RPG there is a soft spot in my heart for fluffy and deadly. These Fluffs would fit right into a post-holocaust or Supers type of setting (which is how you seem to have written them up).
  5. Nice work, but now you need to stat up a typical Predator alien. Then detail a battle between.... Xenomrph vs Predator! The Predator vs Guvernator is optional.
  6. The spirit of the BGB is to use what you like, or modify to taste, IMHO. In almost every BRP game I've played (except Runequest 2 back in the day) we've had it stripped down to 'Hit, Miss, Critical at 10% or less, and Fumble on 99 (for skills under 50%) or 00 (for skills at 50% or better). Granted this as for games like Hawkmoon, WoW Super World, and some homebrew time/dimensional travel and pulp heroes stuff and with players new to the "Chaosium system". Once you get the 10% idea, no matter how you modify a roll, the players understood what they needed for a critical success. No looking at charts or tables. Of course we went with "double damage, no armor" for a critical success, so even tough enemies were left hurting rather quickly. As long as everyone understands and is cool with the agreed upon rules, you should be fine handling things as you want.
  7. I like how Warlords of Alexander managed to create some differences among the various types of Greeks. For example: Spartan Hard, uncivilised, brutal and fierce Bonus: +1 CON Dialect of Greek: Doric Starting Skill: Dagger Thessalian Lovers of open spaces and horses Bonus: +1 DEX Dialect of Greek: Aetolian Starting Skill: Ride Characters got a 30% bonus to their starting skill, though you might go with a couple skills at +20% instead?
  8. Thanks for the link. It worked fine for me in with both IE 8 and Chrome. You might try clearing your cache and cookies Skyman.
  9. I took a quick glance at the BGB, I don't see anything about Smash attacks. Does it cover them at all? Anyway, the details about Smash attacks, from the DW article: Starting ability with a Smash attack is 10% (I house-ruled this to 25%), and it can be increased either in creation of the character or through experience like any other skill. Roll 1D6 for every 5 SIZ points of the attacker or fraction thereof to determine the damage to the target. Characters with a SIZ of 1 or less do not get this damage. Roll 1D6 for every 10 SIZ points of the attacker for damage to the attacker. In addition, a character using Flight may add 1D6 for every 3 levels of Flight he has over the minimum necessary for flying; a character using Speed may add 1D6 for every level of Speed he has. In both cases this damage applies both to attacker and target. Unlike all other forms of attack, a character may make a full move and then strike with a smash. A character must move at lesat 4m in a straight line for every 1D6 of damage done in a smash. There is some room here for interpretation, but Smash attacks are more intended for last ditch/desperate attacks most of the time, IMHO. Oh, I house-ruled a fumbled Smash attack as doing full damage to the attacker alone, with a Dodge roll to take half damage instead. There are those fumble charts in the BGB, so you might want to look at using those. Imagine smashing into an ally during a battle? Whoops! Anyway, I'm not sure how useful this will be for you, but at least some things to consider as you build your character.
  10. I always go back to the WoW boxset and the SuperWorld book (along with the designer's notes from Different Worlds #23) when it comes to superhero campaigns. Are you more interested in building/finding a crunchy formula for Speed in BRP? Or just a consistent method for a Smash attack? With the WoW version, the attacker took about half the damage he dished out with a Smash attack. Which is okay if you have a lot of armor, but if you fumble that attack.... I will dig up that issue when I get back from work this evening, if you are interested. I know it was based on SIZ and levels of Flight.
  11. Welcome to the world of BRP. Those two stats are different to reflect the fact that the vast majority of humans fall within a certain size and intelligence range. Sure, you can make that argument for most of the the stats, but do you really want a world where SIZ 5 people are nearly as common as SIZ 9 and so on? Although if you want to change things up, well, that's what BRP is all about. It would actually be very interesting to see a world where humans were actually in the SIZ 4-6 range. After edit: Late to the party.
  12. Ha, yeah that would be nice to see a professional product. I'm afraid the best I could offer is that in my spare time I'll try running the text through the Yahoo Babel Fish translater. An imperfect solution to be sure, but a decent start, I hope.
  13. Hey, is there any chance some of those French BRP resources (Uruk in particular) might get translated for us English speakers/readers? I'd be happy to volunteer YOU to do it.
  14. I've written up some black powder weapon notes, but when I get back from work (I work from home in the mornings then at the office in the afternoon) I want to look over your notes filbanto to see how they compare. Actually, I should read that other thread too. We need to get SJG to do a line of BRP compatible books.
  15. I must admit that I see combats as a chance for the characters to shine in more-or-less single combat situations. The heroic one-on-one battles being ideal. So, my eyes tend to glaze over when we get into mass combat situations. Nevertheless, I find this thread interesting. Several questions spring to mind though. To attack a shieldwall formation, why not arc your missle weapons up and over the front row or two? I can't see attacks on the back ranks getting a difficult modifier, but then again it's more indirect fire, so.... Now, applying all this to the old Greek phalanx? It would seem hard for anyone on either side to really hit anyone. I guess it oftened turned into more of a shoving match, so how would you handle this? I'd hand wave a good portion and narrate the progress of the battle, giving the characters chances for single combat and a morale/leadership bonus for doing well that could help their side win the day. Once again we see that BRP can get all detailed and crunchy if you want, or just played fast-and-loose. I have my preference, but like seeing how the other half lives.
  16. Sounds like you are going for more of a historical game then a monsterfest with a Greek mythology cover. I like it. I'm fuzzy on when certain heroes were around, but it sounds like Herakles followed Persus onto the scene? I don't rememer who, or even where I read it, but a cool idea someone had was for the players to play "sons [or daughters] of Herakles". This made them more human than godlike (in most cases -Herakles did take up with the widow of the ogre Antaeus and fathered Sophax for example) so they could have some high stats and/or powers. The premise was they were banded together both to help one another (lots of enemies were made by dad) and to compete for glory as they sought to "live up to the legend" of their father. We'll all be interested in what you come up with I'm sure, so feel free to share both BRP stats and gaming notes.
  17. I think the OP had it right when he planned on "...using GURPS Greece right now as an overlay with BRP as the rules" as SJG makes some pretty solid resource books. Besides the other resources mentioned so far, I'd add that the Swordbearer RPG had a setting book and Ancient Greece was one of the settings. Pretty vague memories of looking at it, but anyone here remember it? I'll also put in another nod for Warlords of Alexander (great setting) and my vote for a Mycenean/Heroic Age Greece supplement.
  18. I've got the main Serenity book, though I never bothered to learn the game system. Mainly I wanted to encourage you to keep on with a BRP version. While I understand the appeal of "bolt[ing] on the Serenity Assets & Complications mainly for flavor and character developement" it seems to conflict a lot with BRP being skilled based. Does having "Healthy as a Horse" asset mean a bonus to just your CON rolls, or do you get a higher CON (and thus Hit Points too)? A "Mean Left Hook" adds a damage bonus? Or an hit percentage bonus? Or both? I always liked adding Disabilities to the super hero characters when playing Superworld (it does add flavor) but all the "bonuses" actually get reflected in the Stats, skill rolls, or super powers.
  19. I agree that it has more of a fantasy game look, but you could change the border (not that you need to) to something with a more modern look. I'm a fan of two page character sheets, but I like how you have pretty much everything covered with these four pages. For whatever reason, I like seeing the character stats on the top left of the page though. In conclusion: I give it an 8 out of 10, would read again.
  20. Just had time for a quick glance, but it looks well worth reading. Building an obscure ancient city of minor religious importance are we? You could call it.... uh, Kerusalem maybe.
  21. The rest of the article: The Contagion represents the chances that an individual is reached by a virus at the time of a normal epidemic. It is of course about a median value being able to vary according to the cases: by example, at the beginning of an epidemic, the chances to be reached are less important. Contrary, insalubrity can largely increase the score of Contagion. Certain diseases are not caught that under conditions well particular, and thus do not have score of Contagion. But to be touched by a virus does not want not to say that the disease is declared: the organization can resist and overcome the virus before it develops. It is there that the characteristic of Virulence of the disease intervenes. To determine if a character is reached by the disease, made a test of opposition between its IDIOT and the Virulence of the disease. If it fails, it is reached. The Stages of diseases can be more or less numerous, and each stage represents a degree of aggravation of the disease. When a character is sick, it must make a test of opposition of its IDIOT against the VIR of the disease, and it is the result of this test which determines the evolution of the evil. One carries out these tests with intervals regular, determined by Successful test: The disease is stabilized. If the followed test is successful again, the disease regresses of a stage ( health of the character improves). If it were at the first stage of the disease, the character is cured. Missed test: The disease worsens and reaches the following stage (to less better sure that it is not already at its most advanced stage). Competence Grass & Potions (which also can, according to the universe, to be called Pharmacy, Bled, Apothecary, Medicine…) allows to influence the evolution of a disease. The interval between each attempt is the Frequency of the disease. Grass & Potions Missed test: The care does not have any effect on the evolution of the disease. Successful test: The care makes regress the disease of a stage. awkwardness: The care makes worsen the health condition of the patient (reaction allergic, bad posology…) and the disease reaches the following stage. Or I should say the rest of the first part of the PDF.
  22. Now some Fantasy Diseases: Fantastic examples of diseases Gobelinism Contagion: - VIR: 13 Frequency: 1 week Transmission: Bite or scratch of a mad goblin Stage 1: APP-3, TAI-1 Stage 2: TAI-3, INT-3 Stage 3: TAI/2, INT/2 Stage 4: idem stage 3, but irreversible The patient reached of gobelinism changes little with little in goblin. If it is not not neat in time (by the use of certain plants marshes), the transformation is irreversible. Plague Violet Contagion: 80% VIR: 30 Frequency: 1 day Transmission: Contact physics with a carrier of virus Stage 1: Pigmentation Stage 2: The patient speaks with a voice nasillarde The plague violet is not dangerous, but its tenacity fact that it generally causes a wave of panic in the populations attacks. Certain people consider even the purple one like a color taboo, fearing that it brings disease. Which gallops paralysis Contagion: - VIR: 10 Frequency: 1 week Transmission: Puncture of wasp-stone Stage 1: DEX/2 Stage 2: -1 DEX per day (irreversible). Armour 1 The wasp-stones are carrying a bacterium which settle in the organization and fixes the biogenic salts, what paralysis little by little muscles of the victim. If it is not neat with time, the damage is irreversible, but the subject gain a skin extremely resistant.
  23. Always fun to run stuff through Babel Fish which came up with the following when I translated the sidebar text: Examples of diseases natural Cold Contagion: 60% VIR: 3 to 5 Frequency: 1 day Transmission: Air route, exposure direct with the germ Stage 1: INT-1 (loss of concentration) Seize up Contagion: 65% VIR: 4 to 8 Frequency: 2 days Transmission: Exposure to the germ, air route Stage 1: INT-1 (loss of concentration) Stage 2: INT-1, CON-1 Stage 3: Loss of 1 IDIOT per day Gangrene Contagion: - VIR: 14 Frequency: 2 days Transmission: Infected wound Stage 1: CON-1, beginning of necroses Stage 2: CON/2, member necrosed Stage 3: Loss of 1 Idiot per day, member definitively lost (amputation necessary) Plague Contagion: 80% VIR: 18 Frequency: 2 days Transmission: Punctures of chips of the rat black, direct exposure to the germ. Stage 1: CON-1 Stage 2: CON/2, APP-3 Stage 3: Loss of 2 IDIOT per day, be delirious Pulmonary plague Contagion: 90% VIR: 12 to 15 Frequency: 2 days Transmission: Air route, exposure direct with the bacillus Stage 1: CON/2 Stage 2: Loss of 1 IDIOT per day Stage 3: Died automatic AIDS Contagion: - VIR: 15 Frequency: 6 months Transmission: blood, sexual relationships not protected, placental way Stage 1: CON-1 Stage 2: CON/2 Stage 3: Loss of 1 IDIOT per month Note: at the present time, one can, as well as possible, only stabilize the evolution of the AIDS, which remains incurable. Leprosy Contagion: 5% VIR: 14 Frequency: 6 months Transmission: salivate and body secretions. Stage 1: APP-3 Stage 2: APP/2, DEX-1 Note: A person carrying the bacillus 5% of chance have to declare per annum disease. Cholera Contagion: 50% VIR: 7 Frequency: 4 days Transmission: Direct exposure to bacterium (food, dry rétions) Stage 1: Diarrhoeas Stage 2: Idiot-2, dehydration Stage 3: Loss of 1 IDIOT per hour Is is really so bad to lose 1 IDIOT per hour though?
  24. Having looked at your DeviantArt page, I must say: 1) You have way to much free time during those meetings (been there myself though) and 2) you are a good artist and I like the styles you are developing for Cydoria. Good writing and art is a powerful combination. Mild surprise that Tschai: Planet of Adventure by Jack Vance and Gamma World didn't make the influence list. Or I just missed them. In any event you have lots of work ahead of you, so get to it! We are an impatient bunch here at BRP Central.
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