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Everything posted by tedopon

  1. HA! I do the same thing, except it's 50/75/100 then +25%.
  2. I like Combat Actions. I have ported them to all my games.
  3. The polling results are now falling in line with what I expected to see... Moral of the story is you should just pick the one you like, since it's your game.
  4. You mean how it is now more easily navigated and cleaner looking? IMO Good Job Trif.
  5. I voted for highest roll. I could have voted for option 3 as well, but option 2 is too generous, and option 4 is too complicated. EDIT: Although, now that I think about it, most stats aren't generated via 2d6+6, so the min+max formula isn't as massive as I had thought. Most times it would just be a bonus of 3, not 8. Doesn't change my overall opinion, just the way I come to it.
  6. Anybody who thinks that ilmatar.net is not a joke needs to go back to their TV Guide/TIME magazine.
  7. I got the email and was less than thrilled. I was banking on Merrie England and Mythic Iceland to hit the next sale.
  8. It would be incredible if the product and their faith/investment in it failed that quickly. I'm more interested in what is going on with the system in two years.
  9. I've lumped all of these together, because I don't care. I fudge all that stuff. I played too much FASA Star Trek and WEG Star Wars Miniature Battles to give a damn about detailed vehicles and vehicle creation rules. I am old now, and do not care. If there was a simple but well designed set of rules that encompassed all three of those bullet points in less than 6 or 8 pages, I would be happy. Otherwise, who cares? I run a post apocalypse future game off and on that it's pretty much an unspoken rule that both players and GM can make stuff up as long as it's within reason. These two have never been a problem for me or people I game with. Been doing this since shortly after I got the zero edition book. (We did it in RQ3 years ago, so it was less work than it seems like it would be). Is it? They generally tell me if they're trying to not kill. I just use the d20 nonlethal damage rules as a ballpark template. None of the physical stats scale well. I stopped caring in the mid 90s. Never use it. So, what do I hate? -Resistance Table -(at this point in time, and IMO) Super powers system is lacking. -POW battery rules are vague. I like that for my own games, because I just wink and nudge, but I can see it (like the vehicle rules you mentioned) being a pain with the right group of players who want to use a different system and are trying anything to get you to switch.
  10. I can't wait. You guys put out the Top Shelf stuff. I've loved every book so far.
  11. Is this going to be available on Chaosium's site, or just Alephtar's? Shipping is cheaper in the US from Chaosium, and I also have a couple other things I want to grab anyway.
  12. I'm doing almost the exact same thing right now. Looks good to me, but why is DEX 2d6?
  13. Nice sheet. Made for Billy Badass characters, too. I noticed the HP and PP trackers went to 100.
  14. I had two separate long running campaigns that had nothing to do with the Mythos. Both took place during the Great Depression. One followed a group of hobos and all of the adventures they got into stealing pies, running low level cons and panhandling. The other one was all about bank robbers, and had a rotating cast of characters due to high mortality. It's really easy to pull off. Some of my favorite gaming memories came from these two campaigns.
  15. Thanks for posting this. I was close to buying a copy of the gold book since my zero edition needs to be shelved soon. That coupled with Rosen's announcement about the China book make me think I'll put off ordering until next spring's sale and grab both at the same time. I realize this is somewhat off topic, but any news about Pedro's Iceland book? It'd be nice to snag all three simultaneously.
  16. This is just my opinion, don't get upset if you disagree. I think it's a waste of time using Sanity if this is your modification to the core mechanic. I suspect I have many of the same issues with the Sanity mechanic as you do. It's a one way road to nowhere. I've tinkered with it in the past, but never came up with a solution that I felt kept the Doom vibe it adds to a game while being a bit more lenient. My problem with your proposed solution (which, by all means, you should at least try) is that it is tipping the scale too far in the favor of the PCs. Not only are most frightening encounters nerfed, the PCs are getting a bone thrown to them for exposing themselves to horror. My point is that if you're going to cushion the players that much, maybe you should scrap Sanity altogether. I don't use Sanity in anything but CoC, and I haven't run a CoC game in years. What I developed (not saying you should use it, just throwing out an idea that shows that you can use something in the same vein that is a lot less damning to PCs) is a kind of hybrid of the Fort and Will saves from d20. It's called Composure, and is an average of your POW and CON multiplied by 4. In shocking situations, PCs have to make a composure roll. Depending on the intensity of the situation, I make the roll more or less difficult. Only in situations where PCs absolutely FAIL their roll via fumble, is there any long term effect (which is a permanent loss from that number), most times it's just a short term problem where they are shaken or something or other. The point is that I don't run CoC. I've always seen the point of CoC as being driving characters absolutely mad. You get a real feeling of accomplishment keeping a character alive long enough to go batshit insane. Seems like adding a bonus on top of the reduced impact of the mechanic runs counter to the whole vibe of the game. I'm pretty sure I didn't write a single relevant or useful word in my reply...sorry, my brain is like jelly after hours of reading stuff for school. EDIT: Yes, there I notice after rereading that this is supposed to be for a "Pulp" game. I assume this means higher adventure pulp rather than Lovecraft style doom and gloom pulp. In that case, sounds fine. PCs in a game that's supposed to be heroic should be able to shrug stuff like that off routinely. See, my original post was bereft of utility...
  17. School is killing me, so I haven't had nearly as much time to work as I'd like. My real life group hasn't played since early summer, and I think middle summer was the last time my online group got together. I've been slowly developing a system to emulate exploitation films called Stunts, that are basically die modifiers that are governed by the stat that applies to whatever skill you're using. The idea is to have characters that are barely tougher than an average Call of Cthulhu character, and let them get away with a couple of really cool things a day. I'm also halfway through a rudimentary Gadget system that I plan on tacking onto my post apocalypse game to add some flavor to the robot characters and humans who are tech geeks. Last but not least, my local group has been hinting that they want to reboot our Classic Fantasy game that fizzled out, and I've got about a dozen pages of class and spell conversions that I want to type up. Also, BRP Rome and Crusaders of the Amber Coast fit the feel of the world we play in so well that I need to incorporate a bunch of stuff from them also. Problem is, with me doing so much written work for school, all I want to do when I get free time is something mindless like video games or beer. EDITED FOR GRAMMAR
  18. In my current game, I have six knowledge skills that are so broad I haven't had anyone use either of the two empty slots I put below them. Before my Classic Fantasy game imploded, I had the knowledge skill list pared to six as well. EDIT: I didn't even answer the question posed... I don't like the ability check as a primary means of information retrieval. I'll give it out in special circumstances, but when that's all you use, it makes it too easy on them.
  19. I'm going with these two. Creep in an awesome suit.
  20. I'm working on Spring Heeled Jack, using some homebrew Gadget rules for his getup that poorly utilize Super powers.
  21. That's how I do it. Any condition to the action that adds complexity is going to shave some points off.
  22. Your call, I just need a couple days advance notice.
  23. I'm sorry I couldn't make it, like I mentioned, my sister was in town so it wasn't in the cards. You guys having a problem with it crashing a lot as well? The last session I ran we had the program crash 5 or 6 times. The main reason I was so excited to play with you guys was to see if it was something we're doing that's causing the crashes. Guess not.
  24. Is this going to be Skype or Type? Last week when I said that this week would be better for me, I was not speaking the truth. I forgot my sister is in town. I'll still try and make it, but I may not be able to last an entire session, we shall see.
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