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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Yes, see also the list of Common and uncommon runes on https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/introduction-to-runes/ where Rausa has a different rune again, see also Theya. Here's a clearer version from Greg's notes:
  2. Sure these are a unique find, made of many pieces and part of a necropolis, so not really the same use.
  3. That's just Jason paraphrasing what you quoted below. It's been basically the same since the cult was first published in Cults of Prax (Lay members also must take an oath never to harm a living creature and to aid all within the limits of their ability.) That's what you decide at your table. The oath is just a statement, players must decide themselves what this means for their adventurer.
  4. As it's a personal sacred object, it follows the usual rules - don't touch. The temple keepers won't be happy. When my players created their statues, one suggested that they pay a POW for a rune point to "initiate" the statue into the cult. I thought that was a brilliant idea. That effectively made it an enchantment, so I'd allow a feeling that something has happened to their votive statue. They wouldn't loose their rune point. Just noticed that too...
  5. Terracotta has a number of potential problems - it's not as hard wearing as stone, and large statues are difficult to fire (I have a client who produces large clay figures and there is a limit in size). I've tried to find any references to to the type of votive statues we are talking about here made of terracotta and can't find any. Here's her votive worshippers at a local temple (make of them what you will):
  6. Maybe. I like to imagine one was always where the other wasn't, the identical goddess bilocated. Perhaps the separation really happened when Dendara became Yelm's wife. No. It means they know of Dendara. But as she's everything Ernalda isn't, she's not there.
  7. While working on the Ernalda cult for HeroQuest Glorantha with Jeff (after the Guide), we realised that Ernalda and Dendara are the same Goddess. Dendara is everything that Ernalda can never be, Ernalda is everything that Dendara can never be. Ernalda is Dendara's shadow that she can't see. Dendara is hidden from Ernalda by the brightness of the sun. They are both the daughter of Empress Earth. Once you understand that, her runes are obvious: Dendara's Runes are ( is a secondary association). Her cult is identical to Ernalda's in many many ways.
  8. If you put a down a sword with Bladesharp 4 on it down and pick up another sword, the spell does not transfer, including damage and skill. If you put a down a sword with Dullblade 4 on it down and pick up another sword, the spell does not transfer, including damage and skill.
  9. Yes, there are lightbringer temples, such as the one detailed in Clearwine in the GM Screen pack Adventure book. There's also one in Runegate. However it's not through a combined cult like the Seven Mothers.
  10. That's what it says in the spell description: The spell target is the weapon. If the weapon contained an allied spirit, it would need be a POW vs POW for Dullblade to succeed.
  11. It's a magical effect, as soon as you pick it up it becomes easier to wield. Fireblade changes only the damage. However the range is touch. So not ranged casting
  12. Don't forget the image is of you, normally sculpted from rock. should range in size from 1 foot to full size. The description in the first link covers some excellent pointers: Form: Hands folded in reverence Wide-eyed with head tilted upward -- allow for continuous eye contact with the god Arched brows inlaid with dark shells, limestone, and bitumen Stocky muscular body with heavy legs, large geet, and big shoulders -- shows strength which is important because the statue needs to be strong enough to endure the constant worship Function: Serve as a stand-in when the owner couldn’t come to prayer Preserve faith to god(s) after death Here's one of the well known sets: https://sites.google.com/site/adairarthistory/ii-ancient-mediterranean/14-statues-of-votive-figures-from-the-square-temple-at-eshnunna https://cnx.org/contents/k64PgmY0@1/Mesopotamian-Votive-Statuary-from-the-Early-Dynastic-Period
  13. If it's not in the cult requirements, it isn't a requirement. Otherwise you will get into situations with new players with female adventurers reading the cult write up and saying "my adventurer is going to join Yelm", If your reply is that it's patriarchal. They then say "where does it say that? There's no gender restrictions in the requirements, not like Babeester Gor initiates or Ernalda priestesses". There's a single entry under Peloria that says only nobles and their children belong to Yelm. In that case the restriction would be that their occupation be noble.
  14. Although it's a Chalana Arroy & Maran Gor cult spell, many years ago I had a player with an Ernalda healer make a matrix with it (maybe at 5-6). I always have healers with it. I also have allied spirits (CA) / bound spirits cast it as it slows down damage (usually at 4).
  15. Cults with gender requirements state them in the appropriate requirements section (lay, initiate, RL, etc). There was a single mention of male dominance (not gender restriction) in the cult, in the Gen Con 2019 Preview This section has been removed from the latest version, so there's now no mention of male dominance or gender restriction.
  16. 2019 Gen Con GoG Preview (same in the Current Yelm writeup in GoG (unpublished))
  17. However becoming a Lay member of Yelm is a lot more involved. Becoming a lay member of Yelm the Youth (aka Yelm the Hunter, Yelm the Wheat Bringer, Yelm the Harbinger, Yelm the Provider) costs a Wheel and a point of permanent POW (and you must be a decendant). No Rune magic and a few spirit spells at half price, tithe 1%, attend HH days. There are no gender limitations in the cult.
  18. Agreed, then move onto the starter set, the three adventures in there are excellent. or something from Doors to Darkness. I ran the Orient Express campaign, only after I'd spent 5 years getting the hang of it CoC.
  19. It's still the case that Lunar cults don't have a spirit of reprisal, but some like the Crimson Bat, Etyries, Hon-eel, and Yara Aranis do.
  20. Overall, this is the problem with upgrading your mount, and is mirrored in my current game with the unmounted adventurers, not wanting mounts as they are useless to fire arrows or generally fight from without a decent ride ability. There is no quick fix, except increasing your ride (whatever skill) and becoming a member of a hero cult that lets you shoot and ride capping it at ride. Kuschile's Hero Cult is found amongst the Solar & Lunar. Orlanth and Lightbringer worshippers don't really have a horse equivalent, so your players could find and establish one. It's likely there are plenty of forgotten heroes out there, waiting to be rediscovered. Just change the name of Kuschile to some other name and add it as a hero cult to the relevant god. It has aways been said that adding hero cults will cause no problems. Finally, I'd suggest you players practice more with their mounts. --- Kuschile Horse Archery (Manipulation, Base 00%) This skill can only be learned by initiates of Yelmalio. Successful use of this skill allows the user their normal archery chance from horseback, regardless of their riding ability. The skill can be attempted once per arrow fired. Learners of this skill must accept one random geas in exchange for a 25% base skill plus any skill category bonus. The skill can be trained or researched, once it has been obtained through the geas. --- This my plan for my players: Lhankor Mhy research will direct them to the long forgotten shrine of Belero, a second age hero known for capturing and training pegasi. The shrine will either be in the Orlanth temple at Londros or Goodfield, or in Three Emerald temple (or where ever fits locally). Initiates can learn Ride (pegasus) (00), Belero flying archery (00) and the spirit magic Control (pegasus) (1 magic point). The rune point sacrificed gets added to your relevant god's rune pool (no geas needed). Change the details as needed. I would hesitate making Command (pegasus) a rune spell as all Command (species) are 2 rune points.
  21. It follows the shrine inside a temple rules and doesn't need a priest as it's maintained as part of the main god. It is possible for the shrine to be adopted a relevant priest. Look at Clearwine in the GM Screen pack and its Lightbringer temple: Lightbringers Temple Major temple Orlanth Adventurous (Leika Black Spear) Minor temple Orlanth Thunderous (Dunorl Brandgorsson) Minor temple Orlanth Rex (Leika Black Spear) Subcults - Four Weapons Associate cult shrine - Ernalda (likely maintained by junior Ernalda temple staff) Shrines: Issaries (maintained by Sora Goodseller, main temple in her shop) Eurmal - none, although Leika may have a bound trickster. Chalana Arroy (Kerisdana Hollybright) Lhankor Mhy (Hastur the Lawspeaker, as he's the chief priest, that implies he has a separate minor temple elsewhere) While Leika appears to have no bound trickster, there's likely a few Eurmal initiates who are performers who use the shrine.
  22. The reply was directed at HreshtIronBorne, but you want to know how people play DI as well?
  23. Depends on the size of your screen. Use my "manual" instructions (method 2), they are easy :
  24. I would suggest re-reading Divine Intervention on page 272 That's not what it says: and there is specifically an example that says: So an Orlanth group could DI into a Kyger Litor temple to steal the sandals of Darkness It says: So they could DI out. Yes if there is a precedent. If it's a permanent temple, a giant sanctify is initially cast and then the worship never stops. There may be more info coming on establishing temples, but I'd allow permanent POW to be spent to make it an enchantment (instead of RPs). Don't forget you can have votive images continually worshipping, or the ghosts of previous priests conducting continual ceremonies. Go wild.
  25. That's right, that's, the table for the text on page 207 & 210. It all goes together as it includes animal claws. and which then ties into natural weapon in the Bestiary.
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