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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. There are two occupations with "None" Look at the languages section and Ride under agility.
  2. Your adventurers don't have to specifically go to a holy place to worship unless it specifically says so (Yelorna & Humakt don't). Just cast Sanctify on an appropriate place. Replenishing Rune Points (page 315) says: This is a very helpful in games as adventurers are then not tied to returning to a fixed point in the middle of an adventure. My players always plan to keep a rune point back for this if there is a seasonal holy day going to occur in the adventure. These are minor holy days. I view these as optional, otherwise the average Sartarite will get into the situation of attending an Orlanth and Ernalda minor holy day every week (as initiate or lay members).
  3. Many gull species live inland for part of the year and on large bodies of water. Jonstown has three lakes within 25 miles. (Jonstown is only about 140 miles from the sea).
  4. Whereas my player love them, use them all the time as it defines who their adventurer is. The Storm Bull in the group failed his Beast rune inspiration twice last week. He's looking to atone for whatever has caused Storm Bull's ire with him. Looks like a pilgrimage! They are the main tools for roleplaying in my game (same in Pendragon too). We have a lot of opposed Passion and Rune rolls too as they wrestle with loyalties, runic traits and honour. except it's a roleplaying game of fantasy high adventure in a bronze age magical world, not a roll-playing game of dice values and probability analysis. Because you can only inspire once per scene, my players are quick off the mark on this now. Make sure you have the rune description page open / available.
  5. Apple Lane was updated in the GM Screen Pack to 1625. Given that and Jason's comments in the video, it would be reasonable to assume that the Rainbow Mounds has received a similar treatment.
  6. It's narrative system driven by playing cards, skyship combat has seven manoeuvres. Have a look at the free quickstart for a feel of it. https://www.chaosium.com/upwind-pdf/
  7. Alternatively the French RuneQuest Glorantha Discord: https://discord.gg/6GFBdC8V
  8. Yes Enclosure #1 (1997), The Cult of Shargash by Pam Carlson & Martin Laurie, gives the cult skills as mace and spear, and gives divine magics of crush and Truespear. Is there anything else that has origin of the mace?
  9. I've clearly missed this from somewhere, especially considering that one of his titles in GRoY is "the Wielder of the Skyspears". I realise he's shown with a mace and spear in Pavis GtA: and as Tolat in the Glorantha Sourcebook, he carries both. I had assumed it was a symbol of his rule of hell (mace as sceptre). and course: likely before he conquered Hell. So what's the source for the mace?
  10. My mistake, no Rune Lords so not martial in that way, only initiates and priests. Shargash is the celestial god of war, funeral pyres, and human sacrifice.
  11. There are no rune Lords only initiates and priests. The cult teaches weapon (cultural) and seeing as Hastatus is the divine spear of Shargash and gives True Spear, that would make the spear his weapon of choice. Alkor and Tolat are subcults, the others are associates. Alkor's runes are .
  12. I really don't feel that's the atmosphere. It's on a sacred hill with all the leaders present and the Rex statue. As has been mentioned above, it would be more like a country fair along with Jeff's comments. There will be an occasional bust up / fight / drunken brawl of course, but nothing that will shame the honour of the clans present.
  13. It's worth noting that the Assembly Grounds, Assembly Hill (1) and The Temple of the Tribe (19) are outside the fort, 1 km north. The several thousand people present aren't going to fit in the fort, although it does say that "People stay with kinfolk, in inns in Clearwine Fort, or set up tents around the hill." So it's much more of an outdoor event. With the Rex Statue present, Leika is going to have a tent there too.
  14. Looks good, for 50 years old, it's very clean and bright. 🙂
  15. Perhaps it's not known what Rune spells are available. The priesthood would need a shrine to the god inside a major temple to her. She's only actually associated with Orlantha and Ernalda, and friendly towards Argan Argar and Yelmalio (and Elmal). Friendly cults don't provide magic or training. Alternatively they could go to an Orlanth or Ernalda temple and see what appears. Better still would be a sacred time heroquest to meet Orlanth & Ernalda to see what they would offer her and why.
  16. If you are going to run Apple Lane, then the RQG GM Screen Pack is far better than the old adventure pack. It doesn't have the Gringle's Pawnshop or the Rainbow mounds. What it does have is an up to date setting and adventures that integrate the players into it, It even links to the other new adventure books. You can reset Gringle's Pawnshop to a later date and location (I'm going use it as Sora Goodseller's house in Clearwine) and the Rainbow mounds is an easy add on once the players are settled. Rainbow mounds is a dungeon crawl, whereas Defending Apple Lane is the opposite. I've a new group and that's what I started with. I thought of going back to older material, but I've played it all before and although Borderlands is excellent, Raus will be gone in a few years.
  17. If you've Sartar KoH or Sartar companion, have a look in there as there are some examples.
  18. I've run both. One was grim, one was fun, run Borderlands (then Griffin Mountain, they are linked)
  19. Looking at the the free Gamemaster Screen Pack Preview - Appendix 2 Metals and Crystals - No, some just retain some of their potency. No, there are two types, although for story purposes it could happen. Finding a crystal vs paying at least two POW. My players choose crystals. If you mean the ratios, it's: unpowered / powered / combined / flawed it's 70/22/6 (yes this doesn't add up to 100). As often as you make them available in your game. My current game has 3 crystals / 6 players. Two as heirlooms, one from an adventure. Adventurers have a slightly higher than 1 in 5 chance of one from heirlooms. If you've no idea, the treasure factor chapter in RQ Classic can be helpful. Lowest TF Band is about 1%, at the next band it's about 2%.
  20. They always had such cool covers: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/judges-guild/pegasus-magazine/pegasus-04/
  21. given that the description says: So if the caster has bugs and rodents as enemies that would work. So an initiate of a Grain Goddess Warding a granary would likely work, other gods without the connection likely not.
  22. Considering the small number of people involved, and relationships in the clan list, we just assumed they were related in some way. Trilus has the shrine of the Great hunter, Votank's birthplace and the start-place of the Great Hunt each year. So this will probably count as a major temple for the Great hunt. Clan members will be lay members of Yelmalio, Balazar, Foundchild for ceremonies at the citadels. Given that the Citadel kings are initiates of leadership cults, clan chiefs would be too, with a few Elkoi allied leaders being members of the Seven Mothers. So the citadels are religious centres. We treated them as not, except when it came to enemy clans (using the Intensity Of Clan Animosity table), those allied with other citadels were treated as neutral.
  23. In this context, it's the citadel tribes, that is all the clans aligned to each citadel. “I am a hunter of the Black Lion clan of the Dykene tribe.
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