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Nick J.

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Everything posted by Nick J.

  1. Uh, it'd be nice to see a sculpt or two. Kind of hard to get excited about buying somebody a 3d printer without some sense of the output.
  2. There's a way to do this with any pdf. (I use Foxit Reader) Open up the file and select "print to pdf" and choose to export it as an image. The file size will be quite large, but it should generate a file that can be uploaded and printed.
  3. I've played a couple of games at http://www.unseenservant.us/forum/ It's mostly D&Dish type games, but you might be able to find a few people willing to play in a Glorantha game using other systems.
  4. It may or may not be of interest to you, but there is a community-made RQ2 that works as an extension for the BRP ruleset in Fantasy Grounds (which is FG2 based). https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?25979-RQ2-Extension
  5. OK. Pardon me if I'm being obtuse, but did you have a question?
  6. Updated to correct a minor oversight. (changed instances of the words "Black" and "Gray" to "Shadow" and "Balance" in the spell type field, to keep it more consistent with the core rules).
  7. Yes. "Really." It's just an opinion. I thought Morrowind was pretty good (no quest markers, being forced to actually read to hunt for clues about what to do next, etc.), I thought Oblivion was very banal, but pretty (Skyrim too). CoC:DCotE was good, but it wasn't made by the same team that did the ES games. In reality with the turnover that happens over the years, I suspect very, very few people who worked on Morrowind or CoC are still with the company. Judging by the latest iteration of Fallout, I think Bethsoft is embracing a much different RPG aesthetic than I care for. I'm not sure what developer I would entrust a Glorantha or Runequest game to in the big-budget, AAA, first-person space. Maybe Obsidian?
  8. I don't think Bethesda would get the tone right. Don't get me wrong they make very pretty hiking simulators, but I suspect the game would be about as wide as the ocean and shallow as mud puddle -- they might get the visuals right and a grand sense of scale, but the actual themes and philosophical underpinnings? I dunno? Maybe Bethesda fifteen years ago, when they were making Morrowind could pull it off?
  9. View File Magic World & Advanced Sorcery Spell Index A collated list of the Magic World and Advanced Sorcery spells. Arranged alphabetically by category (Sorcery, Necromancy, Rune Magic, etc. MP cost Effects Range Source and page number. There is a field for "Type" that you are free to use or ignore which is for a house-rule I use for keeping track of Black Magic, and affects to Allegiance through spell-casting. The .docx file can be used to add/delete whatever want . Submitter Nick J. Submitted 10/19/2016 Category Magic World  
  10. Version 1.0.2


    A collated list of the Magic World and Advanced Sorcery spells. Arranged alphabetically by category (Sorcery, Necromancy, Rune Magic, etc. MP cost Effects Range Source and page number. There is a field for "Type" that you are free to use or ignore which is for a house-rule I use for keeping track of Black Magic, and affects to Allegiance through spell-casting. The .docx file can be used to add/delete whatever want .
  11. Here's another possibility. Tie in some progression for the power/duration of beastshape with the Allegiance system. If the character reaches apotheosis in The Balance, then perhaps they can transform into a given beast shape for POW hours? With respect to equipment, I suppose I'm old-school and don't want things to be too easy for players. I have equipment drop off of them (or clothes/armor rip if they assume a larger SIZ creature's shape). No wrong answers here, just matters of taste.
  12. I just made it so large shields allow you to parry incoming arrows in Magic World. I couldn't care less about "realism", I just need it to be "sensible."
  13. I have done it RAW and it seems to work just fine that way, but do whatever works for your game. At first blush, I think the minutes vs. rounds duration is no deal-breaker; it just makes it five times longer, I could see allowing that. However, I think effectively rolling a healing spell into the transformation is farther than I would go. Of course if you did combine a "heal" into the transformation, you could always just make it a 6-8 MP spell and rename it to something like Greater Beast Shape (8)? Sounds like a fun setting and very reminiscent to my Antediluvian alternate-Earth setting I created.
  14. Nick J.

    Potions Skill

    Advanced Sorcery is where it's at. It's also been perfect for developing culturally distinct magic traditions in my home-brew world too.
  15. Fortunately copies of Elric! can still be obtained from Ebay sellers, Amazon or Nobleknight for a very reasonable price (~$25-ish).
  16. It's been awhile since I looked at it, but that seems right.
  17. As far as I know that errata google doc evaporated into the aether. I used to have it linked to my google drive, but it stopped working presumably when Ben Monroe deleted it. It was asked before, but nobody seemed to have made a separate copy. Good luck.
  18. @Rick Meints Any chance of a Chaosium newsletter notification when pre-orders open? Also, how long do you intend to keep pre-orders open?
  19. I'll just throw in my own experiences as another one of those AD&D lifers who finally stumbled onto D100 gaming somewhat recently. Magic World was the first system to really 'click' for me. YMMV, but I found it to be the most approachable and digestible of the d100 fantasy games I tried to grapple with (the first being RuneQuest 6 (now Mythras) then OpenQuest2, then Legend, then Magic World.). Lots of a flavors to choose from. Good luck!
  20. I know that there is a RQ2 extension that somebody wrote for BRP in Fantasy Grounds. That said, if you use Roll20 because it's free then, FG isn't going to be what you're looking for -- additional rulepacks and the software itself can get spendy.
  21. You can pick up the thread here where it is discussed at some length.
  22. I'm the kind of person that never throws anything out, but to be perfectly honest I don't use or visit the site. BRPCentral is still my go-to for files and discussion. Now that Chaosium has officially pulled the plug. I dunno . . . :/
  23. Aren't we meant to believe that most suits of mail were worn over a fairly well padded garment, historically speaking?
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