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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. In practise it works really well. We used to run extended RQ2 combats and never had any trouble with the success levels. The RQG Combat Matrix makes it a bit more complex, but all you need to do is to refer to it each time, so have it on a printed sheet. Simpler? No way, they are far more complex, with so many things to choose from. They make combat sexier, though.
  2. For me, no. Magic World is effectively a setting-less Stormbringer/Elric-like version of BRP. I would prefer a setting-less Runequest-like version of BRP.
  3. I like Wrest Rune Magic and Wrest Spirit Magic, but not so keen on Spell net. It seems that Spell Net just acts as a stored casting of a spell, or maybe I am reading it wrong. By the way, you seem to have page headings for "A Murder in Sylthi" with strange page count with "Conrad" and starting at Page 16.
  4. As I said, my Players were so relieved to get a spell that helped them against poisons even a little bit. Their PCs were Rune Lord-Priests and HeroQuestors, very powerful, fully able to take on the Horrors of Dorastor, at least at the end of the campaign. Even so, Poison was one of the things that they did not like at all and were pleased to be able to get a spell that reduced its Potency. You can get high powered poison fairly easily. Venom Boosting 4 adds 4D6 to the POT to Scorpion man venom, so a Scorpion man with CON 18 could get POT 42 Venom, enough to kill any normal PC.
  5. Temporal spells last for 15 minutes, Sanctify is not a Temporal spell, so Sanctify does not necessarily last for 15 minutes. The description of Divination says that Divination can be cast in a Sanctify-blessed area. The description of using Divination on p271-272 says that you can cast Divination in a sanctify-blessed area. Casting Divination takes 1 hour per point used, so takes a minimum of 1 hour to cast. The description does not mention casting Extension.
  6. Poison is deadly, or can be. If you have a CON 30 scorpion man, or a CON18 scorpion man with several Venom Boostings, you wquickly get into the territory of half POT means death for a normal PC, so you die whether the Poison succeeded or failed. To survive Poisons, you need to stock up on Antidotes and Poison-Healing spells. My Players were so relieved to get a spell that helped them against poisons even a little bit.
  7. It depends on the GM. Under RQG, you can heal the same location multiple times, which differs from RQ2/RQ3, so why not? I would say that Poison Purge has no effect once the Poison has had its effect, though, as this stops people casting it until the poison is all countered.
  8. We used to do that, cast Vigor or Berserker, then drink down a poison antidote if we could get one out of our packs. We also played that a Treat Poison roll that wad one before the poison took effect reduced the POT of the attacking poison, but when applied after the effect reduced the damage taken. I used Poison Purge (Variable, Instant) that subtracts its points from the POT of the Poison, so casting Poison Purge 4 on a POT 12 Poison reduces it to POT 8. The PCs got it on a HeroQuest, I think.
  9. Right-click, add to dictionary, sorted!
  10. Carrie is good, as it is really stripped down. The original film is excellent but the remake has far better special effects. I would definitely read the earlier stuff, Salem's Lot is good, The Shining is powerful as a book and film, The Stand is excellent, The Dead Zone is a bit better than the film but the film was excellent, I really enjoyed the Firestarter book, Cujo and Christine were OK but I didn't read much of his after that, as I had migrated to James Herbert by then and he was wrote far more visceral horror. Writing as Richard Bachman, The Running Man is very good, as is Thinner. I don't recognise the other stuff, so might not have read them.
  11. soltakss


    Most people would consider the people of Dorastor as belonging to evil cults themselves. Just because someone is the victor doesn't automatically make them wrong, despite what historians are trained to believe (Well, maybe not, trained to think about other possibilities perhaps).
  12. Oh, I didn't search for anything. I came straight here for official stats. I've got stats from various earlier versions that i could use, but wondered if anyone could help.
  13. It may well be that the Shaker high priestess who incarnated Sorana Tor had died before Ereena Tor incarnated Sorana Tor, or perhaps she passed the mantle on to Ereena Tor as her successor.
  14. We used to play that every temple had to have a sacred item at its heart, but that probably isn't canon. To a certain extent, a room with "Temple" written on the door might actually be enough. What you really need is some kind of altar for sacrifices of various kinds and an idol to focus worship. Once you have those and begin regular worship then you attract attention. Summoning a wyter to guard the temple makes it more powerful. for every 100 Initiates worshipping at the temple, it gains 1 Rune Point that can be cast once per day to cast a spell. Small temples might use that to gain a permanent Sanctify
  15. Regarding Lovecraftian Horror, the bleakness and futility of it all reflects, for me, the childlike feeling that "Oh no, I am going to die and there is nothing I can do to stop it, I won't exist anymore", but expanded to the whole cosmos. Nothing you do matters. Add in some Cosmic super-powered entities to whom humanity is completely insignificant and you have the basis of Lovecraftian Horror.
  16. Not according to Microsoft Word spellchecker.
  17. Maybe people are struggling with some general ideas, so let's make it specific with 2 examples. I would like to make a Dark Ages Britain setting, after the Romans have left, with invading Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians, with Gaels, Picts and Fae and possibly with historical or legendary characters, including King Arthur. This would not be a faux-medieval high-chivalry setting but would be based on earlier works. However it could include characters such as Lancelot. Is this permissible under the BRP OGL? I would like to make a Charlemagne/Alfred the Great setting (yes, they are a generation apart but are similar), with Franks and Anglo-Saxons, Franks fighting off marauding Moors and Anglo-Saxons fighting off rampaging Vikings. It might include elements of the Song of Roland and its characters. Is this permissible under the BRP OGL? One of these is definitely not hypothetical, by the way.
  18. Wikipedia says that the Lancaster Howdah Pistol could fire .410 shotgun shells, which have half the pellets of a 12 gauge. so, not devastating but probably effective enough. The US Auto & Bandit Pistols fires 20 gauge shells, which are in between .420 and 12 bore/gauge shells. They both look really cool.
  19. Sounds like a really good campaign. I have always struggled with the idea that a GM gives players too much leeway. sure, I understand what it means, but ... Are you saying that you would prefer to constantly stop them from doing things with "No, you can't do that" or "No, I don't want you to do that"? Because I don't do that, ever. A PC who rides a polar bear into battle? Great, I've seen the same in Movies. Becoming dean of a school of magic? Great and why not? Starting a cult? What heroes should be doing, if they are religious. Looking for enchanted items? That's what Adventurers do. Becoming part of an elite military unit? Sure, why not? Now, I am aware of the Players who try to take advantage of an easy-going GM and say "I want this", "I want that" or "I'm doing this". What I tend to do is let them try something if it is within the rules, or let them narrate how they would do it if it isn't within the rules. My biggest weapon against PCs doing that kind of thing is "Well, if you can do it, they can do it as well", which normally stops any silliness.
  20. Can they? I wasn't aware of that change. Sure, your example works better, then.
  21. Some examples might be in order. If I do 18 points of damage on a critical hit and am parried by a weapon with 12 Hit Points, the weapon takes 12 Hit Points of damage and the remaining 6 points goes through as damage, doing 6 points ignoring armour. If I do 7 points of damage on a critical hit and am parried by a weapon with 12 Hit Points, the weapon takes 7 Hit Points of damage and nothing goes through to do damage to the opponent. If I do 18 points of damage on a special hit and am parried by a weapon with 12 Hit Points, the weapon takes 6 Hit Points of damage and 6 points goes through as damage, doing 6 points but armour protects. If I do 7 points of damage on a special hit and am parried by a weapon with 12 Hit Points, the weapon takes no damage and nothing goes through to do damage to the opponent. That's how I read it, anyway.
  22. Oh good! Can we all go over the same things as we have done in all the other BRP OGL threads here and across other forums?
  23. I thought that Brithini died permanently when they died, no coming back, as their souls just disappear.
  24. I know that we are in protection mode, but those masks are probably not that effective.
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