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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Jeff has commented in the BRP OGL thread. BGB is not prohibited Content, so you can use bits from it, except not the Sanity or Madness rules.
  2. The start of the Marketplace was confusing, but I got the drift eventually. Downloaded it yesterday, it's an App for listening to Podcasts. I listened on the website but my phone kept going to sleep. When I used Podbean, my phone stayed awake, so no interruptions. You recommend it on the wind Words website.
  3. Well, duh! That's duh to me for not realising this sooner.
  4. Wow, 100% for an action Adventure, that is really surprising. Perhaps not that surprising after 1 vote, though. I expect that proportion to go down by a lot.
  5. Listened to it on Podbean and it worked really well. Enjoyed it, although I got a bit lost in the middle.
  6. Only if they could see him anyway. it seems mean to allow Second Sight to negate Darkwalk and Invisibility. Ditto for Soulsight. if they can see him then Soulsight works, if not then it doesn't. Yes, this should work. We used to use Storm Khan mastery of Sense Chaos to do the Detect Chaos, so all the Invisible Broos lit up to the Storm Bulls. Yes, if they are alive, no if they are dead, undead or merely animated. I have always played that Darkwalk renders you invisible to Darksense, so that trolls can use it as Invisibility.
  7. Yes, poisons definitely existed before Death, they just didn't kill you. Now, with Death, some poisons can kill you.
  8. I think that might be missing the point. People who want to use the Legend OGL to create a system that uses Prohibited Content, for example to retrofit Call of Cthulhu or RuneQuest, can. What they can't do is to use the BRP OGL to do that. If people don't want to use the BRP OGL but want to use a Legend OGL to make something similar then fine. They can't put the BRP OGL Logo on it or call it BRP.
  9. HeroQuests are fun, I am glad that you want to try them. Arcane Lore goes into them in detail. Mongoose did some good stuff around HeroQuests, but they are hard to get hold of. Next month, I should be publishing Secrets of HeroQuesting under Jonstown Compendium, which should explain HeroQuesting. Also should have Secrets of HeroQuesting 2 which will contain over 30 HeroQuests.
  10. Naimless, I think, had a discorporate Allied Spirit in RQ2. It could sense the presence of other spirits. We played that if an allied spirit lost its host then it would stay around, discorporate, waiting for a new host. It doesn't travel the Path of the Dead as it is not strictly alive.
  11. Rather than saying Poison is Chaos, instead say Bagog is the Chaos Deity of Poison. Other deities can be deities of Poison as well, Bagog is just the Chaotic one.
  12. A lot of people didn't like that Vivamort granted Runemagic, as vampires don't have POW. I don't mind that, particularly, as Vivamorti could sacrifice for a rune Pool and gain Runemagic as non-vampires, retaining the use as Vampires. There is a sorcerous version of Vivamort on my website, but I hope that this is superseded by Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha.
  13. Yes, that is one of the advantages of having an allied spirit. Yes. As a GM, I would say Yes, as the allied spirit is bound to the Rune Lord or Priest, so stays with them after the familiar is killed. David doesn't agree, but what does he know? He only works for Chaosium! I would say that if you want it to work that way in your game then let it work that way.
  14. Who was the first deity to use Death in the form of a poison? We know that Aldrya gave the Poisonthorn Elves Death as a poison. We also know that Bagog wields Death as venom. Krarsht uses poisons, but I don't know of any myth where she gained Death as a poison. So, I don't know who first came up with the idea of using Death as a poison. Maybe it has been used so often that everyone knows about it, so it doesn't need a deity.
  15. I've bought and downloaded these. I'll let you know if they are any good/useful.
  16. Ah, that's what an earth Elemental looks like. Our RQ2 PCs tried to find out in many ways, by pulling one out of the earth and having a look, by trapping one and washing the earth away, by heating up the earth to turn it into glass and various other things, but they never found out.
  17. I remember a description of the Red Emperor that said he had the ability to control a specific type of Lunar Demon.
  18. Looking at the PDF, it has a very slimmed-down set of rules. One thing I notice is that it has no Hit Locations. Are we OK to include Hit Locations from the older Basic Roleplaying Rules or are Hit Locations too much like Runequest?
  19. I guess so. also includes anything Dark Ages related, so no Fall of Britain, no Angles/Saxons/Jutes invading. Presumably, nothing involving Charlemagne or the Vikings either. Releasing BRP as an OGL Game is a good thing. I would rather not have all the restrictions, but I can understand why they are in place.
  20. Oh, I'd be the one killed in SR1, without a doubt. We did look at those as NPC antagonists in the RQ3 game, but I can't remember using them. They'd have given the PCs a run for their money, though, they might have lasted 10 rounds.
  21. One for the Munchkin Thread, perhaps, but casting Firearrow on a Missile makes it to 3D6 damage, so if the missile heading towards you is a catapult stone doing 6D6 damage, say, just cast Firearrow on it to reduce the damage.
  22. I saw the Wikipedia reference but don't remember watching as a kid. Alan looks a lot like Fred from Scooby Doo though.
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