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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Well, a google search for images of Ducks with Boobs has brought up almost nothing, which indicates they probably don't have them.
  2. The accidental gaining of a Chaos Feature? Meeting someone who challenges its belief system and so it decides it wants to be different? Wanting to join a cult that does not accept Chaos? Meeting another Chaot who is on the Cleansed One HeroQuest and leads by example?
  3. Normally, it's a case of "Oh look, the Students are at it again, ha, ha ha" and letting it be. However, some might take offence and cause a problem. I doubt it would be through the courts, instead some thugs would visit the students in question and tech them why it isn't a good idea to mock one's betters. Also, don't forget that Student Riots were a thing back in the day, where gangs of students from rival universities, or even colleges, fought each other and the local townsfolk with swords and clubs. Taking revenge in such a way as above could escalate, with a gang if drunken students attacking the men of the offended party, then suffering retaliation, with escalating retaliations.
  4. I've got a version of the Cleansed One HeroQuest on my website. It's quite deadly but cures all Chaos Taints/Curses, if you survive it.
  5. I really am not surprised. It's been ages since I read it.
  6. A Scribe-Warrior-Monk-Priest would be better.
  7. Well, the Original post doesn't mention matriarchy: We can still discuss the original post. And this used to be such a nice place. I'm not a Moderator, which everyone should be grateful for, but can we knock off the personal attacks and foul language?
  8. Ralkzakark has a Broo Legion, made up of normal Humakti Broo and the feared Castrati, Humakti Broos who choose voluntarily to be castrated, so their natural Broo impulses do not get in the way of their devotion to Humakt. Some even have Gifts from the Gods to help them, for example thick skin, regeneration or spitting acid. We had a GM who would occasionally trot out some form of Chaotic Humakti Rune Lord or Priest NPC, usually an Ogre but once an intelligent Waltakpus, just because Humakt was Neutral to Chaos. They didn't last long as NPCs. The Wild Healer of the Rockwoods is a Broo Healer. I don't think it is connected to Ralzakark, but I am sure that he has Chaotic Healers, members of Chalana Arroy, Queen Deezola and other Healing cults. Some may even have gifts from the Gods that give them healing powers.
  9. Definitions are always a bugbear on these forums. Problems range from "This is how I use the term", "This is the dictionary definition of the term", "But that has changed", "This is how the term is commonly used in Glorantha" and so on. It never, ever ends well. Words change, their meaning changes, the usage changes, language is a continually evolving thing. This can cause problems when nitpicking in arguments, especially when people are talking about the same terms but interpret the meaning differently.
  10. Pantomimes are always a good example of this. Very structured in many ways, the participants can go off-story but always end up achieving the usual goals.
  11. The beauty of Dragon Pass is that you have Arkat Kingtroll in the south and northeast, Arkat Humaktsson in the south and around Delecti's Marsh, Arkat the Knight in the Holy Country, Zorak Arkat near the Footprint and so on. All very minor cults, but all have their place.
  12. This is the egregious munchkinnery thread, isn't it?
  13. But, you did it so well and we are grateful that you did. Of course, as Head Honcho, you'd have people to do that for you now, wouldn't you?
  14. Glorantha has matriarchies. The Uz are matriarchal, as is Esrolia. Not sure why we have to discuss real world matriarchies or their absences, when discussing gender roles in Glorantha.
  15. I hope people find this useful, if only for a whole host of Kewl Powers for D100 games.
  16. Apologies about the formatting. Google Docs chewed through the formatting and doesn't download very well. I can't get Bookmarks to be added either.
  17. What do I need to add to this? My thoughts were: Racial Abilities New, generic Icons, so they work as powers and not links to powerful NPCs Monsters in the Bestiary, rather than just Summoned Creatures
  18. Many years ago, fans of Glorantha had an attitude that D20 games wouldn’t fit in Glorantha, as Classes and Levels don’t work. Then came 13th Age Glorantha to disprove that notion. Also, many people in the D100 space looked down on D20 games as Classes and Levels don’t work with D100. Then came Classic Fantasy to disprove that notion. I once mentioned the idea of converting 13th Age Glorantha so that it would work with D100, but the idea was unpopular, as it was considered Crossing the Streams, which is, as we know, like, really bad. As I like things that are really bad, and had horrendous Writer's Block on Merrie England: Age of Crusade, I looked at how easy it would be to convert 13th Age Glorantha. Not very easy, as it turned out. Anyway, I have Uploaded V1.0 of the Conversion. Why Version 1.0? Well, it could well have typos and errors, it is missing Bookmarks, as I can't get them to work in Google Docs, and it may well need other material added. If you see any glaring mistakes, find Product Identity that needs to be removed, or have any other comments and suggestions, please post them here.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Many years ago, fans of Glorantha had an attitude that D20 games wouldn’t fit in Glorantha, as Classes and Levels don’t work. Then came 13th Age Glorantha to disprove that notion. Also, many people in the D100 space looked down on D20 games as Classes and Levels don’t work with D100. Then came Classic Fantasy to disprove that notion. I once mentioned the idea of converting 13th Age Glorantha so that it would work with D100, but the idea was unpopular, as it was considered Crossing the Streams, which is, as we know, like, really bad. As I like things that are really bad, and had horrendous Writer's Block on Merrie England: Age of Crusade, I looked at how easy it would be to convert 13th Age Glorantha. Not very easy, as it turned out. Anyway, I have Uploaded V1.0 of the Conversion. Why Version 1.0? Well, it could well have typos and errors, it is missing Bookmarks, as I can't get them to work in Google Docs, and it may well need other material added. Please add any comments to the sister thread that I will link to in a separate post.
  20. For beginners, I would agree, Also ignore all the excellent material in the Stafford Library. They are all really interesting, fascinating, deep works, but are probably too much for beginners. Of course, once you've read the Gloranthan Sourcebook and a few of the other supplements, for example Sartar and Sartar Companion, then you are no longer a Gloranthan newbie and can experience the other works. Don't expect them to make sense, though, and don't expect them to be clear. A lot of them were written to be deliberately contradictory, which is frustrating in many ways. If you want generic material as background, I would suggest: Gloranthan Sourcebook Gloranthan Classics: Cults Compendium If you want background material for specific areas, I would suggest: Sartar Sartar Companion Dragon Pass Gazetteer Gloranthan Classics: Pavis & Bug Rubble Gloranthan Classics: Borderlands Gloranthan Classics: Griffin Mountain Trollpack If you are happy with those and still want deeper knowledge about Glorantha: Guide to Glorantha Volumes I and II Argan Argar Atlas Selected Stafford Library works, depending on your areas of interest. Of course new Gloranthan supplements might make some of those irrelevant/obsolete, but they are still good background works.
  21. Yes, Avon means River, as does Ouse, or maybe it means flowing water, hence the number of different rivers with Avon or Ouse in the names. Also, Torpenhow is a village that means Hill hill hill, as Tor, Penn and Hawe all mean hill. Leingod has another example that I hadn't heard of.
  22. Sure, there are always ways around things and that provides good roleplaying opportunities. If you can prove that you have passed the requirements then you should be able to get in. A yucky example might be a male who has suffered a broo-birth and survived, he could claim to have given birth and so be eligible for Ernaldan Priesthood, although I am not sure if that would fly, as I always say "You can try, but it had better be a good roll". Not gender-based, but one of the PCs in our old RQ2/RQ3 Campaign was a Yelmalian who became King of Balazar by the expected route of becoming a mercenary in Dykene, becoming head of the mercenaries, overthrowing the king of Dykene, then the kin of Trilius and finally coming to an arrangement with the Lunars, whereby he became a Lunar puppet in exchange for ruling Elkoi as well. Now, he wanted to ensure that he was a Yelmic king, but joining Yelm the Elder as a Yelmalian Priest would mean that he couldn't join Yelm the Emperor and, as we all know, Yelm the Emperor is reserved to those people descended from Yelm in the patriarchal line, so you can only be in the Yelm the Emperor cult if your father was in the cult. He had already HeroQuested to prove that he was descended from Balazar in the male line, by using Firshala's ancestor-worshipping powers, so he decided to prove that Balazar was, in fact, a member of the Yelm the Emperor and not just Yelmalio. That would mean that, as a descendant of Balazar through the male line, all his male ancestors up to Balazar could have joined Yelm the emperor and so he could join. It was a good idea and nicely circumvented cult membership rules. That is still a cult gender restriction, though, as membership of the higher orders of the cult is restricted.
  23. I hope you enjoy it. These Forums are very friendly, so feel free to ask any questions and share your campaign notes/writeups.
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