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Alternate rules

A category for all the spot rules, alternate rules and rules add-ons for BRP. Contains alternate rules for combat, injury and skills, wild dice rules, vehicle rules and rules for legendary quests.

30 files

  1. Mythras - Master of Magic.pdf

    (the pdf version)
    Alternate power and magic system.
    With a magic system inspired by Master of Magic: https://masterofmagic.fandom.com/
    It has perks (general character improvements) and magic. Perk help tailor your character's adventuring power however you like it. But also limits it since one has at most INT Perks. By the way, it's targeted at Mythra- as opposed to BRP - with tame damage number (on spells) and small number of additional skills.
    Magic is divided into 6 branches (Arcane, Chaos, Death, Life, Nature, Sorcery) and requires lots of perks to be good at it. It also has a sort of inbuild levelling, which prevent beginner to start with end game spells. Some spell cost thousands of mana and affect the whole world, not ideal for adventuring.
    Overall 30 perks and 250 spells and a complete magic item creation ruleset. All sort of spells: buff, summons, elementals bolts, you name it!
    This was designed for Mythras rule set in mind, some numbers and skills might require tweak if used with BRP.




  2. Mythras - Master of Magic.docx

    (the word version, the navigation with section title is handy if you can read it)
    Alternate power and magic system.
    With a magic system inspired by Master of Magic: https://masterofmagic.fandom.com/
    It has perks (general character improvements) and magic. Perk help tailor your character's adventuring power however you like it. But also limits it since one has at most INT Perks. By the way, it's targeted at Mythra - as opposed to BRP - with tame damage number (on spells) and small number of additional skills.
    Magic is divided into 6 branches (Arcane, Chaos, Death, Life, Nature, Sorcery) and requires lots of perks to be good at it. It also has a sort of inbuild levelling, which prevent beginner to start with end game spells. Some spell cost thousands of mana and affect the whole world, not ideal for adventuring.
    Overall 30 perks and 250 spells and a complete magic item creation ruleset. All sort of spells: buff, summons, elementals bolts, you name it!
    This was designed for Mythras rule set in mind, some numbers and skills might require tweak if used with BRP.




  3. Platinum RPG System

    Platinum is a set of D100 rules that was designed to be easily hacked with bits and pieces of other games. If you like something from another game, add it in or replace it. Take parts from Champions/Hero, Palladium, D20 and others. There is no reason to be limited in your creativity by being shackled to arbitrary rules. These rules are a guideline, but this is not a narrative game, rules light or a story first system and has rules for many situations and campaign types. Extensive rules for skills, combat, experience, free-form magic and tools for various settings and worldbuilding are given in this book.  
    Combined with its companion wargame Strife, you can play at any scale from individual to fleets of ships in the age of sail or prowling the vastness of space. Platinum is made to inspire you and guide you into creating the campaign that you and your players want.
    Fast character creation with as much or as little customization as you want
    Percentile based skill system
    Classless system
    Fast and lethal combat for characters and vehicles
    Modular rules, use what you want, ignore what you don’t without changing the core gameplay
    Easily conversion from and to other systems including Basic Roleplaying, Storyteller, D20, etc.
    If you can describe it, you can build it
    Designed to be combined with Strife, the Scalable Wargame




  4. Magical Corruption Rules for BRP Games

    Lots of stories show magicians and wizards turning to the dark in their quest for power. They turn bad in incremental steps as their moral compass shifts more and more askew. Roleplaying games have modelled this in different ways.
    A recent thread at BRP Central discussed magical corruption and I put a couple of ideas forward. Here are my house rules for the BRP family of games, now that I’ve had more of a chance to think on it some more.




  5. The Second Way Draft

    The Second Way (TSW) is a set of homebrew freeform magic rules for Chaosium’s Magic World setting. The goal of TSW is to provide a definitive yet flexible way for crafting and scaling spells. Inspired by Chaosium’s Deep Magic and Atlas Game’s Ars Magica, TSW changes Deep Magic’s spheres and glyphs and adds rules for specifying spell range, area of effect and duration as well as for affecting mass, affecting character condition and casting spells against multiple targets. For maximum benefit readers will want to purchase Chaosium’s excellent Advanced Sorcery book.




  6. Modern_Firearms

    These are my house rules for detailed firearms in BRP.


    1 comment


  7. 13thAgeAnd13thAgeGloranthaD100ConversionV1.0

    Many years ago, fans of Glorantha had an attitude that D20 games wouldn’t fit in Glorantha, as Classes and Levels don’t work. Then came 13th Age Glorantha to disprove that notion. Also, many people in the D100 space looked down on D20 games as Classes and Levels don’t work with D100. Then came Classic Fantasy to disprove that notion.
    I once mentioned the idea of converting 13th Age Glorantha so that it would work with D100, but the idea was unpopular, as it was considered Crossing the Streams, which is, as we know, like, really bad.
    As I like things that are really bad, and had horrendous Writer's Block on Merrie England: Age of Crusade, I looked at how easy it would be to convert 13th Age Glorantha. Not very easy, as it turned out.
    Anyway, I have Uploaded V1.0 of the Conversion. Why Version 1.0? Well, it could well have typos and errors, it is missing Bookmarks, as I can't get them to work in Google Docs, and it may well need other material added.
    Please add any comments to the sister thread that I will link to in a separate post.


    1 comment


  8. wizardry_3.5.1.pdf

    This is the third revised edition of a document which is part of a project, which I now, after many years in the back burner have picked up again: to create a magic system for d100 systems that would make it easy to port d20 OGL spells into the d100 eco-system. The system is designed to be able to coexist with other magic systems for BRP, such as sprit magic and divine magic. 
    This is the second document of the project. The third is a compilation of converted and adapted d20 OGL spells from the d20 SRD and it's still in the works.
    /Peter Brink




  9. magic_theory.pdf

    This is a short text I wrote a long time ago in order to provide an "in world" explanation of how sorcerers believed magic worked. The knowledgeable reader will recognize most of the ideas in the text, because they are not new. It did fit into the project I had at the time, which I now, after many years have picked up again: to create a magic system for d100 systems that would make it easy to port d20 OGL spells into the d100 eco-system. Hopefully this text will find some use.
    /Peter Brink 




  10. BRP Unified Powers

    Hello fellow gamers! Unified Powers is Akerbakk's first contribution to BRP Central.
    This is a document that brings all powers from the BGB together in one place, eliminates redundancies, and assigns separate rulesets called 'Power Origins' to differentiate how characters use them. The ruleset is based on BRP from the BGB with some houserules. Most significant is that I added a characteristic, Awareness (AWA), and all Characteristic rolls are replaced with Attributes - this is to promote opposed roll mechanics wherever possible:
    Attributes are percentile scores determined by a combination of two characteristics each. They collectively quantify your character’s mental, emotional, and physical resilience.
    1.       Willpower =2(INT+POW)+10: Determines if the character’s mental focus will hold up. Use to resist mental probes and attacks and to avoid distractions.
    2.       Composure =2(AWA+AFF)+10: Determines if the character will startle or balk under pressure or fear. Used when calm or levelheadedness is needed.
    3.       Physique =2(STR+CON)+10: Measures the character’s overall health and fortitude. Used to resist injury, poisons, and diseases or for prolonged physical exertion or hardship.
    Unified Powers is a draft, and comments/ideas are welcome!




  11. Pulp Professions for Legend

    Here is a listing of modern professions with skill bonuses, geared towards a pulp setting. Included in the file are some new advanced skills and combat styles.




  12. Enhanced Melee Combat Rules for BRP

    These rules extensions were designed to rebalance some small problems in Basic Roleplaying melee combat, particularly for fantasy and historical campaigns. The design criterion were:

    Make Shield skill more useful and Dodge skill less powerful
    Make combat more interesting and varied for the players, with minimal increase to complexity
    Do not replace standard BRP rules but enhance them




  13. BRP Vehicle Design Rules 3.0

    Here is a rough draft of my current Vehicle Design Rules, as adapted from World of Wonder.




  14. techniques

    this is a ideal I had when I decided to make age of Conan with BRP. sENSE MONGOOSE well not use Runequest or BRP to make Conan a more enjoyable game I decided to do it my self, but I wanted a little more humph to the game so I made Techniques, so fare they are all combat, but I well get to the Non Combat Techniques, please give me some feed back, if you have better ideals I am all ears.or eyes as the case may be!




  15. COMBAT Survival Guide

    This is a translation of the Savage Worlds Combat Survival Gudie into PenDragon rules.




  16. Minions in BRP

    How to use a simplified system to do large & huge battles in BRP.
    The concept is still compatible with the BRP core rules, only some minor tweaks are added.

    20140516: Updated version with Minion sheets.




  17. Fantasy Edges

    This is a collection of Edges suitable for any fantasy RPG. They are special abilities a character can purchase once they have reached a certain skill level. Some of the edges are converted feats or character abilities from Dungeons and Dragons, some are converted Common Magic, and some are brand new. The edges were designed with either Runequest or Legend in mind, but with a little work they could be used for Magic World or Basic Roleplaying too.

    I've uploaded a expanded file with more combat and magic edges.




  18. New Risk Values.doc

    New risk values based on similar bullet types and loads. Information was obtained from Federal Ammunition web site.




  19. The Second Way Draft 1.5 033015

    The Second Way (TSW) is a set of home brew freeform magic rules for Chaosium’s Magic World setting. Inspired by Chaosium’s Deep Magic and Atlas Game’s Ars Magica, TSW changes Deep Magic’s spheres and glyphs and adds rules for specifying spell range, area of effect and duration as well as for affecting mass, affecting character condition and casting spells against multiple targets. The goal of TSW is to provide a definitive yet flexible way for crafting and scaling spells. For maximum benefit readers will want to purchase Chaosium’s excellent Advanced Sorcery book.




  20. Simpler Basic Roleplaying

    Do you not like the Attack/Defense Matrix? Perhaps you like to customize explosions? Maybe Critical Successes and Failures take too long to calculate, or you just want to simplify the advancement mechanic a little bit.

    I have you covered!




  21. Wealth Points for BRP

    Have you ever felt that requiring Status rolls to purchase an item is an inadequate solution? You aren't alone. I wrote this document to provide an easy alternative to using the Wealth/Status system for general use in any campaign.




  22. Pulp Edges for Legend

    This is a collection of edges, minor abilities that are skill based. This file has been updated and expanded from the previous version with more edges, including some supernatural ones.




  23. Converted_SW_Edges

    New version of my Savage Worlds to Basic RolePlaying Edges for my weird wild west campaign.




  24. BRP Alternative Character Advancement

    A couple of my players have voiced concerns about the slow pace and random nature of advancement for characters in the BRP system (we meet 2 to 3 times a month, and every couple of months, we actually get to devote an entire day to gaming . . . old school style!). So I did some research, gathered and distilled ideas expressed on forums and came up with a point-system that sits neatly on top of current concepts and processes within the game.

    In a nut-shell: This method still depends on a player getting check-marks for successfully using a skill. If a character earned a check mark next to a skill, they automatically get 1% added to that skill at the end of the session. The GM then awards experience points at the end of the session that can be used to increase skills, Alignment/Allegiance, or characteristics. Skills and characteristics that your character used in game go up faster (more cheaply). Allegiances will go up 1% (or more) automatically, each time the GM awards one (or more) points the character, in addition to being able to be raised via experience points.

    The strength of this system is that it provides relatively even advancement between PCs, and the players and GMs can use it adjust the pace of character advancement as desired.

    Note that I've included rules to include concepts from Classic Fantasy.

    A note about version 1.6; a player observed that beyond character generation, class and profession skills are generally undistinguished from other skills. This observation resonated with other complaints on the forums that eventually characters may start to resemble each other (although in my campaign, I don't see that happening), so I added the rule that non-class and non-profession sills cost more to advance. He was looking for a break on the cost of class and professional skills, but I decided that the opposite tack would produce the same result. Yes, sometimes I can be that kind of GM . . . ;-)

    As is usual, your feedback is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you,

    John P Meyers




  25. Attributes That Matter

    Hi all!
    This is a small collection of house rules I originally published on my blog, Tomb of Tedankhamen.
    They are intended to make attributes more worthwhile by having them affect NPC reactions, encumbrance, and skill percentages.
    The rules are pretty straightforward and really help GMing/roleplaying.
    Give them a look!




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