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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. Yep, been playing RQ3 since about 1987, although I bought it in 1985. I haven't found anything that is better overall, although BRP almost came close until Jason introduced loads of funny rules. I wrote Merrie England: Age of Eleanor for MRQI as it was OGL and a nice system to use. If Mongoose hadn't pulled Third Party Support for RQ straight afterwards, I'd still be using MRQ, or a close OGL variant, for writing stuff. Having looked closely at the rules, I can see a lot of good things about MRQI and MRQII, things that would introduce into RQ3 to make it even better. There are also a lot of things I wouldn't use (Movement as a Combat Option, for example) but that also applies to RQ3. But, unless someone makes a retro-clone version of RQ3 and adds the best bits from MRQI/II, OpenQuest, Wayfarer and BRP, I'll continue to use RQ3+. You are so, so wrong about that
  2. Rounding up and rounding down is easy enough to do in your head. What I did was to produce an Excel spreadsheet with skill up to 200% showing the scores needed for critical, special, failure, fumble, so you just need to do a lookup. We've never used it, though. It would be handy if you are checking ballpark figures - 80% skill, roll a 60 clearly a normal success, roll a 01 celarly a critical, roll a 17 work it out or look at the table.
  3. MRQII is a very good system. If RQ3 hadn't branded itself into my psyche, I'd probably be playing MRQII for my RQ campaign. Mongoose tried very hard to produce a good line. Sure, they had problems, but they rebooted the RQ line and produced some very good supplements, some reasonable supplements and some poor supplements. All game companies do that (Anyone remember Chaosium's Scorpionmen and Broos?). Their main problem seems to have been that they tried to run before they could walk, didn't have a good grasp of Glorantha (at least in the beginning) and had problems with editing and production quality. But, at least they did something, and that's a good thing. As to whether MRQII is the best d100 system out there, that's subjective. It isn't as good as the hybrid that takes the best things from all the d100 games, but it's good enough. The future is in an OGL game based on an adapted version MRQI/II. Whether that has been written yet is open to debate.
  4. The only HQ2 things I have bought have been the rulebook and Sartar - I haven't been able to afford anything else. The rulebook wasn't really my cup of tea and Sartar seemed OK, but I haven't really read it through properly. Let's hope so.
  5. Loz and Pete are more down to earth writers than some of those involved in Moon Design, so I would expect less of the "storygame wankfest". What I would like to see is systemless background books and then scenarios/campaigns written with stats. That way, we could have all the juicy background material and then HeroQuest campaigns, RuneQuest campaigns and so on. Imagine First, Second and Third Age background with the possibility of running them using HeroQuest or RuneQuest.
  6. I tried to post the news here around noon but the site was down. Hopefully, Wayfarer will succeed and join the family of RQ/BRP/D100 games around. RuneQuest BRP Wayfarer OpenQuest GORE (perhaps) Paolo's system (can't remember what it is called, sorry, Pazio ???)
  7. I'd give each Culture/Background a number of skills and also a points bonus. You could do something like the Bonus Packages and give +20% on certain skills.
  8. Thanks - it wasn't the one I was looking for but is very useful. I've got the missing file as well - thanks to Peter Brinks and Dale Long. It's nice to know that people have downloaded things from my website and saved them.
  9. I did an Excel Spreadsheet for my RQPavis campaign but have lost it. For some reason, I don't think I cobnverted it to PDF. Could you send it to me anyway? (Unless it is bought and paid for, in which case you probably can't). soltakss @ yahoo . com without the spaces.
  10. Yes, absolutely, that's exactly what I do.
  11. I'm trying to find a file that was on my RQPavis site - a list of Pavic equipment (rqp01.xls). I don't suppose that anyone has downloaded it and has a copy they could send me?
  12. Wakboth was always known as "The Devil" and is the one who fought Storm Bull and was trapped beneath the Block in Prax. Kajabor was the Void, and everything it consumed was destroyed forever. The Lightbringers supposedly trapped Wakboth in Hell in the Ritual of the Net, but people also say that this was Kakabor and that the defeat turned the Void inside out and created Life. But that is Gloranthan mysticism for you. Neither God is now worshipped, for both are dead and trapped/destroyed. Ogres worship Cacodemon, who is a part of Wakboth, so some of their worship might be directed to Wakboth. Worshipping Kajabor might be a waste of time as it absorbs all worship, in my opinion, or anything sent to him is utterly destroyed. As to their origins, Wakboth was created by the Unholy Trio (Ragnaglar the Mad God, Thed and Mallia) and Kajabor came in when Glorantha was shattered, he came from the Chaos outside of Glorantha.
  13. Also, if you bump a Fumble, all you'll get is a Failure. If you reroll then you could get a critical. Much more incentive to try.
  14. For those who use Hit Locations, which style do you prefer? Locations in Numeric Order (01 at the top) R Leg 01-04 L Leg 05-08 Abdomen 09-11 Chest 12 R Arm 13-15 L Arm 16-18 Head 19-20 Locations in Locational Order (Head at the top) Head 19-20 Left Arm 16-18 Right Arm 13-15 Chest 12 Abdomen 09-11 Left Leg 05-08 Right Leg 01-04 Some other Order Don't Care
  15. By the way, if you have a Power Point Store of some kind, could you use the stored Power Points as Fate Points? I can't see anywhere where you can't. I suppose it depends on how the Power Points are stored. If you had a Relic of a Saint then I'd allow it to be used in this way to perform a minor miracle to change things. If you have Power Points drained from someone else and stored in your soul then I'd say yes as well. However, if you have a crystal that stores Power Points then perhaps I'd say no, as it isn't integral to you and isn't inherently miraculous.
  16. But the look of pure joy on their little faces when they use a Hero Point to reroll a fumble to a Critical is well worth it. Also, the look of disbelief when they reroll the same failure three times, rolling above 95 each time is even more special, to me anyway.
  17. Seconded - I was surprised at how easily BRP coped with a Sharpe game. I think there were only 2 extra skills, Quick Load was one that worked particularly well.
  18. I have no immersion in my current game. Any attempt is countered by the "A funny thing happened at work today", or "Did I tell you the one about ..." or "I had a character who ..." or, even worse, recounting anything from Father Ted or Terry Pratchett - a sure-fire, but enjoyable, way of blasting the moment.
  19. "You tried to jump the canyon but only just made it and almost fell in" - sounds fine by me. "Riding your's luck", "Your luck has run out", both phrases describe when you don't have Fate Points left to manipulate your own destiny.
  20. Old School: Hordes of Indo-European invaders sweep through the Near East and Europe in waves of conquests New School: A few Indo-European farmers peacefully talk to their neighbours who speak to their neighbours, gently and peacefully spreading the language and cultures across the Near East and Europe I'm more Old School, myself ... I've always thought that the Minoans/Myceneans/Anatolians were connected is a huge pan-culture - after all, they traded with each other for years and had religious and cultural contacts. Look at the Greek Myths - they made no real distinction between the peoples of the Near East and Greek Islands/Mainland, at least that's how I read them.
  21. OK, I've read them again. 1. It looks as though these could be more powerful than Hero Points as they use Power Points as a resource rather than something that can be burned 2. Magicians/Psionic characters are more limited than normal characters as they have to choose where they spend Power Points 3. The examples are very limited I would allow the use of Fate Points in the following circumstances: 1. To reroll ANY roll, including damage, hit location or experience gain 2. To reroll a reroll (It's funnier when they fail two or three times) 3. To do something normally impossible (Jumping a 30 foot chasm for example) 4. To move a Difficulty Level one level better (Impossible to Difficult, Difficult to Average, Average to Easy, Easy to Automatic) 5. To add finesse to something (E.g., when making an enchantment, add flavour by adding extra things to the enchantment) 6. Three points per point of damage absorbed seems very high to me - I'd allow 5 points to reroll the damage entirely (as above) 7. Changing the plot makes sense, my players have used this to mean that the guard in their prison is the chappie they rescued a few scenarios back, for example. I'd like a clearer scale, though.
  22. I'm more into individual heroics, myself. The idea of smashing a Shieldwall or heroically defending it against a charge of Berserkers would do it for me. Interesting ideas about unit combat, though, something that BRP probably needs.
  23. Not FUBARed at all - you just didn't realise that the BGB had Fate Points. I'm glad that it isn't just me. I'll have to read them again to try and get my head around them.
  24. Hit Points are calculated differently, but not enough to force you to recalculate everything. I'd just use hit points per location as they are written for most purposes (RQ2/3, MRQ and BRP should be able to use hit points from any of the others without a real problem, OpenQuest doesn't use Locations so is a bit different).
  25. BGB - Big Gold Book (BRP Rules). Fate Points are described on p176. They seem to be like Hero Points in MRQ, a bit,. but are very confusing, certainly not as easy to use as Hero Points. I could never work out how many you could get, whether you actually got them or whether you just used Power Points as Fate Points. I'd just use Hero Points from MRQ.
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