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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. It is effectively semi-official, so you are probably OK to use its ideas and they are likely to stand. My view is that we can wait for years until official Chaosium supplements come out for particular areas, or we can use what we have now and extrapolate. I prefer using what we have now.
  2. 8ut, he has! Geases are individual and not cult-wide restrictions. Humakt forbids his worshippers from learning and using the mace and maul, however any other weapons are broadly acceptable. If the whole cult should not use assassinations and ambushes, why is there a need for a geas? The fact that there is a geas means that the activity geased against is allowed by the cult as a whole.
  3. People on the forums love answering questions, so ask as many questions as you want. Where two maps clash, I think of several reasons: Mapmakers did not have all the facts, so made guesses Maps are not always accurate Clans move around a bit, due to politics and clan skirmishes Labels on maps don't reflect reality People's ideas change In this case, it looks as though the labels for the Poss and Lolendi on the WF map don't really reflect the clans' positions, which is why borders in maps can be useful. In the Well of Daliath map, it looks as though the clans are parallel coming off the Starfire Ridges, which pushes the Goodsword Clan more towards the marsh, alongside the Colymar. That would naturally push the Marshedge Clan towards the edge of the marsh and not as far inland. Moving the Lolendi towards the marsh means they either butt up against the Marshedge Clan or they themselves butt up against the march, either splitting the Marshedge Clan in two or moving it to the west. Personally, I'd not give the Lolendi a border with the marsh and, instead, have the Marshedge Clan stretching to the Goodsword Clan. That way, there is conflict between the Lolendi and Marshedge clans over access to the marsh.
  4. Her Runes, in the Cult Compendium, are Fire/Sky and Death. So, she shares the common Rune of Death with all Hunters.
  5. Humakt defeated many opponents, so his worshippers can use most weapons. I think that Humakt often blesses swords, but not always. Where he thinks that a weapon shouldn't be used, he provides a geas for it. One of the Adventurers in our Arganauts Campaign performed the Styx Shore HeroQuest, where he went to the Styx and forged a new Sword. He took a gift and geas, and almost opted to take the geas "Never use a Hammer of any kind" until I very kindly asked how he was going to forge a sword without using a hammer, so he changed it to Whips.
  6. Don't forget the Night Huntress, Yelorna, who grants Silver Track, Shooting Star, and gets Catseye from Yelmalio. Sure, she doesn't grant Peaceful Cut but is a very effective hunting cult.
  7. Sheng Seleris knew that he had to die and be bound in a Lunar Hell in order to discover the powers to defeat the Red Emperor. He allowed himself to be bound and returned with the knowledge. A few decades later, Sheng Seleris defeated and killed the Red Emperor permanently, devouring his flesh and becoming Emperor himself. A cunning plan indeed.
  8. I think there is a term for that in Arcane Lore. Unfortunately, I didn't capture it in Secrets of HeroQuesting.
  9. We played that certain artefacts allowed Adventurers to regain spells, as they were holy. So, they amounted to portable shrines. In RQG you could use them to regain Rune Points as if in a Temple. What I would probably do is to have them bump up the level of temple by 2. So, nothing gets bumped through Site to Shrine, Site gets bumped through Shrine to Minor Temple and so on.
  10. It makes sense being near Troll Woods
  11. The Resistance table falls down at high levels, so I rarely use it. But for the OP's question, I usually use A, or extend the table so I get values that work easily.
  12. Orlanth Lightbringer is the Aspect that realised that he had done bad things, although none of them were his fault, so he had to be the hero to fix them. Being the hero was, of course, his fault.
  13. Yes, it was in the English versions. Rather than have that, I adjust the height/weight bands by _/- 1 or 2, it gives similar results and is easier.
  14. I have just had a walk-through of the city of New Pavis by Matthew Cole. All I can say is WOW, just WOW! It really captures the look and feel of New Pavis, and allows you to zoom into places on the city. If this was available as an online tool, then I could see it being used by GMs to preview locations in their scenarios, and also to have run throughs of scenarios, with Adventurers moving through the streets. Hopefully Matthew can post some screenshots, as appetisers. @Ian A. Thomson You should try and get a preview from Matthew, as it will really bring Pavis to life for you.
  15. That is great, thanks, I love that Mythras is still supporting Mythic Earth. I have used my cult credit to buy this, having some cult support. At the risk of being cheeky, any news on the eagerly-awaited Mythic Greece?
  16. Hero Wars covered this. If you want to use it, have a look at my converted Hero Wars material, which links in to the Book of Doom spells for RQG and might be a goof place to start. My gut feeling is that this will not be detailed in RQG. Vingans can join Desemboth's Subcult as easily as normal Orlanthi. Probably not, as this is a specific Subcult that taught the spell to Wind Lords. Desemborth might get the spell in the same way, just not only to Wind Lords. Desemborth is probably subsumed into the Orlanth Adventurous cult.
  17. We always took 1 SIZ = 1 Stone (14 lb or 6.3 kg) as a general rule of thumb. We also took the SIZ chart in RQ2 and used that as a rule of thumb when talking about humanoid creatures. I think I played that stocky creatures, such as dwarves, used the height range from 1 SIZ lower and the weight range from 1 SIZ higher, so a SIZ 6 Dwarf would have a height range of 106-120 cm and a weight range of 42-49 kg, instead of the 121-135 cm/36-41 kg for SIZ 6. One of the Players in our RQ2 Campaign looked at Vrok Hawks, which are roughly humanoid in shape, having two legs, two upper limbs, a body and a head. He noticed that they could reach SIZ 6, which gave them a weight of 36-41 kg and a height of 121 -135 kg. Comparing it to a Californian Condor, 11-15 kg, he claimed that Yelmalians had something the size of a vulture perched on their shoulders.
  18. I used the cover illustration from Holiday Dorastor: Temple of Heads as my background in our Arthurian game, just because I thought it was cool.
  19. Character generation gave him both Hate Undead and Fear Undead. It is unusual but can happen. If it happened to my Adventurer, I might have argued that the second Passion would have just added 10 to the original Passion, but I think the Player liked the internal conflict.
  20. I think they drape their shields over their arm, as the Yelmalians do. Just use the same Pike and Shield hit locations.
  21. I think it is a case of interpretation. Different people interpret things in different ways, and that is absolutely fine. What6 I would say is to take whatever works for you at your gaming table and use that. Maybe it will be something I say, maybe something that Jeff says, maybe something that Nick or Drew say, then blend them together to get something that works for you. For example, I am not a fan of the "Minor magic items are not important on HeroQuests" approach, For me, one thing that makes Adventurers interesting HeroQuestors is that they have access to many minor abilities that can be used on the HeroQuest in inventive ways. The new Chaosium HeroQuesting rules probably won't have this, so I would adapt them to include things that I could see as being useful. Oh, don't worry, when the new HeroQuesting rules come out I'll be all over them and will write something that compares and contrasts with my own HeroQuesting ideas.
  22. Thanks for the mention. My Hill of Gold articles should be at http://www.soltakss.com/indexheroquesting.html#HoG. I plan to redo them for the Jonstown Compendium, probably adding stuff and changing what I have there.
  23. In our Black Spears game this week we had an interesting event. We met a Ghoul and one of the Adventurers had both Fear Undead and Hate Undead, so he rolled his Fear Undead and failed, which allowed him to roll his Hate Undead, which succeeded. I was wondering how people would resolve that? Would you roll Fear Undead first, accepting the result if you succeeded, but trying Hate Undead if you failed? Would you roll Fear Undead vs Hate Undead in an opposed roll to see which passion took precedence? Would you just ask the Adventurer to pick one and roll it? If so, why would anyone choose Fear Undead? Do you have another suggestion?
  24. In my Glorantha, Agimori see Yelmalians as soft and weak with inferior pike formations. Sure, some could join, but they would then be seen as soft and weak by fellow Agimori.
  25. Did you provide a link that worked, and Pookie amended his links? If so, thanks. It is unclear.
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