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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. There are several big things coming up. These things take time. We have been waiting for over 40 years for the HeroQuesting rules, so I, personally, can wait a little longer.
  2. I play that each Rune Pool is limited by CHA. Personally, I am not in the business of hobbling heroic Adventurers.
  3. Yes, that kind of thing. Also roots and tubers could hold water. We are not necessarily constrained by earthly biology, after all.
  4. It was Aether Primolt, the father of Yelm, Lodril and Dayzatar. Also, of Umath, but that's someone else's story.
  5. There is a myth that Aether Primolt divided the world amongst his sone, giving the Sky World to Dayzatar, the Surface World to Lodril and the Underworld to Yelm, However, Yelm bitterly complained and so Aether switched them giving Yelm rule over the Surface World and Lodril ruling the Underworld. Of course, when Yelm was slain, he ruled the Underworld and Lodril burst onto the Surface World, so both received their due. There was, but not from that myth. There is a Myth of Zorak Zoran, Argan Argar and Xiola Umber who found a godling. Zorak Zoran said it was an enemy and uncovered it but was burned by the process. Argan Argar looked away and ignored it. Xiola Umbar blinked and remembered what she saw. So, that was the first light in the Underworld. For me, it also explains how Zorak Zoran controls Fore, through Amanstan, but struggles with it, whereas Argan Argar controls fire, through Suppress Lodril, or rather it explains how they could command Amanstan and Lodril. He landed in Larnste's Footprint and, I think exploded where the Castle of Black Glass was, at the Shadow Plateau.. When he was released from that prison, he erupted as the Vent. He penetrated the earth, as the Sky Spear, filling it with molten lava. Make of that what you will. He also fought Krarsht, in her tunnels, but she confused and trapped him. I don't think so, but there is nothing to say that the Sky Spear was his first time on the Surface World.
  6. If it helps, most of the Jonstown Compendium are PDF First. As, of course, it should be. 🙂
  7. Not particularly, for me. The pandemic was great for me, as I could cut myself away from everyone. Continuum next week will be the first big, in-person event that I will have done post-Covid and I am looking forward to it.
  8. Don't look into the Sex Pit otherwise the Sex Pit will look into you.
  9. I can see Roddull, a Lunar HeroQuestor, going into the God Time to bring back a ri8val to the Ostrich Tribe, as a Lunar equivalent, in the same way that the Sables are Lunar-loving Praxians. Obviously, as Roddull is as mad as a hatter, things might go slightly differently than expected.
  10. It is a difficult question to answer. In my game, I would say that gender rules for cult membership are fixed. I.e. a woman cannot become a member of Yelm or Waha. However, there may be people who get around those gender restrictions. How does that work? Either by saying that the person is special in some way, or has proven themselves to be exceptional and out of the norm. No, I wouldn't allow it just because a Player said "Hey this is cool". Maybe use something like the One Special Thing from 13th Age Glorantha. "My One Special thing is that I am a female initiate of Waha". That sparks off a whole lot of roleplaying opportunities, from the conservative members who challenge her, to those who HeroQuest to prove that she cannot worship Waha.
  11. Orlanth was brought back again. However, while Orlanth was dead, nobody filled his role and became his replacement. HeroQuestors might have tried to do it, to a limited degree, but none really succeeded.
  12. Simon is clearly not an antiquarian. I am an antique but, you are correct, I am not an antiquarian. Yes, all the Sun Domes probably have a shrine to Yelorna. Pole Star would have a Shrine if the Yelornan Temple was a Minor Temple, in my opinion. You could have the Yelornan Shrine in an alcove with little cupboards of her associate deities, I suppose, but where do you stop? Do you have Polaris' Associate Cults in little drawers in the Polaris cupboard? Yes, Yelorna Starbringer brought the Star Captains to the world. If Polaris was a Star Captain then she could well have brought him. Polaris cultists would probably say that he ordered her to guide Polaris to the people. Yes, there are Yelornans in Sartar, especially in Sun County. They don't particularly hold Polaris dear to heart, as he is just another Star Captain to them. That was a HeroQuest to get a replacement, because Kallyr Starbrow had a deep and personal connection with Rigsdal/Polestar. If was not a mythical connection, but was a temporary fix. I doubt it. Maybe for one Clan, or one Tribe, on a temporary basis until Orlanth gets better. The problem isn't the name of the deities, but the inference from the HeroQuest. Rigsdal did not become Orlanth, so Polestar did not become Orlanth. Maybe, at best, Rigsdal sat in Orlanth's seat for a bit, in the same way that Elmal or Doburdan could have. My guess is that several tribes or clans tried something similar, putting their own cultural hero in Orlanth's place, to fill the void that his loss created. None of them resulted in an equivalence, of them becoming Orlanth.
  13. Just like Nysalor and Gbaji?
  14. Now, isn't that pretty?
  15. That was Gbaji, the evil demon brought by Arkat to destroy the bright and wondrous light of Nysalor! 😉 Yes, don't forget that Nysalor and Gbaji are two completely different people. They might inhabit the body of Osentalka, the Perfect One, but they are entirely separate. Gbaji Worshippers did all the bad things and Nysalor Worshippers did all the good things.
  16. Praxians also know which plants hold water, so they can dig up those plants and eat them for their water content. Some plants might be able to be cut and provide bitter water to drink.
  17. Shargash was Yelmalio's big, rough, bully brother. I don't see Yelmalians as being particularly friendly to Shargash, no matter how the cults react. Elmal cultists have probably not heard of Tolat, as Tolat is worshipped by the Trowjang Amazons and Elmal worshippers are, generally, far away. Just because a deity is known by two names, they won't be known by both names everywhere.
  18. I play DI very loosely. "Bring me back alive and move me out of danger" is fine. "Bring me back alive and move me away from these scary Broos" is not fine for a Storm Bull worshipper, similarly "Bring me back alive and move me away from these scary Zombies" is not fine for a Humakti. "Bring me back alive and heal my friends" might be fine. As a general rule of thumb, using the number of Rune Points spent in the DI is reasonable. So, if you lose 5 points, then a Resurrect and 2 Heal Wounds should be free. Any more might need some kind of Passion roll to see how well the deity reacts. However, I would only do that for shopping lists. The DI happens between the killing blow and the death. Humakti who receive a killing blow might feel a sword chop off their head but magically passing through the body leaving no wound behind, as they didn;t die so are not being brought back from the dead. That made me read the RQG Divine Intervention rules again. So, if I am a Rune Lord with POW 17 and 16 Rune Points, I spend 1 Rune Point and roll 1D10, losing a further 6 Rune Points. My Rune Pool goes down to 9, but I get the 6 back at the next worship, brining me to 15 Rune Points. Is that right? Does the initial 1 Rune Point also get restored at the next Worship?
  19. Yes, but not many people remember that. It is easier to say Sartar Sun Dome County, as everyone knows what that means. I can't even remember the name of the Praxian Sun Domer County, so would never use the name. It's all to do with making things easier for people, rather than using a name because "Oh look, I'm clever and can remember an obscure name".
  20. I get people to roll an extra die for each set of characteristics and choose which rolls to use, also I get them to roll an extra set of Characteristics, so they can discard the one they don't want. So, for humans, RQG uses 3D6 for STR, CON, DEX, POW and CHA, and 2D6+6 for SIZ and INT. I would allow the Players to roll 6 lots of 3D6, using 4D6/Best 3, and 3 lots of 2D6+6, using 3D6+6/Best 2, and discarding what they don't want, then allocating the rolls as required. As an example, they could roll: 3D6: 1,4,3,5, Discard the 1 to get 12 3D6: 2,4,6,6, Discard the 2 to get 14 3D6: 3,4,4,5, Discard the 3 to get 13 3D6: 4,6,6,5, Discard the 4 to get 17 3D6: 2,2,4,5, Discard one of the 2s to get 11 3D6: 4,6,5,6, Discard the 4 to get 17 2D6+6: 3,4,5, Discard the 3 to get 9, for a score of 15 2D6+6: 2,3,4, Discard the 2 to get 7, for a score of 13 2D6+6: 1,6,6, Discard the 1 to get 12, for a score of 18 The Player want to have a Warrior, so discards roll (5) and roll (8), being the smallest, giving 3D6 rolls of 12, 14, 13, 17 and 17, and 2D6+6 rolls of 15 and 18.allocates the following: STR: 17 CON: 14 SIZ: 18 INT: 15 POW: 12 DEX: 17 CHA: 13 Alternatively, the Player wants a musician, so discards roll (5) and roll (7), giving 3D6 rolls of 12, 14, 13, 17 and 17, and 2D6+6 rolls of 13 and 18. allocates the following: STR: 12 CON: 13 SIZ: 13 INT: 18 POW: 14 DEX: 17 CHA: 17 So, with the same rolls, we have two different Adventurers.
  21. In the same way that Elmal is Yelmalio in is wilderness years, serving Orlanth, Rigsdal is Polaris helping the People as a Star Captain. I see no problem with this approach. Polaris an be both the Commander of the Heavenly Dance, and of Yelm's armies, and also a Star Captain who helped the people of the Storm Tribe.
  22. You know, in all my years of thinking of Arkat, this never entered my mind, even though it is so obvious. Maybe he had resistance from the Humakt Cult, which is why he went seeking for other allies.
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