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Everything posted by Raleel

  1. Raleel

    magical weapons

    Yes, that's what I would expect, and no doubt it's clear in Mythras. Just seems like it should be like maximize damage or adamage bonus and move up one die. Seems inconsistent for no apparent reason I can determine is all, though that progression was used back in the RQII SRD for damage mod, and something different for bladesharp.
  2. Raleel

    magical weapons

    A little off topic but Matt's comment reminds me... is anyone else slightly annoyed that bladesharp's stepping affects both dice in multidice weapons? That's not how stepping works
  3. Sorry if i caused any confusion! I was going off of memory of http://www.chaosium.com/blog/designing-the-new-runequest-part-9/ where it says and obviously that has changed, as the submission page refers to Runequest: Roleplaying in Glorantha! (Close to Runequest: Glorantha) and Runequest Fantasy Earth (not equal to Glorantha). My apologies.
  4. As I understand it, Runequest is specifically Glorantha (though glorantha is not specifically Runequest, as there are other systems that use that world). As I am almost certain I have read, there is no "generic Runequest". Mythic Iceland is a BRP product, and while similar to Runequest, not exactly the same if you want something like that, I would suggest checking out Mythras, which is a direct descendant of Mongoose Legend and Runequest II, and also written by the authors of Land of the Samurai and Runequest Vikings. I have the latter and Mythic Iceland and they are quite compatible (though with the normal BRP family tweaks) with Mythras.
  5. what it's saying is that single shot black power weapons take 9-12 turns (I.e. You must spend 9-12 action points doing this, about 3-4 rounds) and changing an ammunition magazine takes 3 turns (or 3 AP, about 1 round) if you look in the weapon charts, black power weapons do indeed take 4 rounds (specifically called out) and magazines re mostly in the 3 (implied is turns) range. A round is 5 seconds in Mythras. A cycle is a complete round of turns. A turn is the period of time when you can spend an action point for a proactive action, like reloading. A turn is a somewhat fluid measure of time, because people with 2 AP spend 2.5 seconds on them, and people with 3 AP spend 1.6667 seconds on them, and you can spend all your actions and end up missing a turn
  6. Raleel

    Why Legend?

    you did a fine job of answering his question, of which there was one.
  7. I've debated going to luck points every other session or something instead of every session, because we play relatively short sessions and I never get to crit! ok occasionally I roll a crit twice
  8. Oh certainly, it can be different. It often isn't, though. Insect derivatives tend to have more legs, and lower hit points per leg. Octopuses might not, for example. Really depends if they get an arm multiplier or a leg one.
  9. I agree with Matt that scores over 100 are rare, but also discounted here. Difference between scores is probably more important, and that would account for the over 100 penalty. But I do loves me some formulas, even if it's not really all that necessary
  10. I actually tend to think of it as a disadvantage. Stats aside, many tentacled horrors tend to have more locations. This tends to make the locations have fewer hit points per location. This, in turn, makes it easier to hit wound thresholds. I also find this easy to mitigate by saying that the Many-tentacled-horror doesn't suffer the effects of a serious or major wound on his limbs - just the limb is stunned, not the whole thing. As a side note, and because I can't remember which Mythras combat thread it was in, but many-tentacled-horrors make very easy to balance BBEGs for Mythras. 1 AP per tentacle, count up the AP in the party, that many tentacles. Done!
  11. I implemented Shift Location in our group as well. To me, it felt about right. Spent some time on the math and was satisfied that it was pretty close to what I wanted. I didn't get to use Prepare Counter on them, however another thing I did was put in head armor, but ultimately, I think that did exactly what Skoll experienced - location focusing and driving for the 1d3 turn stun on a Serious Wound. Whether that was good or not, I don't know, but the players in my group decided they didn't like choose location because going for the head always seemed like the best option for them. I suspect it was because they wanted to deny me the option of going for the head
  12. Depends on the roll, but largely I let them roll and roleplaying it. I try to make failure be "the lack of useful information" rather than "wrong information". This is less of a stretch to roleplay. A fumble I might have be a penalty on the first roll in combat or something. Yes, I try to set up encounters that encourage tactics, stealth, or flat out avoiding if I can. But my group is also a bloodthirsty lot, who are looking to feel like superheroes after a week or two of real world activities, so I don't spend as much time on it. Still, it helps because you can put together encounters that are MORE tactical, and thus give them a better feeling of being a superhero.
  13. Lots of good advice here already. I generally try to balance action points, but add in skill difference as a factor here. If skill is half of the player characters, then I generally will go up towards twice the available action points. Normally this happens by adding more opponents. So, rabble at 40%, and the PCs are 80%, then I should feel pretty good sending 3 AP 2 guys up against a single 3 AP PC. The players have some options, like outmaneuver, that prevents it from getting too out of hand. They also take out rabble on single hits. For single monsters, I try not to do that, and I generally give them an action point more. I like to put in rabble with these to prevent a dog pile. There are some nuances that come in with shields that don't happen without them. One game, the GM asked me for advice on how to neutralize a two handed weapon fighter who would remove limbs easily. I told him to use ranged guys, just a javelin thrower or two, and they don't even have to be that good. Two javelin throwers pinned down that great weapon guy, even though they had 80% of the skill. Fear of getting hit kept him evading.
  14. And that's good! Don't have to play a way you don't want to I know there was a lot of consternation a while back about Glorantha and RQ6 not being possible now, but folks can do as they like really. Some folks may like Glorantha with this style of combat. Some may like it with 13th age or RQG . as for mass combats, I think it scales just fine depending on your definition of mass. If I want a lot of guys (10 or more), I use rabble, which go down in a hit, or underlings, which go down in two, and don't really have any hit locations. Worked well for me, even running 10 or 12 on the GM side with five player characters. I can quite comfortably do 6-8 full locations and full special effects at a time. Really, nothing says there are no AOE spells. Sorcery has multi target spells - every last one - and theism has many. Even animism have large elemental spirits, which are, in a way, AOE. Mysticism deals with the problem differently. I think I get what you are saying about numbers, but it is manageable, just not in the run into it and hope to live sort of way. But, depending on the power level of your campaign, that is quite possible - mystics with high levels of skill and augmentation can virtually walk through without spending actions on defense and are assured hits.
  15. I like this self evaluation and finding your in house stuff lacking.
  16. I think that this discussion really points to a fundamental excellence in the base of the brp/d100 family of games. Folks who want any particular approach can get it, and can largely change pieces to suit their own evolution with little worry about it hooking in to other things and causing breakage across the entire system.
  17. I should mention (and am not going to quote for laziness and brevity) that remise, in the Mythras case, means you get a follow up attack which uses action points (base unit of action economy). It would probably be closer (as I understand it) to forcing the attacker to defend only the next round. in the case of knockback and trip, trip is explicitly put to prone. There is also a Bash special effect which moves away and can cause prone if they are not careful. There is also knockback, which is based on doing a lot of damage. and yes, special effects are accessed when you succeed and your opponent fails. There is also a small case where you can critical, your opponent succeeds, and you get to access one SE which can be a critical based one. This case is largely there because success on a defense will often (though not always, see dagger blocking two handed sword) block all the damage. In this case, the critical special effect can be "circumvent parry" which allows for a normal strike, even though they parried. Honestly, I wonder if folks will start just using rune magic from RQG and then pull in the combat from Mythras for their own games.
  18. depends on the attack, but yes, largely that would be the case. Sometimes, they don't make sense in the context of the attack, of course, and thus are not allowed (choose location on large targets can't hit the head, for example). Some special effects are pretty specialized, and require special training to even get access to (kill silently, for example). But you generally do get a choice, even if that choice is to cause your opponent to go back on his heels and be forced to spend his next action defending. In the case of Impale, Bleed, and Stun Location (which would probably be roughly comparable to Impale, Crush, and Slash), they are enabled by the weapon, but they are not necessarily strictly increased damage. Impale, for example, does increase damage by allowing it to be rolled twice and taking the highest. It also leaves the weapon in the target, and additional damage is caused on removal. Bleed, on the other hand, doesn't do additional damage, but it does cause fatigue, which simulates blood loss. Stun Location, as you might guess, is a knockout blow to a location. You must have the right weapon for each of these. Remise requires a small weapon. Entangle requires an Entangling weapon. Entrapping weapons can Pin Weapon without the need for a critical. I would not say that it is "relying on a special/critical roll to access". A simple hit, combined with your opponent's inability to defend, or even unwillingness to defend, will give you one. If you hit and he does not or cannot defend, you get 1. if you critical and he does not defend, you get 2 along with access to the critical ones. If you critical and he fumbles his defense (note, he has to try to fumble), you get 3 special effects as well as access to attacker criticals and defender fumbles special effects. As far as preferences go, and easier in practice, that likely depends on the person. I certainly have seen this in my game. I've also seen players who really savor the special effects and find that it brings something to combat they previously had not experienced in any system. The determination of what you are going to do - specific kind of attack (does a RQ2 trip attack cause damage?) vs determining once your attack has been made is just a preference and a timing thing. my own group tended to have a small set of choices ready. Your Mythras/Runequest/Glorantha will vary and all that
  19. The thing is, special effects are the place where Impale and other things like it are. It's not really an arsenal, though I can see why a person might view it that way. It's the place where you place things that are the result of combat beyond damage. Entangle is there, for nets, and only entangling weapons can use it. Bash (aka pushing back) is there, and only blunt weapons and shields can use it. Tripping is there, and anyone can do it, but it is also not a good choice all the time - say if you rolled poorly, but still hit (bottom end of your hit range, but not a critical), because it is an opposed roll and easily countered. Fumbles in Mythras also provide opportunities for special effects, though the opponent must succeed to be granted them. These include things like hitting your buddy or yourself or having a weapon malfunction. I can certainly see the view that it could upset the rhythm. I've seen some players get paralyzed with the choices available to them. there are a couple of reasons for this, but none are particularly difficult to deal with - read the rules, pay attention instead of being on your phone, etc. frankly, I find Mythras combat it be quite fast, being over in a couple of rounds. This is based on a year of campaign or so, with combat most every session. I would say that it is a touch more complex than my memories of rq2, and it's probably more complex than the current iteration of 5e d&d (that one has no impaling, no specials, no defense rolls, etc). It is also quite deadly, similar to rq2, and has hit locations.
  20. Yea, the lack of classes is actually something that I really noticed recently as a strong point for myself. Previously, I had recognized that I hated multiclassing in D&D, but sort of weirdly chafed under classes. I realized that what I wanted was more fine grained multiclassing, to the point where the class was almost irrelevant to the character - which is pretty much exactly what Mythras does. Another part of it for me is combat, but specifically special effects and, oddly enough, shields and spears. SEs allow me a host of "powers" that make logical sense, and are not locked away in a class. They let any of my characters control the flow of combat without any special restriction. Shields and spears are mostly because they get a fair shake. the comparisons to D&D are poignant to me lately, as my group just switched to it since I was unavailable to DM Mythras regularly. I picked a wizard to play because it has enough knobs for me to fiddle with, but I still wish I was playing Mythras a bit
  21. I did actually. How odd.
  22. I wonder why my font size was inconsistent here. I don't even think there is a font size adjusting option!
  23. Unfortunately not an option on the iPad in either acrobat reader or PDF expert. I think the problem here is less about zooming and more that the font is "dirty" for lack of better words. The letters have deliberately rough edges, they are not perfectly regular thickness. This isn't a problem if you are looking at it above a certain size (likely reader and conditions dependent), but once you go below that, things become quite indistinct. They are rendering correctly, but that font is designed for larger print. You mention the math, for example. The subscripts are particularly hard to distinguish at small size, but are perfectly acceptable when I zoom to the point where the document is single column size. Truthfully, the length of the subscript is more of an indicator that it is different and one should focus in - the letters are not very distinct at all.
  24. Picked this up. I likes me the graphs I would recommend a change in the font. That particular one is not easy to read on my iPad in PDF expert. I happen to have Mythras and Monster Island open as well and it is definitely the hardest to read of the three.
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