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Everything posted by Raleel

  1. Fading suns deals with shields by having a minimum damage activation. So if you do under the minimum, it turns on and blocks it. There is also a maximum threshold overwhich it burns out - falls and such could trigger this because hits were distributed over the body. If I was doing this with Mythras, I’d probably start with this minimum threshold, and have a Minimize Damage special effect on a Crit. I’d probably also treat the shield as a held shield for the purpose of knockback attacks and bashes, so you could attack with the shield itself and push them back more. This would also explain why they use daggers - lower damage. There is also a certain benefit to edged weapons - if you get it through, your low damage could cause a Bleed effect. Blunt weapons would be interesting because they wouldn’t penetrate but could cause a lot of knockback and burn it out. Guns generally have high damage but not high enough to burn out, so would be neutered. Speaking of properties that could use a BRP version - fading suns, the warhammer 40k + Dune crossover
  2. I also think there is d100 cyberpunk room. I think if I ever decided to take my time to write RPGs a little more seriously, that’s probably my first. There is a real thirst for cyberpunk, and especially after the cyberpunk 2077 trailer. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve fielded the “I want an alternative to Shadowrun” question with Mythras i started working on one, but it’s extremly slow going. Not a pro writer, and dedicate limited time.
  3. might help you feel free to hit me up, as I've been tinkering with this a bit.
  4. Since this thread has come up, it is out, and is quite high level play. World changing sorcerers and elder vampires and what not. I highly recommend it.
  5. Your idea that pow is essential for life is effectively the same as the stock draining your hit points when pow reaches zero, just that you’ve shifted it to 8. That really jut makes for a smaller pow pool, rather than increase risk. I’m with g33k on the notion of cost of failure being higher - a really easy one could be just to have hit points tied to magic points, then failure cost a random amount, so going too low has a chance to burn you. Monster island has a great table for dangerous magic. Slower casting times reduce risk, faster ones increase it. Consequences can be quite serious. It’s a pretty full set up, and worth a look.
  6. Also, is it going to have the Runequest name in it? Fantasy Earth? Mythic Earth? there are a couple of other d100 products out there that are in other areas and time periods, but pretty much all smaller publisher and lesser known works.
  7. I haven’t purchased because I buy almost everything the TDM guys put out sight unseen. I have yet to be disappointed. Absolutely one of the best systems out there. This bundle is particularly good because it has so much completion. Mythras and. Adventures. Classic fantasy and adventure. Really, an incredible deal for a good cause.
  8. I see dark souls RPGs requested a lot on Reddit. You should post s link over there in r/rpg
  9. Raleel


    I would treat the area as cover. It doesn’t actually have to block any damage, just make it hard to choose location. Cover the whole person and they are firing blind at whatever penalty that is.
  10. Raleel


    I might suggest your smoke grenade not prevent all actions, but impose serious penalties on rolls. I think that moving out should still be an option there.
  11. Raleel


    It doesn’t go into that level of detail. If it was important to my game to have that sort of distinction (say, a game involving heavy diplomacy), I’d probably use the Hero system language chart for determining compatibility and do modifications from there.
  12. Raleel


    For a different take, After the Vampire Wars does Linguistics, which encompasses spoken and written word equally. one language per 10%
  13. this was more of a problem with using a dash in the name. it was having problems parsing past it. I would not be surprised if it though it was Half minus Elf and Half minus Orc, which both don't make sense, so it just uses Half.
  14. thanks! I'll do that! edit: confirmed. I removed the protection, changed the Half-Orc cells (via search) to HalfOrc and it was able to adjust correctly.
  15. a little digging on this (getting the password for the spreadsheet would help, if you are willing) but it appears to be defaulting to Half-Elf, and not Half-Orc. I would not be surprised if that dash is a special character, and it's stopping there, so both half-elf and half-orc are "half" and it stops at the first one it finds.
  16. Well, I might think that, but all the other races work. Using excel 16 on the Mac.
  17. I think this sheet has an error with the half orc. he's got the same strength range as a human, same charisma too.
  18. Not sure why it wouldn’t work in Mythras. Take the right passions and skills to emulate it. Also could work in CF with a minor amount of tweaking. Should you? No idea. That’s up to you and your group. I see a great place for arch villains in my games, but might not work for yours
  19. No, they are not cumulative in that sense. The distance/size modifier is cumulative with any other penalties on the shot. Generally the worst one is taken, then apply the range/size modifier
  20. Loz says February. Cover is out and on the TDM boards. Art is done I believe. It's very close.
  21. Autonomy would be good, and defined in the spirit section quite well. it would mesh pretty well with my off the cuff drone rules above, as they are based on animism. the ones i propose also only have a single location. Said net would entangle that location quite well, removing them from the action. I could see several variants of the spirit combat abilities being used to emulate the EMP, but I think the sonic disrupter, slightly retuned, would be the best choice outside of Ion Weapons in the Supplement That Shall Not Be Named. It does pretty much the same thing anyways Ground Crawlers sound like they probably have a greater Endurance as a whole. The model might just have greater energy capacity, or flight might be a "moderate activity", causing it to "tire" soon.
  22. Same material, at least for that part. Same art even. The ships part is not in Mythic Britain. Mythic Britain has plenty of other good things though, having also purchased it after I bought ships and shield walls.
  23. First off, wow, thank you for the detailed insight! I admit, I had not considered what carrying 90 arrows might look like at all. Lots of juicy bits in there. As for The impales above, in Mythras you don’t need a special success or a crit to impale unlike some other d100 systems. Just a regular success and to do damage. It lets you roll damage twice and pick the best, and might impose a penalty if the weapon is big enough. Arrows generally inflict a 1/3 off skill penalty when they impale a human (small humans might take a bigger one). So maybe not 300%, but it is a Saga and all! Thanks, going to go read that now
  24. It’s not only for PCs, but the height chart is for humanoids. The note is in the back with the creature weight chart. I suspect that they left out height because comparing the height of a giant octopus to a giant snake to a giant crab to a giant preying mantis might not get you a consistent system. What is the height unit you are using on the octopus? Do you include the tentacles? The snake lies flat and isn’t very tall, but is very long. The crab and the mantis both have similar body types, but the mantis stands up on his hind legs more, though not as erect as a humanoid.
  25. can you point me to one 1/second firing my mongols? I've been able to find 1/2-3 seconds ( for example), but am unable to find any examples of anything faster that doesn't have dubious strength bows (Lars, for example). This also does point at high skill and ability to withstand a high penalty (range). against a mass of targets, I imagine you'd account for the size of the unit, and it would be much bigger than your average human, thus able to give you effective archery at long ranges. This, in turn, would give you more access to rapid reload, which would speed up your time. I don't wonder if it would be reasonable to do a Clout Shooting style, which arced the arrows high and bought them down at range, and thus gained you a better chance of hitting the head or shoulders (1d10+10 on hit location), and only allowed it at longer ranges (outside of Close range for sure, maybe outside of Effective range)
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