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Everything posted by Raleel

  1. the characteristic associated is a clue which one drives the scaling of the power. For example, POW scales Blast. CHA has plenty of horsepower in Close Combat Attack (mystical) (damage), Empathy (range), Phantasm (size of illusion), CHA (characteristics, the table is in error), telekinesis (move rate, range), telepathy (range), teleport (range), and transform (size). This is the second post where you say charisma is underwhelming. How much time have you spent in a long term game?
  2. "when in town" really depends on your game. For my game, it averaged about once every other session. That adds up fairly quick. 5% over half a dozen skills is a lot of skill points. Charisma plays a role in divine magic in CF, specifically in Channel and Piety. It's literally half of the magic skill base for clerics and druids, as well as druidic bards and rangers. I had a fighter in my game. He was not "underwhelming" to say the least. He was the second toughest (we had a paladin), and he did the most damage by a stretch. What you are missing is that he gets access to any weapon, and all the attendant special effects that go along with it, as well as being better in his fighter skills because he doesn't have XP sinks. He's going to have the highest endurance, one of the highest evades, the highest brawn, and will eventually be able to fair well in willpower as well. He's always going to hit, he's going to be able to block giants, he's going to be very hard to stop. The fighter (and the paladin) forced me to move to armor piercing crossbow bolts and magic that ignored armor to threaten them. They are very strong. Nothing stops you from doing what you want - it's designed to emulate 2e AD&D, which only allowed one. have you played a game yet?
  3. Yes, you are correct, and the answer to your why is just because I assume 🙂 you will note the spirit damage doesn’t have that same step.
  4. I think you will have better luck in the BRP portion of the forum, as you've moved out of Mythras pretty hard with those options
  5. Traits/Gifts are a good add there, or use Pulp rules in the Mythras Companion. You might find A Gift from Shamash valuable - it's a bug hunt style adventure with space marines. Even has rules for creating space marines (though not Space Marines:tm:).
  6. 50% at 1st level, +5% per level after is a good benchmark.
  7. <unsavory animal> god cult. snake god cult, bat god cult, rat god cult, and so on
  8. Conan and Mythras are a match made in heaven, from my own experience. I ran one of my best campaigns using Mythras (then Runequest) and Mythras. pete also agrees, as he mentioned he has a large conan document written up that will never see the light of day like the Star Wars one 🙂
  9. I can speak to Vikings and blood magic. Both are excellent and by the same author, who is one of the authors of Mythras. Blood magic is highly compatible, requiring only changes in the names of the resistances. Vikings is also highly compatible, though the career and culture structure is a little different. I’ve used blood magic in game, and have a game planned based on Vikings, though I’ve not gotten to run it yet. there is a gladiators article downloadable off of the design mechanism’s website that might be useful to you.
  10. You can pretty easily run a modern game with just Imperative. It has everything you need. It removes quite a bit of complexity. The big thing with complexity is hit locations and special effects, as Imperative removes reach and has fixed action points. Ironically, I think firearms simplify things a bit in a modern setting - you don't get to dodge firearms, so there are few defensive special effects and fewer rolls. You could also run a one shot of Shrine of the Traitor Gods, which is designed to be lighter for a convention game. It portrays the world in the Core Book, and there are follow on modules with Sariniya's Curse (starter module, with pregens), Meeros Falling (in the Gamesmaster's Pack, which is a free download), and Meeros Doomed (from DTRPG). The latter two are directly following the events of the Core Rulebook. Here is a document I've put together outlining a campaign I'm working on. It has no player based magic at the start. It takes place on Monster Island, and is modern-ish (ww2). I've tweaked with the culture and career structure based on A Gift From Shamash which has military careers. It also has some new house rules about group luck and uses the pulp rules from the Mythras Companion. Because the players start with no magic, you can introduce that easily and slowly. Because they mostly have guns, they aren't dealing with reach. When they are, either they have it (with bayonets affixed) or not (just the ka-bar). Currently the only slightly troublesome thing there is full automatic rules, which are cumbersome in Mythras. You could easily fix that by giving strict orders against full auto fire. Here is a Western one in a similar vein. Also uses Pulp rules. It is slightly less polished. I've deliberately left Native Americans/First Peoples out of that, as I don't feel qualified to add them to a game and portray them especially well. I was planning on running it using some of the free western adventures I could find on DTRPG.
  11. It does appear to be down. I am unable to find any reason why.
  12. Not specifically BRP, but https://sites.google.com/site/raleel/campaign-ideas/rq6-hyborian-age I did this a while back. you might find it helpful
  13. Creatures section of the core book has both, with character information
  14. monolith apparently did a batman rpg based on a light D&D 3.5, so I'm guessing that.
  15. I am not at all TDM, but Loz has publicly made the statement they are discussing it internally on rpgpub.net about a week ago, and was willing to listen to Liam’s critiques on the TDM forum back in early April. It’s unclear if Liam reached out or not. Mark Shirley had some discussion on this in the mythic-Polynesia channel on the discord a few months back, including a discussion of sources chosen and why. https://discord.com/channels/469341944888164352/965255966952153158/1008922418678603807 Will take you to the discussion if you have an account
  16. Raleel

    Mythic Polynesia

    This is out on the tdm store now.
  17. Raleel

    Mythic Polynesia

    “Had the proofs for the print editions of Mythic Polynesia. All is looking good for release.” - Loz, on the discord.
  18. Polynesia should be out shortly. Greece I don’t think has a date or even out of writing. Arkwright I don’t know anything about. the design mechanism newsletter has the most recent official info, and worth the subscription. They’ve got a very full pipeline
  19. I was going to use pulp Cthulhu as inspiration myself, and was going to convert them. I just simply haven’t had the time/had it raise to priority to make the time.
  20. Hardly gets more authoritative than Loz, but I’ll put on that I tend to think of unarmed the skill as brawling. Not really a lot of formal training, no karate, etc. unarmed the weapon, though, can end up quite nicely in combat styles. Most armed forces include unarmed combat along side their weapons combat, and that would make a fine style
  21. Raleel

    Mythic Polynesia

    soon, i believe. Mr Shirley has been posting on the TDM forum and said "in the next six weeks or so" about 2 weeks ago.
  22. Raleel


    Great video. I could see one of the later period spears having armor piercing and the earlier era having bleed.
  23. Raleel


    I like armor piercing over sunder myself, though sunder does have the additional benefit of helping your allies. I’m not overly fond of the sunder implementation itself - you are trading damage to the target for damage to the armor, which is not often ideal. With such low hit points, if your goal is neutralization, sacrificing your damage makes little sense. If it’s not, of course, it makes perfect sense.
  24. Raleel


    I would just have a fixed amount instead of half the damage rolled because its slightly simpler, but nothing is going to break by replacing sunder with armor piercing. It’s far more resilient than that.
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