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Everything posted by Raleel

  1. Raleel


    nope. they've been doing d8+1 since at least RQ3. I doubt it's a typo, unless it's been carried through RQ3, MRQ2, RQ6, and Legend, which seems unlikely. Why shouldn't it to d8+1?
  2. there is a mostly complete al-qadim conversion on the discord in the resource links channel
  3. If you are taking about a starting barbarian warrior, he can get 15% from his culture, 15% from his career, and 15% bonus points into a cultural combat style, plus his str and dex. That can put him around 55-75. That’s about the highest without altering rules. A civilian scholar is unlikely to have more than 40 or 50, and even then, they spent some points. I would say you are not correct, because higher skill also affects the opponent. I don’t necessarily think it’s all that much higher anyways.
  4. I keep looking at the third one. I could swear I've seen that. I keep thinking FASA, but I don't think that's right. The style looks vaguely british rpg to me. edit: I could swear the third one is warhammer lizardmen. The axes on the two front guys have some sort of glyph on the head. the front one looks like saurus, and the back one like mage priest.
  5. @Yorgan I would ask on rpgpub.net. A lot of diverse gamer knowledge there.
  6. @Mjollnir owns it. it's in his content on here 🙂
  7. I use the Mythras imperative rules, which have you roll endurance every couple of rounds. Failure imposes a skill penalty at first, and is fairly quick to recover (15 minutes). Another failure hits your movement, then another hits your initiative and steps up the others, etc. eventually you end up losing actions as well. The recovery time increases as well - two failed rolls has you tired for a few hours, and another gets you for 6, another is 12, and so on. ENC impacts the endurance roll a bit. In practice I’ve found if you get to the second level, you are pretty done.
  8. Someone did this with Mythras combat too and it was quite unique. Pretty high action with a lot of special effects flying. Would it make a difference to just subtract the amount over 100 the highest skill is from both skills and then just compare rolls? 110 vs 90 would be the same as 100 vs 80, say. 13th age does something similar, where mooks are in groups with shared hit points. Defeating one requires meeting the minimum for the particular mook itself, but any extra damage spills over to another. There is explicit encouragement to find an inventive way to make that happen narratively.
  9. I got to play it at GenCon this last year at the Epic level (X men power). I was quite surprised at how well it did, and it very much felt like supers.
  10. I would largely take the pieces I like from each. I prefer Mythras’ combat system as a wholel but I would look pretty strongly at RQ’s strike ranks. I like the flatter curve of Mythras as a whole though. and me, in montana, USA
  11. Thank you both, @Mugenand @Lloyd Dupont. I’ve also seen a bit of struggle with my group who came from years of roll over games adjusting to the blackjack style. They intuitively thing lowest under the skill is the best, but that is not correct 🙂 as for the tweaking, augments as Loz points out, are the choice I go with for small increases. The peasant may love his land, and his Passion augmenting it up by 12-20% may help a lot.
  12. Ya, Mythras also offers multiple parries, but felt I shouldn’t belabor the point overly.
  13. Where abouts? That’s when I was active as well, though active might be an overstatement. For these you can easily import a variant. Mythras has a flatter damage table, starting at d2, for example, and doesn’t deal with that bookkeeping outside of dramatic moments. Ya, also available in variants. Mythras has an outmaneuver action to do this, and sundering shields is a thing. Others no doubt have their own versions. a nice feature of the family to be able to largely mix and match.
  14. No picking of fights here, but I’m curious as to the unhappiness and frustration. I have some suspicions, but I don’t want to put words in your mouth
  15. A little late to this discussion but there are some clear similarities between pf2e and Mythras that should make it feel a little more familiar. Pf2e is more bonus focused, I think, but there are lots of options.
  16. My apologies. Early, no coffee, no glasses and typo with autocorrect. Yes, you CAN is the right answer 🙂
  17. Yes, you can use it. There are a few discussions out there on this, but the changes were largely typographical. The animism chapter was rewritten, but is clearer. worlds United will work just fine with either.
  18. I think more specifically you couldn’t make a cthulhu game and expect it to have BRP on it. I don’t believe it actually stops d100 cthulhu.
  19. Classes are similar to Mythras cults. You need a particular set of skills at a particular skill rating to advance from rank 0 to rank 1. Then you get the class 1 abilities. When you get the requisite skills to the next rating (70% if I remember correctly) you advance to rank 2 and get an additional luck point. Some classes get some abilities automatically but most have to spend some xp to get new abilities does that answer your question?
  20. p95, Unable or Unwilling to Parry. Treated as rolling a failure.
  21. I can see the roll being a thing. mentally, I’m starting to put things above your status level as “you gotta get a loan” and it is working a little better mentally. I’m also kind of penciling in a notion I noticed with my own economics - there is a point when you gain another zero in the amount of money you are willing to spend without thinking about it much. So, cheap items are 1x, inexpensive items are 10x, average are 100x, expensive are 1000x, etc. it mostly works, though that top level seems a bit low. the item values are all over the place. A pistol having the same value as a modern sedan? An axe being cheaper than a dagger? Tasers are quite inexpensive, and I can’t imagine in 2008 they were that much different.
  22. Funny, this isn’t called out well in the wealth rules. If you go and buy equipment and you have to make a roll, and if you make it, you get it. It’s sort of hinted at in the status skill, but nothing in buying equipment. I see where you are going though. A successful status roll might now give you an obligation to someone (perhaps even measured with a percentile value).
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