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Everything posted by MOB

  1. The sequel to The Coming Storm is now out in PDF. Whatever history holds for the Red Cow clan, players are about to find out in The Eleven Lights: https://www.chaosium.com/the-eleven-lights-pdf/ This product is for HeroQuest Glorantha, but can be easily adapted to RuneQuest as well. Don't forget—when the print version is available, you get the full price of the PDF off when you buy from Chaosium.com.
  2. Don't forget—when the print version is available, you get the full price of the PDF off when you buy from Chaosium.com.
  3. In HeroQuest's 'The Coming Storm', the dangers surrounding the Red Cow clan in Sartar are closing in from within and without. Occupied by the Lunar Empire, the clan can see violence on the horizon— the Hero Wars are coming. The gripping saga of the Red Cow's dire straits in 'The Coming Storm' now has a sequel. In 'The Eleven Lights', War has come to Dragon Pass in this complete Gloranthan campaign setting, taking the Red Cow PCs from brutal occupation to their liberation from the Lunar Empire. Whatever history holds for the Red Cow clan, players are about to find out: https://www.chaosium.com/the-eleven-lights-pdf/ And don't forget—when the print version is available, you get the full price of the PDF off when you buy from Chaosium.com.
  4. Neal Stephenson uses the Mesopotamian 'perfect language' as a major plotline in his book Snow Crash (and of course, the Christofundie billionaire who owns Hobby Lobby and who got fined millions for illegally smuggling Sumerian tablets out of Iraq seems to be acting out that plotline in real life)
  5. At the ENNie Awards ceremony at Gen Con, Friday August 18th.
  6. As I have mentioned elsewhere, my belief is that if the Zistorites ever invented the Gloranthan equivalent of an electron microscope, they'd see that all matter (in fact, all reality) is made up of tweensy-weency runes.
  7. Indeed. And as Greg puts it in his foreword to the Guide to Glorantha: "Glorantha is the epic cross between the Iliad, Gilgamesh, and the Bhagavad Gita with the sword and sorcery of Robery E. Howard and the fantasy of Lord Dunsany. Unlike most fantasy settings, Glorantha draws its inspiration for the ancient world. It has far more to do with Babylon, Classical Greece, Ancient China, Hybrid and Lankhmar that does with medieval Europe, Le Mort d'Arthur. pr the Hundred Years Wars. Its heroes are Achilles, Conan, Gilgamesh and Rostum, not Galahad, Lancelot or Roland. Glorantha is the technicolor cure for bland pseudo-medieval generic fantasy."
  8. The Harpoon of course was originally an anti-Dragon weapon: http://rpgreview.net/mob/goldengun.htm Built with the aid of dwarves at Pavis, who had fled there from EWF persecution.
  9. I quoited your play report over on FB: "Chaosium’s core audience are Call of Cthulhu players, and there’s enough here to entice them into another setting. There is a mystery to uncover and moments of spine-tingling tension... The resolution to this adventure is far from clear-cut. Running away could be the most honourable action. RuneQuest Adventures in Glorantha continues BRP’s mission to redefine the nature of ‘success’ and heroism in role-playing." This is from Dirk the Dice's review of the "Broken Tower" scenario in new RuneQuest Quickstart (available free from Chaosium). Others who've played it too have remarked on the scenario's "Call of Cthulhu" vibe...
  10. There was a RQCon in Japan this weekend! Seven tables of players came to give the new Quickstart Rules a try-out. Call of Cthulhu is huge in Japan (it sells more copies there than any other language). Maybe RuneQuest will be too some day...
  11. In #thegreatpicture fears are made true. Meeting
  12. In #thegreatpicture, two investigators go to see an old, dear friend. Messages:
  13. Four hours left to get your ENnies vote in—this is from The S. Petersen Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors, nominated for Best Monster/Adversary & Best Interior Art: http://www.ennie-awards.com/vote/2017
  14. Last day to get your ENnies vote in - Call of Cthulhu has nominations in these TEN categories!http://www.ennie-awards.com/vote/2017 Voting open until 11pm EDT, Friday 21st July (that's 4am in the UK and 1pm on the Australian East Coast on Saturday 22nd)
  15. You've got until 11pm EDT this Friday to get your ENnies vote in. Vote for Call of Cthulhu! http://www.ennie-awards.com/vote/2017
  16. A big incentive to get people to back the Masks Companion Kickstarter all those years ago was its exclusivity and allure of rarity. The Kickstarter stated: "This Kickstarter will be the only place to acquire a copy of the Masks Companion other than Chaosium.com" (meaning Chaosium's royalty copies). Making a new print version available is a decision for the project creators, and any discussion about that would be between them and the original Kickstarter backers.
  17. For tabletop roleplaying gaming to thrive and grow, we need new players, new blood. So we're very happy Doors to Darkness has been nominated for PRODUCT OF THE YEAR and BEST ADVENTURE, as it was designed especially for beginning Keepers and players of Call of Cthulhu. Doors to Darkness features "ready-to-play" scenarios and pre-gen characters, so newcomers can jump right in to horror, mystery, investigation, ghastly monsters, strange magics, and forgotten secrets. What's more, it offers a wide range of hints and tips on running Call of Cthulhu - guidance any Keeper, new or experienced, will find very useful. You can vote for Doors to Darkness and the other ten ENnie nominations Call of Cthulhu received here: http://www.ennie-awards.com/vote/2017 Voting closes at 11pm EDT on July 21. It was great for Chaosium to get all those nominations, now it's time to get out the vote. We'd love it if you could show your support!
  18. We raised the bar with Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition: first class writing and art, matched with high quality production values—paper, bindings, covers, slipcases. We aim for all our future releases to meet this standard, or exceed it. Geekandsundry.com described Call of Cthulhu as "unequivocally the greatest role-playing game ever written", and we want it to look that way too. Call of Cthulhu's 7th Edition Slipcase Set is an ENnie nominee for BEST PRODUCTION VALUES. Please show your support! Voting closes on July 21: http://www.ennie-awards.com/vote/2017
  19. The Call of Cthulhu Keeper Screen has been twice nominated—for its wonderful maps (BEST CARTOGRAPHY), and as the BEST AID/ACCESSORY. The three panel 34 inch screen itself features an evocative night scene of Call of Cthulhu adventure by Spanish artist Ardila, with useful rules, stats and charts on the Keeper side. Inside, there are two 1920s ready-to-play scenarios set in Lovecraft Country by Mike Mason and Scott Dorward, plus twelve ready-to-play pre-gen investigators. The pack also includes eye-catching color wall maps of Lovecraft Country, the World of Cthulhu, and Arkham & Environs. These are by skilled cartographer Stephanie McAlea. As it happens, Steph's own publishing company, Stygian Fox, is also in contention for several awards: BEST ADVENTURE and BEST ELECTRONIC BOOK. These are for the excellent licensed Call of Cthulhu supplement The Things We leave Behind. Fortunately, you can support Chaosium and Stygian Fox in your ENnies voting: it's a preferential system, so you can cheerfully vote for both! Voting closes on July 21: http://www.ennie-awards.com/vote/2017
  20. Back in May 2016, Tor.com featured the brilliant artwork of Russian artist Andrey Fetisov, remarking, "Doesn’t this look like a page from the most disturbing coloring book?" We took a look, and we agreed - wow, Andrey's stuff is from the most vivid of nightmares! That's why we commissioned Andrey to produce the art for Call of Cthulhu - The Coloring Book, which has been nominated for BEST RPG RELATED PRODUCT in the 2017 ENnies. The scenes Andrey created, both from from H.P. Lovecraft’s stories, and the Call of Cthulhu RPG (Horror on the Orient Express, Masks of Nyarlathotep, The Fungi from Yuggoth and more) are truly striking. Please show your appreciation of Andre's talent by voting: http://www.ennie-awards.com/vote/2017
  21. S. Petersen's Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors, aka The Petersen Guide, was the first collaboration between Chaosium and Edition sans Detour, the French licensee for Call of Cthulhu. Christian Grussi and his talented team of artists - Loïc Muzy, Mariusz Gandzel, and Claire Delépée - have vividly brought Sandy Petersen and Mike Mason's descriptions of horrors from the Mythos and the Dreamlands to life in a handsome volume. The Petersen Guide has been honoured with two ENnie nominations—BEST MONSTER/ADVERSARY and BEST INTERIOR ART, a testament to this fruitful creative partnership. Voting for the ENnies is open now: http://www.ennie-awards.com/vote/2017
  22. Nominated for BEST SUPPLEMENT in the 2017 ENnies, Pulp Cthulhu is something Call of Cthulhu fans have been waiting a long time for... Back near the turn of the century, Dustin Wright (the longest-serving member of the Chaosium team, after Greg and Sandy) came up with the concept of a game of Call of Cthulhu "where you might be able to play like Indiana Jones". Thus, "Pulp Cthulhu" was born. But then the project hit development hell, languishing there for well over a decade. Happily, when Mike Mason came on board as Call of Cthulhu line editor in 2013, he, Dustin and James Lowder assembled the ancient fragments out of the dust of the ages, and work on Pulp Cthulhu began anew. Pulp Cthulhu, the game of "two-fisted adventure, weird science, dark deeds, and brave heroes", was finally released to critical acclaim in December 2016, nearly fourteen years after Dustin's crazy idea. And now it's up for an ENnie. Please do your bit and vote for Pulp! http://www.ennie-awards.com/vote/2017
  23. The Call of Cthulhu Investigator Handbook has been nominated for BEST COVER in the 2017 ENnies. This is one of the ten nominations that the Call of Cthulhu RPG received this year. Here's the full back-and-front cover image, depicting a group of Investigators exploring a Temple of Chaugnar Faugn, one of the Great Old Ones. This was artist Sam Lamont's first art project for Chaosium. His brief from Call of Cthulhu line editor Mike Mason was "a cover image that will make people want to buy this book.” We can all agree Sam did just that – taking inspiration from the early days of roleplaying and twisting it, with aplomb. ENnies voting is open now: please show your support and appreciation of Sam's wonderful work! http://www.ennie-awards.com/vote/2017
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