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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. Did he succeed, or did he manage to make everything worse?
  2. Depends on whether you can cut through the outskirts of other clans area without encounters, or whether you are forced to endure hospitality everywhere on your route.
  3. Sartar's Crown Test was a Westfaring to bring back a wyter for his new principality.
  4. Not to my knowledge. The best you get is Tosti Runefriend and his supporters, one of the future units of the Sartar Magical Unit using Kralori and EWF dragon secrets. We don't know how exactly Tosti will work in the SMU, but it is possible that he becomes a cult hero in this pursuit. But then, the existing subcults are presented as former devotees of the god.
  5. Day 11, The Proof, elsewhere the Ritual of the Net. My secondary guesses would be Day 3, the arrival on the shores of Luathela, where Orlanth invokes the Ring of the Vingkotlings to fight a scarlet-skinned enemy army, or Day 4, fighting Kaldar. There isn't supposed to be fighting in the Obsidian Palace, as the other Lightbringers are mortified and stunned by Eurmal's betrayal.
  6. I have somewhere a photocopy of an inofficial detailed (as in height lines) map of Jonstown and environs, monochrome, which I suspect to be the master for the colored Culbrea map above. While I appreciate the general terrain detail, even in a sandbox setting I reserve the right to edit certain places with additional steads or huts, and declare others to be ruins, as my scenario needs go. You won't be able to pick out the ruins of Argrath's home stead in Prince of Sartar in any map showing the Orlmarth clan lands (yet). They might be interesting to find (and interview possible ghosts of the Lunar patrolmen slain there, possibly summon and bind them).
  7. So basically, if you use Chaosium's old Thieves World box as Refuge in Glorantha for expeditions to the Machine Ruins, you cover almost the entire roleplayer fan base (as Chaosium was a Californian company at the time they produced the Thieves World box - though not southern).
  8. Google doesn't offer a definition, but I was as mildly amused as I was mildly peeved to get this search result: https://www.google.com/search?q=define:munchkinnery&client=firefox-b-d&sa=N&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Ym97D78cw45k8M%3A%2CE913oLrN5tg5aM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTpZ2qoeQKdoF62cR3vXHkdqKnDbg&ved=2ahUKEwiGwZG07uDhAhXS26QKHTz5A3I4ChD1ATAAegQICRAE&biw=1048&bih=779#imgrc=Ym97D78cw45k8M: (If you can't be bothered to click that monstrosity of a link, it shows the J on green ground, as in my profile picture...) There is this old piece that contrasts the Real Man, Real Roleplayer, the Clown and the Munchkin types of roleplayers - to my knowledge the original application of the term to roleplaying.
  9. Actually, this being an active spell makes abandoning its effects and returning to the use of passions (though losing the ability). In practice, I would call a skill of 70% a decent chance at success with the knowledge skill bonus a sorcerer necessarily has. As soon as the skill is 0%+Nx10% (N being the intensity of the spell), the skill category bonus ought to apply. Does the use of Logician allow skill checks for the magically acquired skill for those 0% knowledge skills with a checkbox?
  10. I would have expected wind fists rather than causing any intruders to scratch idly at their genitals. At least that's the reaction to them at Biturian's episode at Pairing Stone.
  11. Often a smaller cult has such different aspects because the deity is a composite deity or at least the cult is a composite cult. In my opinion Shargash shares an experience with Lodril - he descends from the Sky World and touches the Underworld, merges with some entity down there, and re-appears changed. Alkor the Green is a good candidate for the pre-Umath planetary son of the south. There is no indication that Alkoth started out as the Hellgate in the Golden Age. Shargash's collision with Umath and his subsequent dismemberment of the Storm God in the Underworld appear to have changed that deity. In this case, possibly from green to red. The Copper Tablets suggest that the overseer deities of the cities that hovered above their ziggurats disappeared from their positions after the invasion of Umath, but the post-flood Anaxial dynasty finds the overseers of these cities still in place, like Jernedeus watching over Mernita. By then, I expect black Shadzor to have become the primary aspect of the city god/celestial representative.
  12. How does this keep them from teleporting or DIing away? Divine Intervention could be blocked or at least made difficult by sanctifying the ground. (Which might make an interesting battle tactic...) The RQG rules aren't entirely clear on this. p.272 p.271 However, p.271 Which would explain p.272 So apparently escaping from the sanctum of the enemy via DI appears possible. In that case, a sanctified prison won't help much, either. Blindfolding will hamper non-guided teleport. Is there a Gloranthan equivalent to Wheel of Time's forkroot tea which disrupted a magician's ability to draw on magic? Otherwise, spirit possession might be the way to knock out a magical prisoner for good. Or possibly elementals as magical shackles. That does take either volunteer elementals or some hefty amount of Extension on their Command spells, but imagine a prison ground which extends shackles of elemental earth, allowing movement within the compound but not away from it, or chains of moonglow attaching the prisoners to one or several posts outside of their control. Engulfing a shackled prisoner might be an unopposed attack.
  13. That just means you have to find one of those POW9 spirits, learn its true name, and reuse that over and over. IIRC only embodied foes get POW checks... (This really belongs in the egregious munchkinnery thread...)
  14. Any one knowledge skill, for all the duration. Works only on the caster. Sounds to me like becoming a variable one trick pony. The munchkin will ask what is to stop him from having this on for all knowledge skills. But no, this doesn't give insight to cult secrets, as those are deep magics that require the initiate bonds.
  15. Fazzur had a solution how to imprison Hofstaring. The Lunars also managed to imprison Grazer King Jardanroste Redhair in an escape-proof but not sneak-visit-proof magical prison. This sounds like you need access to and control over a bit of the Otherworld - most likely the Underworld. Places like Alkoth, the Blackmaw in the Antones Estates at Nochet, or the Necropolis further inland in Esrolia would make good prison places, too. The Red Moon offers some prison camp possibilities, too. In Prax, you could have a prison in the Winter Ruins, smack dab in the middle of the Dead Place. I would allow an alchemist to collect Dead Place material (IMO salt), "distil" its properties further and make it an application to draw sigils on prisoners which reduce the magic flow, too. Magical removal of a vital organ and keeping that in a well guarded place would create some form of chain that blocks escape and give the guards a means to make the prisoner go catatonic in case of transgressions. Ongoing torture was what shaped Sheng Seleris, but most such penitents get broken, or as the Danfive Xaron cult puts it, healed.
  16. By this logic knowledge skills should gain checks for weeks spent doing (directed) research on some subject, too. Directed research as in finding details about the myth that would be used for the next heroquesting like special weaknesses of the expected opposition.
  17. Not sure whether this is munchkinnery, but rather than getting weird geasa for extraordinary skills, I would prefer my "impossible" stat raises through heroquesting without such strings attached. Sure, you will gain some new enmity from someone supposed to be recurring, but that means more heroquesting opportunities.
  18. There is Ernalda's participation in the Lightbringer's Quest, too. Her going to sleep (or deepest meditation) and emanating Ginna Jar to join the questers may have been a transformation beyond just taking on the role of the owner of the Earth Rune.
  19. Claiming responsibility for everything that went wrong in the Second Age is a Eurmali scam. Obviously?
  20. The point in laying eggs is that queens can produce a great number of offspring. Live births are limited to her body size minus vital organs and weaponry. I see scorpion men as usin r-strategy for procreation - lots of minions, as many quality offspring as possible.
  21. Asrelia and her sister were maidens once, too, and would have been mothers when Ernalda, Maran and Esrola were born to Asrelia. TKT's underworld spawn might stem from the same Age. In the Underworld, some other forms of procreation are possible, too - creatures have been spawned when two parent entities rent one another (partially) to pieces. As for the father, I wonder whether this might have been Vivamort/Nontraya before his deal with the Devil.
  22. Hmm. Verithurusa is supposed to be the descending red moon, the phase between the innocent white and the returned from the dead Lesilla. That's different from the innocent white one before. Jernedeus remains the overseer of Mernita after the Flood, with Lesilla as its nurturer. While it isn't unknown for a deity to participate in certain events in several incarnations, this is the first time that I see a suggestion that the two incarnations got into wedlock. IMO a likelier scenario is that she followed Yelm into the Underworld after the rebellion was successful, and became (or was reborn) blue in that process. In Prince of Sartar, she is shown as red-skinned rebel alongside Tolat (aka Shargash with the Red Sword), Artia (or whatever the Rinliddi death goddess was called) and blue-skinned Orlanth. To me this indicates that Verithurusa became Red upon contact (possibly repeated contact) with Umath, both in the Sky and shortly in the Underworld. For her to participate in the Rebellion that ended the Golden Age, she must have returned from the Underworld after her Umath encounter.
  23. If Shield is that essential for your enjoyment of the character, join a second cult just for that spell. It has the nice side effect that your rune point pool for shield is independent from the rest of your rune points, so you can have a Shield up to your CHA.
  24. Riddlers have misleadingly been labeled as Tricksters, too. Many mystical practices may appear as nonsensical as the drunk antics of your village drunkard trickster.
  25. In that case, a sorcerer (or other character) who regular gets targeted by Disrupts or spirits doesn't really need any offensive magic... And to address the "less than 95% chance" - that applies to Spirit Block in Spirit Combat and similar protective measures.
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