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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. The story of the wolf pirate that visited corflu is told in two places. There's an interesting detail between the two. First off, here's Bituarian: And here's the objective version: Being rejected by the Wolf Pirates has to be quite a let-down as he still had truestones in his inventory (he gave one to the Gray Sages for investigation into Morak and another to the Chalanan in response to the Lightbringer summons). No wonder, Bituarian left that tidbit out of his memoirs. The comment about the Wolf Pirates looting the coast is interesting. Whereas would they be looting besides Corflu? The nearest human settlement would be God Forgot which about 150 miles away.
  2. Diovena is a devotee of a Lunar War Goddess (Sartar Companion p12). Hwarin Dalthippa is the most likely as she commands a Mirinite regiment and is from a country conquered by Hwarin. Ruganath being a Tarshite would probably worship either Yanafal Tarnils or the Seven Mothers. As to whether they are Rune Lords, they probably are.
  3. I figure that the Pelorian/Dara Happans called the Vingkotling Rams for the same reason that English get called Anglo-Saxons, the French Gauls, the Germans Teutons and the Hellenes Greeks etc.
  4. Ralzakark is obviously summoning the Sky Terror.
  5. He had free dental care when he became a troll. Without anesthetic.
  6. The idea that Moon-boats were made from reeds stemmed from a desire to make Yestendos (Darjiinian God of Reed Boats) relevant. The lunar handbooks spoiled this somewhat by giving the Moonboats to Vargar the Sky Mariner, which seemed an unnecessary profusion of names to me. That reed boats are highly impractical compared to ordinary boats was intentional as it made the Lunars use obsolete vessels for magical effect, something which was coming through in Greg's writings viz-a-viz chariots and the like at the time. But the idea that moonboats are made from reeds is not actually something he's ever written AFAIK.
  7. metcalph


    Fiven what is said about Sog's Ruins, I doubt the Waertagi would have another installation so close. More likely they visited Kitoy (making it founded by the World Council and Praxians) and controlled sea access to it.
  8. Because Karse and Refuge are places within the core area of Dragon Pass, the Holy Country and the Wastelands. It makes little commercial sense for those places which Chaosium probably intends to focus on to be defined by products that are no longer Chaosium's Intellectual Property. FWIW I had had smile for a bit at the suggestion of respecting Feist's IP.
  9. The first Orlanthi King in Fronela is Dakal, who ruled in the city of Ayos in what is now Syanor. Although the historical maps are silent on what is happening among the Fronelan barbarians circa 700 ST, Oranor as a Kingdom does not appear until the 1450 ST which means it was known before the Ban. Prior to that it seems to have been part of Junora and Jonatela which suggest exposure to Malkioni elements and mythology. On the other hand, the Kings of Oranor claim to have an unbroken heritage dating back to the late first age (Guide p216). I think the kings here should refer to the tribal kings as any claim of unbrokenness is implausible for any High King. My current thinking is that the worship of Oran was developed during the Modern Age to unite the tribes. There is a commonality between Drona and Oran. Drona comes from the sea, builds menhirs (Dorsomon Guide p206), is King of the World and has an unnamed boar god companion (Baklene, Guide p215). Bakan the boar is sister to Frona (Bakanos, Guide p224). From the construction of the menhirs, it seems to me that Drona was not a Kachasti but one of the Kadeniti Builders. In his efforts to organize the locals to build things, he became King. Thus the High King of Oranor will be a builder of megaliths. Oran was probably his name as calling him the Worker seems like a Malkioni thing to do in mythology.
  10. Jeff' has said that the propitiatory worship of Malia was non-chaotic while the direct worship of Malia is chaotic, which suggests that her magics are chaotic (but not necessarily whether a disease spirit is). RuneQuest 3 (Combined rulebook p260) lists spirits of disease as Possible Chaotic Creatures but place in brackets which means "may only be mildly tainted with chaos".
  11. To be honest, I've never really seen myths of her acting through agape etc, it's just eros through and through.
  12. Molanni is listed in the Glorious ReAscent as being distinct from Dendara in the marriage contest p10 (with Uleria etc also appearing). I assume this reflects the Sun chosing a consort from the other planets*. Uleria is associated with the Mastakos planet, Verithurusa the planet that will later become the Red Moon, Dendara/Entekos the white planet and so the other deities represent the other planets: Artia, Lightfore, the Blue Moon etc. But I haven't been able to make it all work. *There's a winkle in that there are ten contestants but only nine other planets. I think Ketenari is either a late addition to the myth (ie at the time when the contest took place there were no cities) or two successive lists have been combined together.
  13. The Community Spell in ye olde Gods of Glorantha simply allowed any communication skill within an area of effect to succeed automatically. This rather bland spell took on a new kink when you looked at the nearby courtesan skill which was a communication skill. So it's means to be an Orgy spell. I've disagreed in the past about whether the spell should cover skills other than courtesan because an automatic success in intimidation or speak other languages doesn't quite mesh with the interest of the Goddess of Love. I would amend it these days that any communication skill will automatically succeed if carried out for erotic purposes.
  14. Thought it was a map of Queensland at first. Which to most Ozzies is rather apt.
  15. Possible separation spells Amputate Limb Decapitate Remove Organ Part Waters Excise Emotion Furrow Earth Create Chasm Ostracise Cleave foliage Rend Cosmos Remove Memory Sunder Rune.
  16. It's ransom-Gini (and the current US figure is on the order of 40% for income according to Wikipedia). I think ransom could considered a measure of how much liquid wealth is available to free you and thus be the equivalent of income whereas wealth would include things like castles and herds which are notoriously difficult to handover at any stand-off.
  17. Making a couple of Gini (inequality) calculations, I get a Gini of 65.1% for Sartar, 83.2% for Esrolia, 72.3% for Tarsh and 88.1% for Dara Happa (whereas in the RW 60% is considered quite bad) Here ends the wonkery.
  18. I think the Lastralgortelli invasion much later myself than the Ram People. The mountain is called Visku. In the Dawn Age and before, the people may have called the God Visku/Viskuranth?viskuvath. Nowadays they are likely to call him Orlanth. The Viskuans is just a wiki term to dentore the Orlanthi of Peloria who were not descended from the Vingkotlings. What they called themselves is unknown (Thunder Rebels mentions the Talastings from the hero Talast but he doesn't appear in later works). Kartolin Pass can be travelled by humans so that's probably not it. A pass between Aggar and Halikiv is infered from Trollpak Halikiv expanded its borders in all directions for a time, expanding over the mountains which were impassable to men and difficult even for trolls. Hunting parties regularly swept through the spruce woods south of the Mislari Mountains, harassing elves who lived there. They also raided the humans of the Aggar region so continually that it was nearly abandoned by them. Trollpak p30. There's also the map on p165 of the Glorantha Sourcebook which shows the trolls of Halikiv reaching Aggar well to the east of Kartolin Pass in the vicinity of mount Seren (according to the Argan Argar Atlas.p28) The Aggarites are descended from the Vingkotlings (the Vestantes and the Penentelli) Book of Heortling Mythology p89.
  19. The Talastaring Ancestors were not one of the Vingkotlings. They appear in Pelorian mythology as the Andam Horde (and possibly the Ram People). They differ from the Vingkotlings in that they worship Orlanth as Visku from Top-of-the-World (Guide p342). They differed from the Heortlings in that they valued Sheep rather than Cattle. They may have been related to the Feldichi. They may have been led by Varnaval (Book of Heortling Mythology p162 and the Eleven Lights p129). Seravus lived in Ralios (the Orlanthi had to pass through a mountain pass guided by 500 feet tall giants to reach his lands) Book of Heortling Mythology p77. The pass is said to be impassable to humans but is probably know to the Uz of Halikiv so they could menace Aggar.
  20. In other words, the Shakespearan equivalent of "Flip you, Melonfarmer".
  21. The finger goddesses are phases of the Moon with Vorgetala being the Black Moon phase goddess.
  22. I'm pretty sure Greg dropped a heavy hint some years that they were related to the Runes (given that's there's five, means they are elemental). But I never made it quite work.
  23. I'm inclined to adapt the worship Invisible God skill. First the Wizard says "This is our Lord". Casts spells on the presiding noble. "These are my colleagues" Casts spells on fellow wizards. "These are my defenders". Casts spells on present soldiers. "These are my servants" Casts spells on present workers. "This is my Land". Casts spells on Land. There's probably a ritual to cast if the wizard has no noble but it doesn't work as well.
  24. I think what's really needed for Sorcerers is an expanded list of things they could do each season. How do they use their spells to benefit themselves, their community and so on? It's probably unquantifiable to work out how much magics a sorcerer's bodyguards have in terms of Ward Against Weapons, Boon of Kargan Tor etc yet we need some guidelines for doing so (ie a Sorcerer capable of obtaining A magic points per day with a Free INT of B can give 1 warrior X points in protective magic or 10 warriors Y points - such will cost him Z days work). Magical Attack Spells - Moonfire, Conflagration - can possibly treated by having them as waiting spells to activate within their duration if certain conditions are met (such as if the local clan warriors cross my lands once more time, then a conflagration appears at place X). Then there would have to be guidelines for what enchantments one can expect from a Malkioni city's sorcerers working together sharing their magic. My guess is that rather than having sorcery spells go off the charts (ie every warrior in the city has Boon of Kargan Tor 8 ), the sorcerers would spend less time on casting so they would have more time on their own personal researches.
  25. For the broadest generalisation, they are Agi ("The Maslo culture is made up of a variety of Agimori peoples living along the coasts of Elamle and Onlaks" Guide p600). They originally are made out of "red earth, brown sand, gray earth, and black mud" Guide p683 so they have a variety of skin tones, including blues, vithelans and other people (who would have come later). The Teleono who live to their north and may be related are seem to be similar Guid p523.
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