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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. There are quite a few greater deities - the problem with their worship is that they are not very developed That is, their demands are simple and their magic quite basic. That's why gloranthans worship the more sophisticated lesser gods and pay lop service to the greater ones.
  2. Joerg feels free to throw out snarky comments in a fit of pique and then "explain" himself with a self-serving criticism of the wikia. Umm, you hardly have suggested any changes at all. Whenever the topic of the wikia comes up, you invariably bring up your own experience with the bygone index and... that's about it. If you stop treating requests for information as shots in a duel of wits (the informatopn about Knights Fort is in a non-indexed legend in a map!) and resist the temptation to proclaim on tangential matters, others wouldn't have so much of a hard time with you. What I really want is a page on the God Learners secret in plain english. But I can't have everything I want. What I do have to cope with is to work with the tools that I have, not compose juvenile wish-lists. Post-canonical was a far description of the works in question. I did try and refer to every official work ever printed including the unlamented Champions of the Reaching Moon. That policy ended up with a particular Far Point tribe having four different names. So I went with the current policy which has the virtue of being articulated by Jeff, and not something dreamed up by me. And as for relaxing any limit on the current canon, forget it. I have better things to do than to waste time with some-one who thinks that citations from ILH-1 should have the same authority (or even overrule) King of Sartar and other works just to buttress some convoluted theory or another. If you have a better suggestion, I'm all ears, but petulant whining for what might have been isn't the way to go. Except that the function of the wikia is to explain what the names are and in what sources they can be found. Not to support whatever unspecified research, you hint at but never explain. Unless it be the discussion of the age of some obscure prince from the House of Sartar he left on a talk page. Which is a result of the page being incomplete in its information rather than anything you list. If you have an account, you can click my tools at the bottom to pull up a menu and then see what links here. Simple really. I list multiple synonyms where I can. Same problem as incomplete pages. Because I created the wikia not to please you but to p[ease other people. And it's going to be like that, until you have a major attitude change here and elsewhere.
  3. metcalph

    RQ Sorcery

    I don't put much stock into what Gods of Glorantha wrote about the East considering that it was composed under time pressure and intent on conveying the alien nature of Eastern societies more than anything else. It depends on the look and feel of what you are trying to emulate. As written, the RQG sorcery rules are inappropriate as the spells take longer than 1 round to cast, which means that your average martial artist is going to get killed by the barbarian who casts bladesharp 4 before charging. I doubt even most Malkioni warriors have sorcery spells for use in combat - relying on spirit magics and furtive rune magics. To hazard a guess, martial arts would be developed from the Rune Affinities. For example in order to use a Solar Stance, one would have to successfully become inspired by the Fire Rune. The various spells that the martial artist knows from whatever source do not increase the artist's fighting ability (there's plenty of spirit spells floating around for that) but to enhance the artist's connection with the form - ie provide a bonus to successfully invoking the Thunderbolt Strike etc. One can have carved words as a foci for a spirit magic (ie a fire rune as a focus for a fireblade). As for the Asian spell effects mentioned, that's probably handled by the Kralori having a ritual of pre-cast caligraphy. Cast your magic and most of the MPs while drawing down the spell on the special paper. Then at the moment of casting, cast a magic point or lose 1 hit point and invoke the spell in 1 strike rank. There'll probably have to be some additional limitiations on how much paper one can be walking around with at any one time (ideally far fewer than 100). I don''t place to much stock in the myths of Bolongo ruling north of the mountains. That's from the same style of myth which explains the God Learner philosophy as being an illusion of the Jester King. Bolongo rules Fonrit is how the Doraddi explained why all the bad things were coming from there but the people opf Fonrit need have no awareness of Blongo. And Garangordos came from Afati's migration out of Tishamto in the decadent phase to Mondator in the Storm Age. No connection with Bolongo but plenty of connection to the Artmali. I am less convinced about the completeness of the God Learner purge in Umathela. The Sedalpists were purifying the sacred laws of Malkion from among other things: God Learner heresies in 1399 ST (Guide p623) And there are a number of schools in Umathela who may not have purged themselves. I don't think Six-Legged sorcery was anything special and I doubt it has any impact in Fonrit. It still has an impact in Jolar primarily through the sorcerors who plague the Doraddi. I doubt that, really. Most Vithelan practices of magic are about dealing with the world, IMO, purifying the world to create conditions in which the sages can pass on their meditative wisdom. What Vithelan practices of magic are you referring to? The best description of Vithelan sorcery is Another View: Mashunsasn tells us (revealed mythologies p70) in which the events of the Gods War are re-interpreted as states of consciousness. That is a) neo-platonist and b) how sorcerors are said to interpret myths in Glorantha. The events of the Three Against One occur early in the Golden Age/late in the Green Age. There were no Kachasti, Viymorni or Waertagi at the time. Sorcery was not invented in Danmalastan but a natural way of looking at the world that would have occurred anywhere within Glorantha. Danmalastan is associated with sorcery because it was best understood there. The lands of Martalak probably lay much closer to Vithela - perhaps it lay within the Jabbi Isles where the Valkarians now live, and only much later was Meksornmali associated with Danmalastan. There's far more to sorcery in Glorantha than just trapping or banishing demonic entities.
  4. metcalph

    RQ Sorcery

    Shifted from the RQ-rules section. LUNAR SORCERY: Given the description of the Young Elementals, I doubt they would contribute to anything beyond being a source of elements. I furthermore don't think Invisible Orlanth is a sorcerous cult in that it's worshippers are warriors. DARA HAPPAN SORCERY I don't think the Buseri study the stars as stars but as signs of the heavenly powers that made the world. To them, a complete understanding of the Sky is the equivalent of the Abiding Book or the Blue Book. The planets are the equivalent of the celestial court, the zones of the sky the different mythic ages, the constellations the many forms. According to the Glorious ReAscent: The Buseri probably do sacrifice cattle as divine food to reach the sky or they could be known for their earliest writings on cow skins. They were around long before the stars appeared AFAIK. They came into being when the first planets appeared. Look at the Last Stable Sky (Glorious ReAscent p5). It's not showing the Sun, his wife, the eight planets and the two brothers in the sky - it's showing the Celestial Dragon circling Dayzatar's Eye. Sometime early in the Golden Age, the various stars emanated planets, thus the Sun came from Dayzatar's Eye, Shargash came from Burbustus' neck etc, which then began to move around in the sky. That was the moment the Stargazers decided to keep records. HRESTOLI: This would be true of the New Idealist Hrestoli/Irensavalists had not had a history of 14 centuries of struggle with the various beast toten peoples of Fronela and Ralios/Seshnela. Being in contact with the Hidden Mover is all that is necessary to defeat the lesser peoples. The material world is gross matter and immersion with it only prevents contact with the Hidden Mover. What spells or magics do you think the Hrestoli should have learned to withstand the Enjoreli? Looking at the frieze Siglat defeats the Barbarians (Guide p202), the Loskalmi are clearly saying that all that is necessary to defeat the Barbarians is to be Ideals. Signlat's not casting a fireball, his warriors are not shielded by visible magic or mithril chainshirts but are protected by their own ideals. Whereas their barbarian opponents are wearing festishic caps and aided by a snake-witch and yet they still get defeated. This is backwards IMO. The Higher Consciousness (Henosis/Joy) is fundamental to Hrestoli philosophy. Being in contact with the Hidden Mover is what being a Hrestoli is all about. The Wizard caste of Loskalm does not practice higher consciousness after mastering everything else. The Hrestoli that become wizards have already mastered Higher Consciousness and have thus demonstrated they may handle wizardry knowledge without losing contact with the Hidden Mover (unlike Zzabur and the God Learners).
  5. Customarily Ty Kora Tek is worshipped by woman past child-bearing age. There's yer loophole right there. Have the PC a victim of some curse that makes her barren and Ty Kora Tek will be happy with her worship. She will be unusual but that's not really a problem.
  6. You should learn to give page numbers and base your citations on that rather than make special pleadings. The fort on p105 does not depict Heortland-occupied territory but at the southern borders of the Exiles according to the Guide map p246. Ergo it is unlikely to be a Holy Country Fort and the possibility of it being constructed after 1621 cannot be ruled out. The Sartar Companion map on p78 frustratingly cuts short.
  7. If the HQ runic relationship for the Moon Rune is repeated in RQG then all the Lunar sorcerors need to learn is the Moon element which gives them access to most other elements and powers. A possibility might be to subjugate their various passions to the Law Rune (like the Dragonewts did in WF #14) as an alternative to mental knowledge of forms and techniques. I'll be interested in seeing how the Bestiary handles the Mostali although I suspect most of them will learn spirit magic. Dara Happan sorcery would be based on the Buseri with their techniques being based on astronomical phenomenon - Creation would be Rising, Destruction would be Setting etc. Their spells would be based on the stars and planets and they would be bonuses for performing under or having witnessed specific conjunctions and penalties for performing spells one only knows through theory or cut of from the heavens. I think the Carmanians have gone similarly native in their philosophy to ground themselves against the evils of the God Learners. The standard canon would be based on the seven high gods plus injnctions against Ganesataurus. Loskalmi sorcery would be all about Joyb and henosis. They would bulk up on enhance characteristic spells and other spells that improve the self to enhance their ideal nature. Spells that effect the external world would have a reduced attraction to them as they are primarily concerned about contacting the Hidden Mover and not the external world. Kralori sorcery is I feel swiped by Godunya from the teachings of the EWF and God Learners, which has drowned out what native sorcery there was. Most of the Mandarins think that amoral magics is too powerful to be learned by people of insufficient virtue (and some mandarins include themselves in that group) anyone and so forbid their use to all except for the Eunuch servants of Godunya. There is much gossip over people furtively learning Goduunyan sorcery through the Wheel of Hemkarba which Godunya brought back from the west. Fonritan sorcery has a variety of sources - the oldest lore which they took from Tishamto, the revealed lore Garangordos recovered from the Vadeli Ruins and the newest lore which the Vadeli brought after the Opening. The only saving grace is that the sorcerors plague each other, preventing anybody from becoming too dominant. Vithelan sorcery about about purifiying the soul and is similar to Loskalmi sorcery except that most sages consider spells to fight Andins and other unsavory types to be a distraction. All IMO
  8. Knights Fort no longer exists. It does not appear on the maps of Prax in Pavis: Gateway to Adventure (and is separate from the olde Marcher Barony which is now the Marcher County as per the Guide).
  9. The Storm Age is my guess.
  10. From what I can see, having the Law and Spirit Runes only for those purposes renders them inferior to the other runes (ie You could use a Storm Rune for swinging a sword or a Fire Rune to spot stuff). You have to give them something else and there we run into problems...
  11. Yes, she is. She appears in 13th Age in Glorantha. In 1626, she conquers Backford.
  12. From the very same page you quote
  13. If multispelled disruption is combined against a single location, it is resolved as one attack (1st para, last sentence of the runespell description). It would be better to do a gatling and either do 2 4 point disruptions or 4 two point disruptions. A shaman can do a similar trick with a spell barrage (p361) which doesn't require namby-pamby extenstion but does not appear to allow combination of disruptions. But the best is Black Fang whose Shattering Spell (p339) acts as a 4 point disruption (combined attack) for only one rune point.
  14. The Orlanthi do have several mythic fights against the sorcerors of the west. Zzabur even pops up with a spell to kill all the Vingkotlings. The spell works but kills nobody because people had stoppped being Vingkotlings. But this is largely Stafford Library material as the Sartarites don't really have any current need for myths about fghting sorcery - unlike for example the Ralian Orlanthi.
  15. King of Sartar p54 - Orlanth's initiation. Also found elsewhere in HQ and Stafford library sources.
  16. They don't destroy the effigy until the end of the ritual but the effigy will be casting evil magics against the summoners, trying to kill them or to provoke its destruction. I think the adversary receives the summons not at the start of the ritual but at the point where he summons his available forces and marches on the summoners to arrive at the ritual's completion. For your example, the adversary will receive the summons three hours before the ritual's completion time. If the adversary had to summon his troops, he will receive the summons earlier but spend the extra time summoning his troops. The effigy is destroyed just before the enemy arrives. If the enemy is on foot, then the summoners may receive five minutes warning and the ritual is still in effect. If the enemy teleports, well, the summoners are going to have some difficulty.
  17. Meldek are godless sorcerors. Lhankorings are not godless so are not meldek. The same goes for the Mostali. Lhankor Mhy may have been affected by the God Learners. I'm thinking the Alien Combination Wheel (mentioned in HQ) is derived from the Zistorites. But the Heortlings know that Lhankor Mhy is Mostal's son so any strange magic are part and parcel of him being a son of a strange god. And we all know how Orlanth found friends in the Pit of Strange Gods.
  18. Examples of Elder Race co-operation. Jrustela: Trolls, Dwarves and Elves co-existing (seperately). Black Elves throughout Troll lands. Dragon Pass: Saw-toothed Korvan adding the Mountain Trolls against the Stinking Forest. World Council of Friends: Elf, Dwarves, Trolls and Dragonewts. Empire of Light: Elves and Dwarves. Unity County: Trolls and Dragonewts. New Unity Council: Elves, Trolls, Dwarves and Dragonewts. Mari Mountains: Vegetarian Dwarves. Masloi Jungle: Shadow Trolls fighting alongside the Aldryami. Kralorela: Trolls and Dwarves fought against the Kralori (but betrayed each other).
  19. A possibility that has not been mentioned is that the female duck warrior wanted to be recognized as female. So the biologically ignorant/maliciously cruel human armourer made her a breasted breastplate.
  20. metcalph


    My personal suspicion (and it is only that) is that some of what was in Sandy's sorcery rules will form the basis of the hero rules in the Game Master Book.
  21. Enhance INT can also be cast by Sorcerors with a knowledge of Earth or Water at double cost (minor runes p382).
  22. The God Learners, like all Malkioni, had henosis - unity with the One Mind, which is part of doing sorcery. My feeling is that the God Learners abused this ritual, performed it in the wrong place and ended up with knowledge that they weren't supposed to have.
  23. At such a skill level, Monro can be presumed to outclass the Windlord. Monro can also make two attacks of 80% (splitting equally gives 110% against the Wind-Lords 130%) against the Windlord's parry of 100%.
  24. A case of an illuminate who is contactable after death is Mashunasan who after defeating Oorsu Sara defeated Avanapdur in the Empty Mountain of Vithalash. Since Vithalash is where the dead Eastern Islanders go, Mashunasan's retirement is simply that he died. A similar case could be made for the Dragon Emperors that now live in Summer Land Heaven. As for whether Illuminates cease to exist upon death, I think it's fair to say their attachments (the people they knew, loved or fought) keep them contactable within the mortal world and it is only when those attachments themselves have become illuminated then the illuminates will finally vanish from the mortal world.
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