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Yelm's Light

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Everything posted by Yelm's Light

  1. Notchet sounds like a tourist who's trying to mangle the language as badly as possible. Whatever its origins, you can at least make it sound exotic.
  2. Yelm's Light


    It sounds very much like the Earthsea version.
  3. Yet another example of crimes against children.
  4. Yelm's Light


    Gesundheit. If it's anything like in Earthsea, it's a serious downer.
  5. Not very unexpected considering that they have their own means of production.
  6. I suspect the lack of justification has to do with the fact that the bulleted text never reaches the text border of the column.
  7. TEH-cue-mel. (There's an accent over the first 'e.')
  8. I prefer No-SHAY (long 'o') myself.
  9. Assuming you're starting at low level, make sure there's relatively easy access to healing, whether it be a healer NPC, items, whatever. They'll need some way to apply Healing-6 to blunt the deadliness, which isn't going to be available to them otherwise.
  10. Eh, I know them, but they're generally just stupid to me. Of course, being of the Irish persuasion, though I live in the States, I'd heard just about all of them too.
  11. Just gonna exult in my finally getting GtG; I'd been holding out to get the discretionary funds for the hardbound (which kept getting put off because other expenses kept interfering), but I finally gave up and got the pdf. The first thing I did was to save it to a flash drive. So now I have only 800+ pages to read to get somewhere near the point where many of you grognards already are. (I'm a grognard myself, as should be clear to any regulars here, but my knowledge was generally limited to RQ2/RQ3/some HQ stuff.)
  12. Better the box than the books. I used to carry whatever I would be using for that day's game in a backpack, which isn't going to treat boxes well. I never cared about the boxes anyway; they, like the backpack, were there to protect the books, which were generally more susceptible. I didn't buy games to collect them (then, anyway).
  13. I lust after the one on the far right...but not willing to pay $150 for it. Mine died in the Great Water Heater Flood.
  14. Uh...waitaminnit. Vasana is not the rock-lizard killer. Nevermind that the commonly-accepted wisdom is that the lady who graces the covers of both RQ2 and the RQ:G Quickstart is a Vingan, the one and only rune she bears is the Fertility rune, which isn't one that Vasana shares.
  15. Uh, considering that Everest is less than 6 miles high and Kero Fin, what, something like 8, I'm having trouble buying that Benbulbin is 15 miles high, no matter how far it starts above sea level.
  16. LOL there's something funny about you being classed as a newbie, too. Guess I'm in a funny mood today.
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