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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. I don’t think the guard works, as he will have to interact with the door and not just with you. The rest should be fine. Same thing with cutting a rope with an illusionary knife - it works if the knife is a regular illusion but not if it’s a hallucination. You can shave yourself for real with the hallucination of a razor, though. Or wash yourself actually clean in a hallucinary bath. You can also get drunk on hallucinary alcohol, which I’m sure can come in handy. I think you could cure yourself using hallucinary anti-venom? You can definitely heat yourself by a hallucinary fire.
  2. I would also totally allow an item (or perhaps a drug?) that lets the wearer (user) share the trickster’s hallucinations. I mean, the trickster would never use this irresponsibly, after all.
  3. I hadn’t realized how strong the Substance part is. I believe you could legitimately fly with Hallucination (Substance + Motion), by creating enough Substance for you rest on and then moving it with Motion. Mindlink with others, and you can take them with you. Invisible flying carpet!
  4. One thing is that you can share the hallucination with anyone that can share your senses, such as your Allied Spirit or anyone under the old Mindlink spell. Not completely obvious what the purpose would be even then, but somewhat more potentially useful. Maybe this? Someone will have to testify under Truth magic or an Oath, and now he can truthfully say that he saw whatever he hallucinated…
  5. 500L is in the right ballpark for a Hide of land or a Hide's worth of flocks, so in the case of Mine/Quarry, you could argue that it "creates" a hide for a stead of miners/quarrymen to work on (at probably 60 to 100 L yearly income out of which the people at the stead get half, and with maintenance baked into that). This at least makes some kind of sense, and has a sensible RoI. It would require both a suitable spot and a market for the product, so it couldn't be "spammed". (This is just an attempt to retro-construct something that works from the text, though. Improvements are poorly designed when it comes to outcomes and economy.)
  6. "Ghosts of the Ridge" in Sartar Companion (p. 196), presumably.
  7. I mean, a standing stone is pretty hefty, and while anything that was put there can be taken away with enough effort, no-one is going to drag a 25 ton stone back to their clan…
  8. I had a thought. The Bestiary has "Wild Women: These petty goddesses rule the wilderness, roaming across hills and valleys. As they go, they dance in wild ecstatic celebration, giving blessings to those that please them and withholding their blessings from those that displease them." This sounds a lot like I picture Velhara, only on a much smaller scale. It seems to me that Velhara could be something like the boss of the Wild Women or - perhaps even more interestingly - the personification of Wild Women collectively.
  9. Interesting - in Applecline, it says Traveller had skills but not improvable after chargen (IIRC).
  10. Applecline notes how it was the first game with skills that could be raised. That’s a big deal!
  11. Humakti can handle ghost to an extent - Truesword cuts them up but good, and even more so with Sword Trance - but aren’t as flexible with it as shamans in general and DF shamans in particular. Which seems like how it should be.
  12. But they tend to just affect the one Hide of land, so that doesn’t work.
  13. By the way, does anyone else think it’s weird that you get Special damage from Fireblade but not from Firearrow? It’s yet another one of those things that doesn’t seem to have a logical structure and you just have to memorize the particular rulings.
  14. Presumably the Jolanti in Aggar that were ’hacked’ by Elves now have both INT and POW - I think I like this solution.
  15. The Aztecs literally did this, dragging the gods of conquered peoples home so that now they’re their gods instead. This is what I call some proper cultural appropriation!
  16. Does that mean they still have crazed invulnerable wolves every Wildday? That seems like it would be bad and the wolves need to be killed (preferably on other days) anyway?
  17. The best way to think about it is probably the difference between a multiplier to your skill, like Arrow Trance or using an adjacent skill, and a multiplier to your chance of success, such as a long-distance attack. The augment is not included when multiplying your skill, but is when multiplying your chance of success. At least this is what makes sense for me.
  18. One thing is clear, at least - subtract armor before the Iron doubling. I think 5 can be ruled out immediately - there’s no way that happens. The Iron doubling is separate by necessity. But you can construct 6 in a different way, as x3 and then x2 for Iron. Now add multiple Humakti Gifts on top of all this…
  19. Truesword doubles the weapon’s normal damage. It makes sense to me, as the most straightforward reading, that Fireblade no longer deals the weapon’s normal damage, and instead replaces the normal damage with a non-normal damage. Which is then unaffected by Truesword. More interesting is Humakti Gifted double damage sword + Fireblade, which presumably does work.
  20. Interestingly, this is approximately same RoI percentage as getting a herd of 20 cattle / 100 sheep and hiring a herder for them. The statue is completely illiquid (unless you can sell it to another farmer, which maybe you can) but extremely safe from theft, so you have a real choice here when you have money to spare.
  21. If you got it from DriveThru, it’s automatically updated at the server end, either in your onebookshelf app (get it, it’s great!) and synching, or by downloading it again from the store.
  22. This is interesting, because it suggests that violent as the Sartar Telmori are (just check t11L), they're well-behaved compared to other Cursed ones.
  23. Although some corporeal undead are not Chaotic, like ZZ zombies or revenants. And some are chaotic for non-obvious reasons, like Gark the Calm zombies.
  24. No, you're correct - many improvements are outright money-losers (even when they have a mechanical benefit that is merely insufficient). Go with statues/standing stones - it's the maintenance that's crippling for the others.
  25. First off: Ancestor Spirits aren't undead - they're just regularly dead. Popping up from the Underworld when you call on them. This is all As It Is Supposed To Be. Ghosts though aren't properly undead either - for one thing, they have POW. So it's better to think of them as spirits of the dead rather than undead. This is presumably why Humakti are okay with creating them. The "properly" undead in Glorantha are of two kinds - animated corpses (like skeletons, zombies and revenants) and "hungry dead" that feed off the living, like ghouls and vampires.
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