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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Yes, agree. You Sleep the enemy, someone wakes him up, he rejoins the combat... you can't reasonably be expected to keep your allies from attacking him now. Although perhaps the ideal solution is to just Sleep him again. I think it seems kinda tasteless if you let your friends rob someone you have put to sleep, as well, but that might be more a question of general morality than a divine command.
  2. Pretty sure you don't get to put someone to Sleep, disarm him and tie him up, and let your friends kill him as soon as he wakes. That makes no sense to me. "Out of contact" seems right. Basically, "Now run off, and I will try to make my friends give you a few minutes before they come after you." And anyway, Sleep + Ransom seems like an excellent money-maker, and doesn't require killing anyone. 🙂
  3. You can abuse Illumination plenty without joining Chaos cults. 🙂
  4. More Prax than Dragon Pass for DF, but the point stands. I think the idea is ”when you do Ancestor Worship, this is how the magic works out”. I’m sure the details of worship and theology vary wildly.
  5. Will be interesting to see how this is handled, as the CoT rules absolutely were this.
  6. I think this is the important bit - it's not that you can't get hurt when you parry unarmed, of course you can, even on a success - it's just that it's not always as bad as being hit outright.
  7. This depends on the weapon, but with knives, the defence (outside of moving out of the way) is typically blocking or deflecting the arm (even if you have a knife yourself). With a spear, I imagine it's trying to go for the shaft. This is one of the more subtle advantages of a sword - it's much less grabbable.
  8. It might be tricky to coordinate, but the Maboder can testify that it can work. Or would, if they weren't dead.
  9. Although it is interesting that the Telmori is one of the more successful Hsunchen people, especially in central Genertela. The curse is a curse, but it's not all bad - the Telmori, actually being able to fight back against agriculturalists, are a lot less marginalized than most Hsunchen.
  10. I believe we have sources for puppet theater among the Orlanthi.
  11. I think it might also have revealed (or "revealed") Chaos as part of Nysalor's gift, which might in turn have introduced personality changes in the changed state. Note how Telmori don't lose any intelligence from their shapechange Rune spells, but do lose it when Wildday shapechanged.
  12. In my experience, shields are unimpressive in RQG already, and doing this much damage on defence tilts it even further towards defending with weapons. Greatswords are just amazingly good.
  13. So this isn’t some outright error, just weirdness: A cestus is a metal boxing glove. It has 4 HP or 8 HP depending on whether it’s Light or Heavy. Wrist Wraps, meanwhile, are simple leather wrappings but have 10 HP. How does this make sense?
  14. If you treat it as a standard hit, rather than applying the regular Attack & Parry Results table to it, then you don’t get the the ”1 HP” effect for NW attacks, agree (I had missed that final ”no”). That does make the results table even more convoluted, though. (Also, does it really make sense that every parry is as damaging as a full attack? Wouldn’t a lot of them be just fending? I would much rather have my hand impact the club you’re defending with rather than being struck by it.) But then what about parrying with NWs? Is the intention that parrying with NW is only meaningful if you get a better result (or if you’re just happy getting an arm damaged rather than a random body part, which can make sense). I don’t think boxers would agree with this…
  15. Ralzakark is an excellent heroquester, I'm sure.
  16. I assume that this means that in the many cases where the attacking weapon takes 1 point of damage, it's soaked by the armor? This will sometimes make natural weapons sturdier than the normal kind.
  17. By implication of W&E, you treat a limb (and by extension, other natural weapons) as a weapon with Hit Points equal to the Hit Points of the limb, then apply damage just as you would to a weapon. What I don't like about this is that armor comes out weird - either it has no effect, which seems odd (and plus, it means that heavily armored creatures with natural attack are easier to hurt with parries), or it works as usual, which is also odd (as it means that something that would do one point of damage to a weapon doesn't hurt an armored limb). My house-ruled way of running it is to sum limb HP and armor (including natural), and then treat the limb as a weapon of that HP. But yeah, my players really prefer to parry with weapons rather than shields - it can sometimes do more damage than the attacks themselves.
  18. Agree. I read ”must herd only horses” as ”cannot herd non-horses”, not ”must herd horses”.
  19. Personally, I hardly ever break the books open - I need that Search function, damnit! 🙂 49.99 is a great price.
  20. Agree. Dorastor is a "Chaotic ecosystem", so to speak. It functions in ways you can rationally comprehend - you get a Chaos Flood when you have a Broo spawning explosion, and you get Chaos raids whenever some Chaotic warlord has assembled the forces for it (and/or is Ralzakark in disguise).
  21. I wonder whether a big Earthquake spell would make the Chaos situation better or worse?
  22. 21 Hides means the Chaos incursions happen yearly.
  23. Two factors that might help to explain this: 1. The 60L income is in addition to having full Standard of Living already paid by the employer of the RQG warrior. Since Free SoL comes to 60L, the cost of paying the Warrior is actually 120L yearly (being a warrior gives you a lot more extra income than being a farmer). 2. The mercenary pay is presumably for active duty in an ongoing war, making it a lot more dangerous than being a full-time clan or tribal warrior on average. It makes sense to cut this pay for comparatively garrison duty in peacetime. Since the mercenary also can't expect to be employed full-time (for the same reason), payment needs to cover costs during slow years as well. Warrior occupation actually looks pretty good in comparison. You also have a better chance of being cared for in your old age, I would guess. Mercenary officer does pay superbly, though, and many starting Warrior PCs would be officer material already.
  24. I realize that - that makes it worse, as +5% to Harvest roll or Income roll is less that 5% to just earnings. Sure. But, unless I completely screwed up my math, +5% to either Income roll or Harvest roll comes out as less than 5% additional earnings, while having an upkeep for the granting improvement that costs more than the expected gain. I did a spreadsheet for this, and +5% to Income roll means something like +3.5% to expected income (on average, naturally). For instance, going from 55% to 60% for the Income roll for an 80L Hide earns you an average of 2.8 L yearly (counting the full spread of results, and this is pre rents and taxes!), which means that paying 4-6 L in yearly upkeep to achieve this makes for a net loss. Harmast should never make these Improvements - they just don't pay, even long-term. +5% to Harvest roll is actually slightly better than +5% to Income roll (this surprised me), but is still not enough to cover a 4L maintenance cost. So basically, you have to pay an initial cost as an investment, and even after that, there's a net expected loss on a yearly basis for several of the improvements. This makes these improvements awful economics. What I would expect is an initial investment cost that then results in a return of investment over many years, eventually paying off. Statue/Standing Stone does work this way as it has no maintenance cost. I don't think you can even argue that this is a risk reduction for the farmer, as the farmer is now stuck with fixed maintenance cost on top of his regular SoL costs. Halving maintenance costs for these improvements would lead to small expected gain instead of a small expected loss. Perhaps too small - the RoI is really bad - but it's something at least. Meanwhile, the RoI of getting yourself a Hide's worth of Cattle or (better yet!) Sheep and hiring a herder for it is pretty good (although this does assume that you have grazing lands as well) My point is that Harmast shouldn't make improvements in the first place if they result in an expected net loss for him.
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