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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. p. 48, Mercenaries: "Food and sustenance, equivalent to the amount to keep them healthy, satisfied. and enriched". Comma instead of full stop after "satisfied".
  2. Lots of goodies to help out with this in the Weapons & Equipment book.
  3. Darkfoil: out of the alphabetical order all the other plants are in.
  4. The price of honey seems odd compared to the price of mead. One bowl of mead is 0.25 l and costs 1 C. Meanwhile, 1 l of honey costs at least 15 L, and is maybe 1.4 kg. A modern mead recipe typically calls for something like 3 pounds of honey (about 1 l) per gallon of finished mead. 1 gallon = 3.8 l = 15 bowls = 15c, which is a factor of ten off from the cost of the honey. Should the cost for honey in be in C rather than L? Then the numbers would work out. It does look really expensive as-is, with the value of a liter of honey approaching that of a cow. Something similar applies to beeswax - 1 kg of beeswax costs 30 L (more than a cow!), yet a beeswax candle (weighing 1/10th ENC) costs 1 C.
  5. For those who know The Language of Glory and Heroes (as one of our national-romantic poets had it), the best place to follow the process is probably the Swedish RQ Facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/2632547670305087 .
  6. This is the same publisher (Eloso) that made the acclaimed Swedish edition of Call of Cthulhu, that similarly had the setting transposed.
  7. Obviously the printer needs to be paid and DriveThru get its share - that's just part of the model - but how is this different in principle (I'm completely onboard with the different printing costs) from Chaosium refunding the cost of the PDF later when the same person orders the completed Print + PDF package? I get the impression that plenty of creators would like this (including some who have implemented it manually).
  8. A little surprising that DriveThru doesn't implement a solution with a rebate option for a later print version when buying PDF. It seems to be what everyone asks for, after all, and they could certainly create it within their own ecosystem if they wanted to.
  9. I like this a lot - a character could pick between Devotion (Ancestors) and Devotion (Daka Fal) to indicate where the focus lies.
  10. Even Odayla and Yinkin, in my reading. Yinkin is (unsurprisingly) a fairly common ancestor.
  11. And the important target of your worship isn’t (I imagine) Daka Fal per se, but your ancestors in general. A lot of these were presumably good Orlanth-worshipers or whatever - surely that matters more to you than whether Daka Fal holds a grudge? Even calling it ”the cult of Daka Fal” seems almost like God-Learnerism. Two different ancestor-worshipers probably wouldn’t think they belong to a unitary cult, especially not if the only ancestor they have in common as far as they know is Grandfather Mortal.
  12. Akhôrahil


    Ah, okay, so that's the first time, not after being returned? Scratch that idea, then - this is so not my area! 🙂
  13. Check the table carefully - it’s not symmetrical. Daka Fal is hostile to those cults, but far fewer cults are hostile back. They don’t seem to care much.
  14. Akhôrahil


    His return seems like it would be on the table in the HeroWars, then!
  15. It seems unlikely to me that starvation would hit this early - you just had your harvests in Earth season, and you expect to need to last through Dark and Storm. It’s when the winter just goes on that you get in trouble.
  16. 1625 is the year that works from the information in Lords of Terror, but I believe this has other issues.
  17. MGF answer to ”can I steal a Black Horse?” should probably be ”I don’t know, can you?” rather than ”No”. Find some disaffected Black Horse, promise it all the meat it can eat, break it free of whatever hold Sir Ethilrist has on it, ride like hell afterwards… the whole thing will get loaded with complications, but that just makes for good gaming.
  18. Looking at the map immediately preceding the year 700 map might offer some guidance - much of the extended Dorastor is formerly Rist. Year 400: So it's possible that the "Dorastor" here just means "wild lands", if there's a non-elf forest or recent forest there (what happened to reduce the size of Rist here? Arkat? Trolls?). To continue with Joerg's reasoning, it is conceivable that this is Telmori lands because of the wildness and that there were remains of the Empire of Light Telmori here, and that pushback against the Telmori resulted in them having to retreat to Nangtali's Plateau around 850. Note that we can see how the Poisonthorn elves end up isolated in Dorastor on these maps - they're originally Rist elves who get cut off from "main" Rist post-Arkat. So the Hellwood elves are their distant Rist cousins, which just makes things more tragic. And now I'm curious what happen to Rist under EWF rule.
  19. So I'm looking at the historical maps in the Guide for the Talastar area. For year 700 (p. 132), it looks like this: Dorastor here is quite a bit bigger than "traditional" Dorastor, including a large area to the north (that used to be Rist in the next earlier map) and extending further east than we typically picture Dorastor as well. This seems particularly odd to me considering that Dorastor essentially has zero political organisation at this point and barely contains any life to start with, and can only be classified as a geographical area (the one cursed by Arkat), but the cursed area surely doesn't extend this far?) The area outside Dorastor proper would be populated by the Talastari tribes (perhaps still in a bad state post-450)? This Year 700 map also doesn't match the sketched maps in The Fortunate Succession pages 25, 30, 32 and 34 (which have the expected Talastarings and Anadiki). Then in the map for the year 900 (p. 134), it looks more the way we expect it, sticking to the standard boundaries (and this is what we get in all the later maps): What's been going on here? I can't make heads or tails of it. Have I missed something crucial?
  20. This depends on the details of CA theology - it's not that those listed aren't objectively chaotic in some manner, but where the cult draws the line. I imagine you shouldn't let your party-members kill the Telmori you just put to sleep. Well, CA cultists can't - they would presumably be aware that it isn't perfect. Storm Bulls likely think "if it registers, kill it!" and accept the collateral damage from any fumbles (with some exceptions - if it pings on some person you know or who seems unlikely, perhaps you'd better get a second opinion before decapitation) . (And also when you can just tell, of course.) The CA initiate will have to make a judgment and err on the side of caution, because unlike with Storm Bulls, being right 19 times out of 20 or perhaps even 99 times out of 100 just isn't good enough.
  21. Agree - I just meant that the discussion about Chaos was a red herring here. That’s not what makes driving out disease spirits spirits fine, it’s that they are disease spirits.
  22. Although perhaps only until it gets expelled? Could still be seriously bad news when the Storm Bulls show up.
  23. Sense Chaos gives every indication of being objective, I believe (and is more available than RuneQuestSight). The CA initiate should certainly air on the side of caution if uncertain, though...
  24. To a point, but presence or absence of Chaos Gift or Chaos Rune is kinda objective. And anyway, it doesn't seem important - as noted, CA cultists are allowed to engage in (and even initiate) Spirit Combat, or else they could never resurrect anyone. Booting a disease spirit out of a person shouldn't even be an issue.
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