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Eric L. Webb

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Everything posted by Eric L. Webb

  1. My group is big into minatures and does not like to book keep. We did something similar with the movement rules except even simpler. We basicly just took d&d 3rd edition rules and tacked it onto BRP's MOV statistic. On DEX rank you can move half your MOV and attack. MOV 10 can move 5 spaces and still attack. Anything over that and you cant attack. Unless your running and gunning or charging. Etc. Its all house rules when it comes to movement in combat.
  2. Im starting a campaign set in the Hyborian Age this weekend.
  3. Skyrim has been eating up my writing time as well. Have been working on a couple of monographs and all production ceased when skyrim came out. Ill sit down to write for a few hours and then hear the game calling my name.
  4. Chaosium is having a 30% off sale until Nov 3!!!
  5. the older editions were less forgiving with sanity loss....indefinite insanity occured instantlly....not the following day, if i remember corectlly.Think they changed that in 5th edition.
  6. Classic Fantasy has ALOT of spells,you could ignore the systems parts of the book and still get a load of new spells.
  7. How much longer till we can purchase this?
  8. The stats are similar enough to BRP that there shouldnt be any problems porting them over.....man....the illustrations are some of the best ive ever seen. Are they going to publish this?
  9. you dont suffer the physical skill penalty to combat skills....it states in the rulebook that armor is designed to fight in.
  10. operation ulysses is out now:)

  11. it will be an EPIC power level fantasy campaign set within the Classic Fantasy campaign world, i plan to make the monograph totally compatible with Classic Fantasy (owning Classic Fantasy should enhance your game) but it will be playable with just the BGB. Threedeesix has been providing me with some stat write ups for certain beasts and races so the monograph will mesh with what he is doing in Classic Fantasy 2.
  12. thanks...i thought of the title sitting in the parking lot before work.
  13. Have started working on an old-school (classic) fantasy monograph. New monsters,spells,magic items etc.
  14. ummm.... hey guys, i just got the go ahead to start writting a new monograph. It will be a (Classic) fantasy monograph entitled "Tomb of the Necrodemon"!!!
  15. Just picked up Arkham Now, Rise of the Dead, Dragon Lines, Call of Cthulhu Keeper's Screen, BRP Quick-Start edition and The Long Reach of Evil...now the waiting begins
  16. Yes thats correct. Effort rolls come into play when a SIZ or STR rating is not available or difficult to determine.
  17. Specials dont stack with Criticals. When you land a Critical the weapons Special ability (impaling,crushing etc.) doesnt apply. You can land Specials on armored opponents...but if they are unarmored you may want to do a Special instead of a Crit since there is no armor to be ignored. I let my players choose to do Specials inplace of Crits even on armored foes....but people rarely do since they want to bypass the armor instead.
  18. I would say that it would, because you are striking twice and faster and therefore wouldnt be as likelly to strike a critical hit. if you took your time and aimed a precise 120% single blow you would be more likely to strike a crit or special.
  19. Do Difficult and Easy skill rolls decrease or increase a characters chance to score a crit or special success? Ive always assumed they did but where in the BRP rules is this discussed?
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