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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Granted, and those with more cash than I have (no income this month) and less charity outlay (1000 this month) can pay the higher prices... cheers
  2. Too bad I did not know that when it was 9 bucks, alas!
  3. I am tempted myself, and I believe the answer to both questions is yes. Now not having dealt with Bundle of Holding before, who are they and what's the deal about the deal. Cheers
  4. Circumstantial. Melee weapons, penalty usually does not apply (see changing weapon and spell casting). Range weapons and spells, penalty usually applies . missiles and spells usually take the penalty each round (although one could conceivably have a spell or missile ready in the first round, again circumstantial). Melee weapons usully must be put away to cast a spell and taken out to wield, (or dropped picked up) usually though if the focus is the weapon... the penalty need not apply. That leaves me the question of taking out a weapon that has been put away, obviously a penalty, but the full 5. Spell casting in melee because a little more hazardous. Perhaps it should be. Also, I think a spell that is repeated might not need the penalty each round... Comments on these two questions, or anything? Found on page 194 of RQ AiG
  5. Tremble with fear, a godlearning barbarian. RUN AWAY!
  6. The number of Big Macs it takes to make one sick?
  7. It would be nice to be able to fuck up (and be told about it in private <I did not say aboot, that's canadianist!!> :) once). I know, I know, that's one...
  8. Oops read and then respond Sorry a second reading tells me I am wrong. Mea Culpa
  9. Unsure of that, CoP tells of a lone swimmer from a Wolf Pirate ship (1615) swimming to Corflu and being so unimpressed by the market she swims back empty handed and the ship raises anchor and leaves. If they are taking pentian and praxian slaves they must be coming though another port as they probably aren't comimg through here. Cheers
  10. That's a cool article, have you any Gloranthan takes on the subject?
  11. Actually Bob and the Band lived at Woodstock in Big Pink, and while Woodstock was not happening in Woodstock (It happened at Yasgar's Farm, x number of miles away), they might well have been playing at the Isle of Wight. I was not at either unlike billions of others. Bob and company, possible being at one or the other but just definitely living in Woodstock, where Woodstock was not. Clear If not, I blame the Brown Blotter, I hear it was a bummer. Cheers
  12. ALLRIGHT! who knows all the words to Kumbaya? cheers
  13. Its a good thing I am not willing to give up any of my local crew tees then, they only give us extra large (anyone for a Maiden dress?).
  14. Yeah, I probably am a stickler (not to be confused with a stickpicker) and should apologize, but which outlier is preferred? Cheers and thanks for understanding!
  15. Ahh, that brought tears to my elderly eyes... better get a box of Kleenex before Quackatoa sees that.
  16. Ooo mama, can this really be the end... To be stuck inside of Tulsa with the Lunar Blues again! Makes one wonder if Greg Stafford ever visited Bob and the Band at Big Pink in Woodstock? and I was wondering if this was where Joerg was gong... until I read that... Cheers
  17. Not sure I follow, how Dickinson and crew figure in this thread, damn I hate getting old, what did I miss this time... PS on the unrelated (as fas as I can see) derailed topic... dispatch has given me my call for their (maiden's) next show (woohoo!) as a hand!
  18. So is the end of a book which if told is a spoiler... We should be nice to newcomers and I would assume this to mean avoiding spoilers lest the individual wished to see them. Cheers
  19. Wha Why are ducks? Qizilbashwoman, and others, please see spoiler alert below...
  20. The only member of the community, who's avatar should be yellow caution tape above the caption "Beware of Grognard!"
  21. So long as the literate are not Eurmali as well!
  22. One of the best things here is how such a diverse slice of folk can gather with so few problems. Even better, I could (but won't) name a half dozen ill behaved folk that have had a bit of character arc in their time here. They aren't necessarily pleasing to little ol' moi, but have become contributing members of the community. Ergo, my subjective opinions mean little (but can hurt, so I try to wield them gently). There are others who display little to no arc but contribute nonetheless. The light hand of moderation can be frustrating on occasion. but there are a number of folk who have no problem defending others and their beliefs as well as their foibles. So, usually the laissez-faire works. I would love to see BRP Central become a little more... BRP Central. I have written love letters to this site before (sorry), and hopefully won't embarrass myself again (search for 'em if you must, there is one around here, nearby in the tavern) with yet more. But I like the place. Eliminating a few problems, well... This will only work for those who wish to be better citizens... People could read a lot read a hell of a lot more than they post and keep open minds while reading. I might be an bit of an outlier to this principal having lurked the digests and dailies for a couple of decades and here for a year before joining in. But at least I had a lay of the land and new a few of the personalities, so when I hit bumps at least they weren't surprises. Yep, read the post you are responding to, re-read your own post and then read the original once again and then... The delete key is your friend. I used to delete many more posts when I first started and hope that using it less means that I have improved (but I fear it has more to do with hubris than any amelioration on my part). After having read your brand-new shiny sparkling and brilliant new post if it does not fit, be brutal. Delete, delete, delete. Editing, while better done before saving, can be a good idea after as well. (Editing right now to clean up a mess or two...) My fave, be nice and know Thumper's mother's rule: Screw using it, but at least know the frigging thing! We could all be a bit more like soltakss, but hell, I have seen even him draw flames from disgruntled individuals. I mean if you can find flaws with soltakss, there is little hope for you here. No, despite the occasional troll (not enlo, troll) that wanders in and kicks up a storm I do like the place and its denizens. The rest of you, quit disturbing shit! This is a fine resource that takes a series of great games and really stretches them to new heights! Don't know the other sites used as negative role models, so can't comment. Yep, that's the site I would like to order, can I have it with onion rings instead of fries and could you super-world size it for me! Cheers
  23. Quackatoa, ya taught me how to put together a great thread with this one, not that I learnt anything, but that would be my fault, not yours. Hope you have more to say on the Ducks of the Hero Wars, famous or otherwise in the future. Cheers
  24. Apologies, mistook yer bottle opener fer a unicorn. Rookies mistake... Sorry. I hear ya bro, hugs? Cheers
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