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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. A small sampling from at https://www.nosweatshakespeare.com/resources/shakespeare-insults/ As per the conversation above, the insult must match the victims, I can't see number 1 bothering a Eurmali. While I think what sounds tame might really piss off a chaos hating heortlander; number 33.. Cheers PS check out the insult generator on that page as well.
  2. Glad you found yer way here. Figured we would both hear some good stuff. Cheers
  3. I know, this has nothing to do with nothing, so why? ' Cause someone had to... but for more info, why? Because: The "hamster" reference is a Gallic taunt regarding the famed overbites of English beauties, Ygraine in the particular, who could blow out a candle while facing forward by leaning over it and exhaling straight down.. The "elderberries" is a sneer about English distillers, who for centuries made inferior gin by using elderberries instead of juniper berries. Uther Pendragon was a notable imbiber. according to the 'net...
  4. Now I did thank you (emoji above) cause I love the question, but I do suggest we move this to the HeroQuest (I assume) forum. It's not a big deal but those looking for this thread some time sown the road for future reference (and it being a great question deserving of thanks indicates it might be searched through a few times) will have an easier time finding it, and there are a few grumps around that are sticklers for that kind of thing... My pet peeve, is spoilers. When you do open the new forum could you tag it with warnings alerting folks to spoilers seeing as Coming Storm Prep does not give that away. Cheers
  5. As I understand it, they have to be done in order to avoid chicanery and egregious munchkinerry, alas.
  6. Aw, what the hell, I guess I have to say yes to that seeing as that's the kind of BRP Central i want. bwahahahahaha! Cheers
  7. Damn, I hate when that happens. (sigh) he did that on purpose, ya know!
  8. Seems like an important read considering how deadly possessing the xx chromosome can be in modern India from pre-cradle to grave.
  9. I am mesmerized enough by your jargon scott-martin to go looking for the items you listed!
  10. I'm sure an aficionado of the 2nd game mentioned could think of things far, far, far worse than death (bwahahahahaha). Cheers
  11. Yes that and the fact I want a lower level game, is why I went 1613 and started with my classic material, At the moment the Red Cow material is peripheral to my campaign butI have every intention of using the it more and more as the years go along. I am starting in Torkani lands across the river and on the other side of the Lunars and Werewolves, from their clan and they are members of the Jonstown Confederation, so I am sure it will have impact. Cheers
  12. I believe I recall both you and MOB on this bandwagon. Cheers
  13. I dunno, I find it irritating. I will admit it to have certain morbid fascination, but at least this one seems to be winding down after only 2 or 3 pages unlike the 4 page Magnus opus "war of wills" that one of the participants engaged in earlier this year. I do not think I will end with cheers today.
  14. Good points... and Gilgamesh is the direction I find myself employing for inspiration to move away from the Heortland viking thing of yesteryear. For an interesting melding of sci fi and fantasy as well as a nasty look at man become god, the after effects, their infighting and dealings with mortals, might I recommend Zelazny's Lord's of Light. The pseudo-indian feel might just give a bit of imagery for a new gloranthan themed game. Always loved the book's opening line about the book's rebel Been awhile since I read it, but the new graphics in RQ G books make me think of it and the Bhagavad Gita. Have not read the Bhagavad Gita. and I do not wish to be culturally insensitive but have been told it is an incredible read for the fantasy fan. Continuing to not being culturally insensitive of a moment longer, it is a way to enter another culture's beliefs so it might have other bonuses for the gaming reader as well. Bahubali, an indian myth made into a movie a couple of years ago, was recommended here at BRP central (can not remember by who) as a great view of a Heortland super hero. A little (okay, a lot at times) cheesy and over the top in a Gloranthan way, one can expect a Bollywood sized song with the whole cast and all the extras to break out, but I agree. It is worth a watch for someone trying to immerse themselves in Gloranthan goodness. Cheers
  15. Alas, creativehum, I have a feeling we will all be waiting a while for that. :( With the history of Glorantha being so broad and deep and scattered across at least a dozen game platforms the task of untangling various rule systems and having them make sense to all players is beginning to resemble the creation of a master index on the green lozenge of all Lhankor Mhyan knowledge sequestered in their temple libraries. Or for that matter even in one temple only. What G33k says works well for me.
  16. Are you saying that there is usually someone here who will tell one where to go? Sorry abut the humour in a great topic, but y'all know me by now... Again, amazingly good call. Cheers Edited because of the damn &*$#* demonic spell checker!
  17. Wonderful, great imagery. Missed this when it came out last week (busy summer) but am so glad to see it now. Evokes images of early Sandman—Gaiman's best stuff.. Looking forward ti catching up later...
  18. 'Thwweeeet!' Alright jajagappa, put yer hands on yer heads and step away from that bad humour (that kinda strength of stuff is meant fer the perfessionals... like bill the barbarian!). Y'all know that yer off topic by a country mile there boy. What does any of that hogwash have to do with making chaos in the south, great again. <spits> That's one!
  19. Too tired to check but I bet the info you are looking of is in Elder Secrets.
  20. Alas, I hesitate to admit it, but my fave... the RuneQuest Forum, is the miscreant. We tried spankings, now it looks like the management is going to institute timeouts. Personally, I recommended the Iron Maiden... (excellent dude!), but I was voted down. Alas
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