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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Ah, thank the lords... and ladies! Cheers
  2. Man, I sure do lack clarity here, Excuse whet will seem like strident reply but seeing as I am causing such confusion this morning... I have never tied in nysalor riddling and the Yelamalian/Orlanthi ritual riddling contest, I had thought that I had done the exact opposite and said that this was okay. Riddling for pleasure as opposed when following tradition was acceptable (usually, and emphasis on the usually) but deviating from strict norm could (emphasis on could) be seen as suspect. Out and out nysalor riddling, well I would assume such wood be a little less welcome than a Rune Lord Eurmali (no, do NOT start writing about this....) I am sure I have said this three times so sorry all for wasting space, but clarity demanded it. Cheers
  3. Perhaps I can clarify my point, Yelmailons and Orlanthi ritually engage in riddling and this is considered normal and acceptable. In pastimes over a pint there would also be a series of canonical riddles that would would be told (perhaps a canonical style rather than a canonical riddle) I believe a look in Cults of Prax or Cults Compendium should do for the ritual Orlanthi/Yelmalian Challenge ( I believe the bet and prize would be a gold Wheel). The riddles told for pleasure and social instruction I will bet, I just remember from here and there from over the years, Digest, 'zines, tales and canonical sources) When I heard about riddling of course my ears pricked up and I thought... 'Hmm, like the Hobbit!' Well not quite but... quite Gloranthan in any case. So while the interaction of a couple of Orlanthi Yelmalian rune lords having a ridding contest is accepted, riddles that did not follow canon I believe would cause a second glance and possibly a bit of stink eye, if not outright accusation of being riddler.
  4. <All hail the 'NET> "The all mighty 'NET has spoken!" </Amen>
  5. Correct, one reason while non-traditional riddles are suspect in Orlanthi lands that use them in ritual or pastime. Of which I believe Dragon Pass hosts a few (Orlanthi lands, that is). And of course anywhere where Yelmalio and Orlanthi Cultists interact. Again a few places in Dragon Pass. edited to correct (long after the fact)... : so here is the source of the confusion... It should read one reason why non-traditional riddles are suspect...
  6. økay, thank you... Have the original Pavis and Big Rubbles modules and I do not recall seeing that one there, but it has been a few years, perhaps I mis-recall. . Alas...
  7. The one by MOB, or Ken Ralston, or..? with the great view of soldiers near the Pavic Walls by the river? Some great stuff in that one. Though have not run all of it.
  8. My turn to go huh, that one I do not recognize.
  9. sorry, what Ralzakark being an illuminated unicorn/broo who rules the chaos steeped lands that birthed Njalor/Gbaji, Dorastor, and has lived for possibly centuries, breaks many rules.
  10. Shades of Bashki's Wizards, Nice! A few of these aimed at you and respect for ducks might make a comeback. Never went away says some! Swweeettt! ...and what about the artist? (sounds like he might be canadian, if ya know what I mean, eh?) Cheers
  11. Nothing wrong, the powers that be wanted powerful beings for the hero wars,. In the Egregious Munchkinerry Forum there is talk of obtaining Rune Lord status in chargen. Alas, I don't... Cheers
  12. True enough, and change is finally beginning though the shift can be scary. We are at the beginning of the forth wave of feminism, or the end of the third, so one can expect and hope for better but with but 170 years out of our 4-10,000 years of patriarchy (or more depending on who ya talk to) since the early days of the suffragette movement and all those brave women of the first wave, the dangerous, convoluted, groovy middle of the last century when NOW, Gloria Steinem, et al and the ERA rattled windows and shook down the walls (the 2nd wave) right up to yesterday—the early 90's when the riot grrl movement kicked out the jams and let us know that women STILL wanted in with the third wave! We aren't where we need to be yet, but Chaosium does a great job for a corporation of trying. Cheers
  13. Thank you, I wish more would do likewise...
  14. You definitely deserve to be punished, for that post! I know, I know... pot, kettle, black... gottit! Still, punishment will be forthcoming... Seriously though, it is very easy to look good when bouncing thoughts off @ g33k. Thank you for the bad puns and good comments! Cheers Can't judge an player by his avatar, it seems. You are not half as myopic as your name suggests. Ooh... woise to come....
  15. Thank you Crel, I like how yo decided to stick with simplicity that RQ G espouses rather that granularity (I believe I am using this term correctly).Nice I think you all are reading this well. Agreed. Yes the old dungeon economy of the eighties, how do we separate the fool, err, adventurer from their ill-gotten gains. Which, I believe, is exactly what it is. I wish I could think of a better mechanism his is as easy but... And alas what do we do with all that gold the players might have... (Have not read the new modules except to record NPCs for use and areas of interest for the same... how is treasure beginning to shape up in our "Brave New Glorantha"? Gold Wheels, Magic items galore, silver and bolgs? This seems like a good concept.
  16. Having to admit another exists and has to be respected (thus losing the position of axis mundi where you are the centre of existence) always hurts, but is gets better...
  17. I'm the guy who left the party at least 15 minutes ago, and is now turning down the next street and gaining speed!
  18. That and the tales of the protagonist in Cults of Terror/Lords of Terror and retold again in the Cults Compendium as well are quite evocative. These tales alone propelled my understating of Man in (and of) Glorantha for at lease a decade. Cheers
  19. He is, does not change that with a good audience the trolling can lead to good things Oh sure, Joerg bring in a bit of realithy there. I was pondering in a similar vein. Good to see others taking up the cry of let the table decide! Not on the rules but the ambiguities and moral decisions... Players have the right to a say of course, and a stupid GM ignores this. And arguing a point to the degree that friendships are impacted can't be that much fun. Nice arguments , Qizilbashwoman Hmmm much more to comment on (so much more, I am looking at you, oh great verbose Joerg) , but life intrudes so perhaps later.
  20. Oh, duck you, and that ludicrous opinion! Ludicrousity in Glorantha, the idea!, Humph! <In an east end London accent> "No ludicrousity to see 'ere, move along..."
  21. Awesome and very Gloranthan! Usually agree 100% with you but this time I will have to say have a look at the munchkinnery (egregious, I don't think so) above. That removes at least 5% of my usual agreement!
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