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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Nice re-tracking of this orient express, RHW. <getting bag of popcorn> Carry on folks, this was looking interesting, informative and fun, and with RHW's gentle hand it might just become so again. Love it, great thoughts! Love it even more. Perhaps it's the hats and non-humans.
  2. Oh, heck, ask me and while yer at it, you can fire those writers and runners who work for Paramount on all the Star Trek Franchises and millions of fan boyz and girlz who help build the series with languages and other thangs... I'll take that gig too!
  3. thanks scott-martin, Just discovered this thread and find it quite good!
  4. Gak! I must be asleep yet, (busy week). Not sure I an catching your drift. Which mis-quiote would I be guilty of... Ah, I see, I was quoting you, quoting Jane. Well, the point still stands quasi-misquote and all! Back to bed now for a few more zzzs. Cheers
  5. If you ever feel the inclination to release this into the wild, I would not only be interested but thankful as well. Cheers
  6. authority bad, but BRP Central less bad. So, welcome aboard! Nice post! Yer playing with Quackatoa?
  7. Rebellion of the Righteous Wind has a little more bite in that context, eh?
  8. Sorry, back to my dungeon... again. Just what is a buuk, anywho?
  9. There are no bad puns, just bad hecklers!
  10. Spot Barbarian fumbled, Move quietly fumbled, Turn Pun surely will be fumbled, oh woe, what is a Shiningbrow to do... I know the Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch! Now what was the count, one or three, ONE! Counting fumbled... Throw fumbled... gak! See "Hoist with his own petard"... Cheers!
  11. I'll go to my dungeon now... :(
  12. Booyah! That would be RuneQuest Conan, of course. :)
  13. Ooo, ooo, ooo. I know that one! 'bout that many?
  14. I'll buy that for a dollar clack!
  15. Gak! Make theeee eeevvill bahhdd man go away... me scared masta troll. Plleeezzze!
  16. Cool, jive hipster zoot suit wearing trolls, swinging pocket watches (taken from fallen Mostali (latest tech, split minute accuracy) wearing obsidian shades in a dark nightclub, wrong but... so right!
  17. By Crom, but that blew this barbarian's mind! And all I watched was the 34 second trailer!
  18. No, its from that cartoonist who left the company with all the comics about that grouchy, fowl mouthed druluz, his three nephews and his rich uncle. I think he is working for the writer of that Prince of Sartar cartoon, better gig imo. speaking of lawsuits if that company that owns the rich druluz finds out about this thread... 'nuff said! Excelsior!
  19. not sure that there really is a difference.
  20. Seems to me that an elven family history would be much different than a human one, The events that would matter to an aldryami would be on a different time scale "don't worry about that slight Elmanagic the Yellow offered, in 350 seasons (70 years) it won't mean a thing. You are but 250 seasons old (50 years). When you get to be my age, you'll see it all differently." Also of a much different nature I am sure are battles Are they as reverent to a long lived race (certainly not non- aldryami battles imo), If not what would be remembered that would matter and give context and passions as well as chances to increase skills to an aldryami's life and formative years other than battle. Bad winters, The coming of settlers, and axes... Using this as a stating place, why not give just as many examples as one would give a human but over a greater span of years and historical events that an elf would note?
  21. "Mmmm, roast Uroxi", says one troll to the other, "My Fave!".
  22. True enough, I loved Morrow Project and to say the graphics were, well... simple, not to mention how ugly some of RQ 3's graphics were, another system I loved.
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