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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Damn, I believe those all work on some level! Well done, Oracle. On the surface though, I think the third and fifth (I have bolded them) are the strongest choices. Never! 😉 The Lunars seem to like covering their bases, so this makes a good deal of sense. Yep! This is true... English is not an exact science! My, my, Ali... that is quite the long detailed post... too much coffee? 🙂 My personal take would be the Glowline is the thing which is reaching... into new territories. As always!
  2. As GM you will have to weigh whether this is something you are willing to allow. Which seems a little unfair and a bit like a fiat, but really it is just deciding what level of power in a player's hand will overpower your game... MGF should apply to the GM as well as the player and if the GM is in a continual arms race with the players, well, that does not sound like fun to me. I am here for the stories. If the player is not looking to cause the GM grief, if the addition of a very powerful initiate attached to one player (a unicorn with rune spells and RPs and...) does not throw off the games balance (that hated word in Chaosium game circles), hell, if it looks to be fun and all at the table agree that having a initiated unicorn is MGF, go for it. Otherwise (or in any case) lay your cards on the table and explain your worries. This should be of benefit to the table, no matter how it decides.
  3. That sounds like a great idea, wish I had thought of it, oh wait a minute... for details on this have a look at my previous post
  4. God damn Eff, amazing! A little Babylonian creation myth underlying the Talmudic creation myth. Cool. I know of a few other areas that the religions interact (Sargon/Moses, the floods) but that is just too cool.
  5. I would treat this as an occupation. Choose skills that would be suitable for an occupation of traveller... For example I might choose twixt: Drive (?) or Ride (mount type) or Boat, Bargain, Speak Other Language, Bureaucracy, Insight (species/other), Survival, Elder Race Lore, Homeland Lore (other), Customs (All Others), Lore (Other), Conceal. Some of these will be conditional. Then I would use the Between Adventures section and as it suggests choose 4 skills to be given an experience check and possibly one skill to practice or train, each season you are pursuing this "occupation"... If worship has been successfully led during the travels give a POW gain check for that season. Remember there is a great chance of getting experience ticks as you travel as well Also, remember there are skills that also give a gain with use over a week or more such as Ride... ETA what ever happened to World Lore (at 05%, or at anything really)?
  6. Daffy perhaps... much more so than Donald (lest you refer to the small handed... never mind). How could you not. Would Sam not be closer to an Argrath kind of figure... he has trickster aspects but not sure he is a trickster. A great protagonist, yes! Being introduced to Odin as Gaiman sees him was the first time I saw him as a trickster. Well played Mr Gaiman, well played!
  7. Mine fell apart a couple of decades ago, so I ended up putting it in a three ring binder... works well and I can add pages of notes or shuffle pages to meet my needs. A good situation overall... add a PDF and Bob's yer uncle and he makes a wicked Bison Burger too!
  8. Myself and a few techs, were gathered together talking about instruments we hated during a lull in setting up a band. Autotune was my contribution to the discussion. I am with ya on that one. I blame Cher! Yes, same here. There are many folk out there I do not like but one has to give kudos to talent, regardless.
  9. IMG they have been played as Borg. Which is fine. Until you get to 7 of 9...... Let's see, dwarves, rubber suits, gas masks and 7 of 9... Sounds like a great party! What could go wrong, go wrong, go wrong?
  10. Gadzooks svennson you old goat! Did you forget the meds again! As someone who has skin in the game (I am not only a musician, I make my living off of musicians), I should tell ya something I have to keep telling myself when I see something that the kids have made that I do not like... Taste is relative. And the kids do not want you liking or for that matter, even listening to their music... they are making it offensive to you on purpose... Same as we did when we were young!
  11. I would think that as it was made by a very modern (as of the writing) shaman and his very modern game playing buddies with modern educations, sensibilities and mores that are very evident in the anachronisms and conceits inherent in the game. They did try, but it being created in the 70s I am not sure it can be anything other than what it is.
  12. Yep, Miskatonic Repository is your friend. https://www.chaosium.com/miskatonic-repository/
  13. Bandy away, French is my second language and one I have not—and at my age, I fear I never will—master. And as a note, too many Canadians do not speak french. This was how I translated it and just to be sure I went to a couple of translation sites before posting. Being Canadian I missed the tossing of the stones after the lifting, but seeing as we are stealing this great thread for small gain I suggest we retreat with the waves and leave this beach to the sand. Ah, have I made it to the exalted position of Site Barbarian.... I am honoured!
  14. And the feathers! Fit for giants! Are you besmirching the legendary and famed Rumour Tables! Oh, you have gone too far... it is A/ too awful to contemplate... go wrong, go wrong. go wrong.... Me too!
  15. This is s very interesting caption for an expression which translates as "under the paving stones you'll find sand" and could mean "under civilization lies freedom!" I like both the original sense and the sense you have used scott. In 4 short sentences and a revolutionary bit of graffiti... you have me thinking as much as the other two had.
  16. Nope, not as we know it... no atoms, no gases... no to many scientific facts in my Glorantha. Does not mean there are not things that duplicate our world's "science" in explicable ways... See! Yep Most importantly, one most be able to explain a scientific phenomena in a mythical way.
  17. The authors were Californian or living there in the '70s. Football and America, well, us Canadians are said to be fanatical about our football (or were when I was lumbering across the plains with the dinosaurs), but I bet we can not hold a candle to thems south of the border! I can not believe that Trollball's religious aspect did not come from this American devotion to its distant cousin, American football.
  18. Nicely spotted! Is Dr. Harleen Quinzel one of the few woman representing mayhem and chaos and sheer way over the top tricksterism?
  19. Publishers may want to keep their work and the rights to their work in hand and protect them and quite rightly as you say. That said, in this case It seems (my opinion only, and hats off to them if so) Rick and crew are also looking out for both the copyright laws their rights, and the rights of their contributors who took time out of their lives to make TFtRM as successful and sought out decades later as it is. I think you will find that the concern is as much for the article writer who would be difficult to find and get correct permission from as it is for rights held by the folk behind TFtRM.
  20. Reasonably sure I see a typo in the Jonstown translation of that cheer from the original Darktongue... I believe the Notchet Library correctly translates the third line as Pedantically yours, Bill the librarian
  21. There are two answers to that question. One, it depends. Which one does your table wish to use. Two, canonically it is RQG, but canonically affects Chaosium products not your table.
  22. There is a Mythras game called Classic Fantasy that is kinda an OSR DnD clone. http://thedesignmechanism.com/Classic-Fantasy.php ETA I have found it is not standalone but will require either Mythras (once known as RQ6) or the author states may work with other D100 games (RQ classic should be fine, I would think).
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