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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. WOW! No doubt... may I second that! WOW! ...all while the ball is quite sure it squarely wishes it was in otherworldly territory!
  2. You know Richard, I would bet that the maps that would be the most accurate would be of other worlds/realmz/planes what have you. The Mythic being better mapped than the mundane. Not saying it would be easier to understand, just better mapped. In fact, I am sure the mythic would be incorporated into the better mundane maps making them just a little magical... just like written languages. My fave maps are knotted-cord maps from Prax...
  3. As very little in Glorantha (if anything) escapes religious or societal significance, I would have to suspect that would also be true for Trollball. Interestingly, a little research shows that various members of the troll pantheon are reflected by their representatives in this game. A true proof of religious significance on the lozenge right there... Kygor Litor Rune Lords may sponsor Trollball teams in their own names as may ZZ Death Lords and a Xiola Umbar nurse is needed to provide succour (?) to the ball. In fact a Runelords name must be attached to a sanctified team. So, entertainment seems to be very wrapped up with religion, with politics and with matters military within the realms of sports minded Dark Folk. And of course this all comes for the only great source for all things troll I know of: Trollpak.
  4. well, I suppose NIck's to blame there! Thanks Nick! Apologies to @MOB for a small sidetrack but this derailment proves that... ... Jason is most definitely on the right track with his creative muses! It set three of us off on flights of fancies based on just one of the listed title's derivation's music tribute. and hey I LOVE any game that has S.D. "Snake" Plissken's great movies listed as inspiration!!!
  5. The mind boggles! Hello, and welcome! Good first post. Nor I thanks for the eloquent method of stating this Gloranthan (Staffordian?) axiom! the conclusion is great! (Although it matches my view of this universe.. we won't hold that against you, good sir!), 😉
  6. I seem to recall reading that... it was a lot o years ago but it seemed to me that greater than neutrality was required to allow for a devotee to worship more than one god at greater than a lay membership ( I assume one can attend many services as a member of the laity) and I was wondering what others had seen that allowed neutrality to open doors for dual initiateship.
  7. The Malani are known as the sword tribe and tend to Humakt worship.
  8. I believe the answer is no. I have not heard of one.
  9. You might be able to find a desert or savannah (if that would suffice) somewhere on the cube... so indeed, why not put this into an adventure. If the insects (swarm rules, where are those RQ3 swarm rules) or the snakes or the arachnoids, that our narrator mentions, do not get you... well the broo, the spirits, the nomads, the fellow miners... or any of the myriad of other easy to think of troubles that spell self-writing encounters... might. Oy, think of tha headaches! Sumer, the Akkadians and many who followed on the fertile cresent all contributed to their own desertification from what I can see... Over in Africa, near the fertile Nile you have thoughts on man-made desertification. If our assumptions are correct one must wonder just how amazing it is, just how little we learn as the ages pass! I think of the two pre RQG famed traders dealing on behalf of royalty: Gringle and Joh Mith! Though different in very many aspects, they both deal with nobility at a larger scale than most... as to the being bankrolled... Well, there are a couple of interesting tales behind that for one... More to watch, but later...
  10. I asked Scottie about this in RQ Q&Q and his answer was one tailored for one's table... MGF. Maximum Game Fun was his official answer to that question.
  11. I mention shrine locals and above here as well as actual temples locations... hereabouts many shrines and temples are mobile or at a town or a city (one city and a very few towns...) or special sites so knowing where shrines are is probably helpful for when getting to a temple is hard or does not have the spell you wish... Tourney Alter for Humakt, Sun County for Solar worship and allied deities (PC and Pavis as well in varying amounts)... Pavis County for Orlanthi and co. worship... any good size oasis for Issaries. Pavis and the paps and mobile as Sten says and, well, the Bull... well, that is problematic... as always with that cult... 😉 I would assume most Storm Bull worship occurs in tribe on the savannahs and desserts of Prax and the Waste. I do not think the Block is a temple or a shrine but, instead, a prison to be watched forever. Hmm. Gorrakkiki and Zola Fel in Corflu and Zola Fel all up and down the river above and below.... Chalana Arroy, in a great many places... Earth and co at the Paps. Lunars anywhere after Argrath (doubt it)... Orlanth at the Pairing Stones, no? Corflu, Pavis, Moonbroth, Pimper's Blocks and many large oasis before 1625... not sure if the Grantands ever got a shrine or temple Shamans and Nomad god devotees are a special lot with their own needs and I do not know enough about them to comment. Oh and Daka Fal at Hender's Ruins.
  12. It was lengthy and ensured peace... Page 51 G2G V1 Started in 1499... Some areas are still under it... Page 141 G2G V1 Caused by actions of a Prince Snodal, who crossed the Valind Glacier and got future knowledge in 1443 and set forth on a disastrous... well, read on. Page 145 G2G V1 This seems to be the Syndics and the ban was the result of their actions... And there is an entire side bar on page 200 of volume one of that heavy tome I mention above! With permission I would post more, but... sans permission, this is worth a deep dive it seems. It receives substantial mention for the next 100 or so odd pages. Still does not answer your original question, smiorgan... sorry.
  13. Thanks for the necromancy moonwolf8, this was a cool thread, let me join you and necro a thread I started on the same line as that thought of yours that I quote above... If you are interested in this topic have a look waaaayyyyy back here at " ".
  14. Hm, I thought it was near Redding... No, but considering you and I are the only two outside of Clancy Street or a Stan's Soapbox to have a clue what a no-prize is I will gladly give you one. Who is this Tolstoy fellow you nay-say? <wink> Excelsior!
  15. Alas, I must come down on my fellow proofreader's side, Simon (soltakks), on this question. When last I had an editorial deadline locked in stone by sponsors and advertisers and an elected exec, I killed so many elves in search of the editors's Moby Dick—perfection—that my eyes bled red ink! Happily on screen, while I do have all the foibles only a computer/human interaction can create (and there are oh so many), most folk (an Orlanthi All?) are happy enough with what few errors get through that they usually let them go. As a final bonus, screen editing allows one to leave the authors's text untouched while giving annotated notes to him or her about suggested edits. Plus no dead elves! I truly believe it is impossible to craft a perfect piece of writing... sans errors (factual, or believed, or ?) of any good length. We may well try, but we shall fail!
  16. Hmm, human error goes a lloonngg way! Don't know if I am any good as a proofreader (I like my chops as an editor, though some say I am biased). Still, I am told I am okay as a proofreader and error trapper. It is quite a mechanical process. Not at all warm and fuzzy. That said, I have found that these machines we use are mixed blessings! For all the errors and typos they catch, the ease of cut and paste seems to bring more errors into the edit. The good lord works in mysterious ways! Oh, so sad... and so true! (I would like to think the "In The Garden of Eden" episode of the Simpsons has some truth in it... google it!) Yep! I have found to have a chance at catching all the errors I might find in copy, I have to do two good and long passes. A third pass two catch stoopid arrows dont hertz udder!
  17. Oh, I have tried to say just this for a couple of years... Good luck on you saying it, hope ya have better luck.
  18. Alas, thanks for the heads up.. perhaps there is another PDF solution or a plug in for Affinity to create fillable form fields from/for PDF products... I have heard Diane of Beer with Teeth give this barebones, build it and fly it yourself DTP app props. oookay, still a little impressed... <sigh> can we put you down as one vote for subs? ... and GIMP is worth every hour you invest in it! Be aware the learning curve here can increase steeply when you leave the shallow end. It comes with great docs, though. Again over powered for most (Orlanthi All) Adventure Sheet creation needs (but what of that great character pic of Sir Harrek Drake Esq, barbarian bill, huh?).
  19. Holy crap David, that's impressive. I was impressed with myself when I recognized Garamond!
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