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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Glad your experience was a positive one! If I might be so bold... YAY US!
  2. I don't even know the new abbreviation and while some may say another "Panhandle State" on the lozenge is not needed... let me not be one to join that chorus! Fair labou.... Now hold on! That's an oxymoron! And exactly what the lozenge needs... ORGANIZED LABOUR! Are your trollkin being oppressed? Does your Herdman long to be free? Lunar taxes oppressive to the woking classes? Nope, what I meant was four letter acronyms... FLAs!
  3. Oh sure, Sten... just what RQ needed... another FLA! YMMV, indeed! Gak!
  4. Back in the day I would have recommended InDesign, but these days I hate subscriptions with a passion. I have tried to do the job with Open Office and other free tools and gave up! I own Affinity Publishing but have not had much time to play with it unfortunately. I will say the price is right, the learning curve seems about par for the course for a DTP tool and it seems to have the power to do the job. Perhaps paired with its sister product Affinity Photo or the free gem, GIMP, you can get the job done for a good price. Great question, Phil. Looking forward to seeing the answers.
  5. Hook me up to join that game when you get it going! A little something for my little grey cells to work on!
  6. May I quote you on that comment about fun... well, I will anyway! Isn't that the point. @Nozbat, I believe that yer pal did not chum with the warriors but with the bad boy wood-cutter that liked to sleep outdoors and work in the woods... cats! Whatchagonnado!
  7. Umm, in fairness this happened in Casino Town and as we know... What happens in Casino Town... this never happened, I have witnesses, lies, flagrant lies... all o' them!
  8. reasonably sure undead are not inheritantly chaotic.
  9. Thanks! You were great to work with. Call on me anytime when I am healthy!
  10. That was because ya had me helping on that one! Hell, if my health hadn’t failed we would be done! 🙂
  11. Except for possible fan efforts or HQs Pavis Gateway to Adventure I would say there is not one one to the best of my knowledge.
  12. Hey Phil, I read it the same way, but having seen ya and read ya fer a while I figured you weren't that mean a sort! I mean that sort of mean... (zounds)
  13. I have to agree great idea for a thread and thanks for the info dump. Cheers Now ya just gotta know Stafford et al. read this when it was first put out and incorporated it into their ideas on myths. Gotta love that, eh? Gene Wolfe, ya don’t say... I love me some Gene Wolfe! Beastly! Nice catch, and it also falls very nicely into the Gilgamesh/Enkidu dichotomy that Glorantha mines so well! Nice factoid JRE! Alas, svennson, ya just gotta know me, a long hair from Kanuckistan, well I just gotta disagree. Not to be mean or to contrarian, but to show there are opposing views welcome and def allowed here. Thankfully Brian has me covered with his next post... Very tired ad weak for a long debate or thought. (Thankfully y’all, svennson and I do not get into matches... he lives, I let live and vis a versa... it seems to flow!) and the rest as well... Yep, it’s a cool read, no? Or truly terrifying Shaman Priests, gadzooks! Thanks Brian.
  14. I believe my comment about setting the bar at capping stats according to the heirlooms parameters set out in char-gen and comparing that wth the alynx parameters where possible and negotiating what differences the player and GM will still have remains relevant. Yeah it’s HRing but it it doing so with the participation of the table... that can not be bad. Note As a former player of mine once said, I have no probs with fiats. I just like to limit them to areas I just can not stomach. After all it’s my table too! Hm, i am sure that is not what PhilHibbs would advocate having followed his comments for a long time. But he can tell us I am wrong if he wishes. I did miss the thread this one came from (and it sounds like I am lucky) so I do not know the pedigree of the disagreement but I do not see anyone asking in this thread that pets/awakened animals/servant beast/guard or war beasts otherwise know as the species Alynx be treated as other then they are here, and of course should anyone do so.. well, of course, you are correct good sir. . It seems all that all denizens of this thread are exploring what the critters can do (RAWish...)... If I am wrong wrong let me know (and be prepared to face the just wrath of svennson 😞)... Let me throw in a partial caveat here. Some old timers will equate awakened animals to the familiars they resemble from RQ2 just to confuse the issue. Again, have not read the other thread and if it is angry I will stay here. Cheers
  15. He ain’t no duck! Foul or otherwise! While I—like all others that are made of sugar and spice and everything nice—am mos' def a barbarian!
  16. Can not recall who told me this or if a saw here in a thread (betcha @Scottyhad a hand in it) but I have been running the pre-gens for about 5 years for demoes and cons online and Cousin Monkey’s status came up as a boon companion (may even be in one of the bios).
  17. A good question indeed. I would break the answer down by pondering; is the enchantment permanent or is the rune point (rune?)... I would answer the rune point (let’s call it a rune)—so the immutable atom here on the marble might be equated with the fundamental particle of reality in Glorantha: The Rune! How to get POW to stay on the material realms would be one possible answer to that riddle and we might assume that enchantment is one ritual way to have a Rune hang around for a longggg time Extension should cover this, no... Similar to the permanent cost in RPs for a similar enchantment is the first (and easiest) thing to come to mind for a spell doing the same... note the real cost will be the time committed to the spell.
  18. What would you use in place of devise for small snares and traps... survival, perhaps?
  19. Look! If we were going to parse a good awakened pet, I would have to mention baboon... right cousin monkey? Oops, topic drift detected... <alert> whoop, whoop, whoop!
  20. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt covered in printer’s ink!
  21. Just ran a game at Gen Con online, in what I billed (did ya see what i did there, did ya see it, eh?) was a bronze age desert oasis mystery in a film noir mystery vein on the plains of Prax... I knew the players got it when one of the departing adventurers turned to say “Uhhhh... just one more thing...."
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