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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Two thoughts come to mind. 1/ it seems like the player is browbeating you to go with his will. Having had players like this just let him know (whilst continuing to negotiate in good faith) that you have to plan out adventures to entertain and challenge the players and if you have an overpowered being entering the game, the job of GMing has just got harder... Point out that as a GM you are allowed to be in error (though the rumour of possessing human limits are still in question) and it is up to the table to help you to make it right. You’re all friends after all, just out to enjoy a game. 2/ Snakepipe Hollow is incredibly over powered as a dungeon. (see, see! I managed to get both dungeons and dragons into this thread...) Maybe a dream dragon (this is a dream dragon, yes? Please do not tell this is an immature True Dragon (is there such a thing?)) as a reward is not going too far. Please accept my greetings to you as a new poster here about (Hello) and also do me a favour and edit that first post and include tags warning of spoilers for SPH as well as putting it into the title as well, maybe. Cheers
  2. Where did this end up? Can not find it in Q&A which which seems a bit empty nor could I locate it in WoD.
  3. I have found myself doing this for decades. One can come up with a fiat ruling (and this must happen on occasion) but I trust a group ruling more. As above, during game, no, after... Great! Totally F’ing missed that f’ing reference... got it now! Note to self, update rolodex so we do not miss people when sending out memorandum!
  4. Hmm, well I am not sure if you should take your disagreements up with the authors of Trollpak than, or with my interpretations of their fine work... The notes I have say they might well battle (to protect their charges) but the behaviour I describe is not beyond the pale. The following quotes are from RQ2 (classic) Trollpak’s Xiola Umbar’s Rune levels on page 92 all emphasis on these quotes and the following spoilers quotes from the Munrooms are mine. Now, I think I am fine on all points but one can question the cost of the healing or the worthiness (where it says saved cheaply and worthy at the end). Mind you, the trolls had to get to her... so that saves some effort and may prove worthiness (the real costs in question) or am I reaching. This quote is from the Munchrooms on page page 193 form the classic reissue of Trollpak. Yep, I think I am okay on my readings. Your mileage will vary.
  5. After near a lifetime of reading about Glorantha and having thought on this for a couple of days... Sadly I must say I do not think Birthdays are much of a thing in Glorantha. Seriously, should an adventurer of mine walk into a house to find a table filled with loud and oddly attired folk (finery with paper hats) playing kazoos around a cake made to look like a cutesy dragon all while singing “You look like a monkey and smell like one too!” I might suffer an odd break with irreality! This sounds plausible. Me too! This was may first thought, but I have seen infant mortality argued a few times here on BRP now, and consensus says CA and Ernalda alleviate the worst of it... not wanting the game to be mean, I am happy with this. This is not only plausible but implied by the rules. GREAT! Thanks, I will be yoinking that! That’s funny, good one.
  6. I have started some edits and have a few more to do on ones I got from @MarcI assume he might have got them from you. Interested in having a look at my edits RQS?
  7. The topic has seen the light of day in print a few times, I believe there is a section on hospitality in both the HW series Sartar Rising/and or Thunder Rebels and the HQ series S KoH and SC. Yes this was form I was mentioning.
  8. A quick dive back into nitpickery here, alas. soltakss raises good issues which actually do weigh on the question and if we do not volley this back and forth ad anuseum without setting up a new thread I think we are safe. Also I like the points. This was where I was going, you have rights. But do you exercise the rights you have or not. And I do not believe one would have extra rights because he owns the land. Especially seeing as he does not. One might need be good in arms, a good solid legal clan helps, as does knowledge (use imagination here)... but a good clan champion goes a long way... Yes, but having the right does not mean you have the might. Agreed, yet still a few decades on we still lack said rules. This would be a great Splat book, Chaosium... JC contributors... Of course a GM who is good and knows his table is perfect here. This is quite good for two reasons.... 1/ It makes sense and is historically and literarily accurate and 2/ it supplies scenario seeds! Agreed, and excuse my dive back in... originally my only problems with question was knowing where that status and rank began and you answered that. All good. Free and above may carry swords and daggers... Huzzah! Let’s party!
  9. Hm well, this photo goes back to the days when they employed a couple of RQ greats, Rudy Kraft and Paul Jaquays (and one would hope have been a little more open minded). .
  10. Aw, that ruins an already sucky day. You have good sense so I will definitely look at this, as JG products made a young hobbyist quite happy many decades ago!
  11. this thread should be all you need...
  12. Nitpicking much? Let’s stop this and not ruin a perfectly good thread
  13. Yes. that is why there is are codified and quite static Laws of Hospitality. We as players and GMs may not know them all or very well but the inhabitants of Sartar know them and their variations quite well and some will stand or die on such Laws.
  14. Took a while but, yeah, this is as good as that stellar British miniseries of Children of Dune from a few years back. Definitely gets the horror of Patrick Steward playing Gurney and Sting, no, I can’t say it... the horror, the horror! Alas, Brian did not get the writing gene! This is a result of both the Guild Monopoly and the remains of Imperial Power. The Guild Monopoly was so complete that with enough cash, 3 (?) divisions of Sardaukar could be secreted away on Guild Transports. Now arguments could be made as to whether the House Atreides armies or the Sardaukar were the better but a surprise attack of three divisions did indeed tell the tale. The surprise was not that the Emperor would be involved but that there would be the wherewithal for 3 divisions. The cost of this was to beggar the Harkonnen's coffers for quite some time, meaning the unleashing of Beast Rabban was an economic necessity after the removal of House Atreides. Throw in a fair amount of betrayal, wringing of hands and of standing by and down goes the Duke. This sounds fair, but add in otherwise insignificant incidents and mix them in with the surprise... I believe there was enough there for me to suspend any disbelief. True, I add in the indifference of the other Great Houses, CHOAM, the actual attack of the Bene Geseret, the Imperium and the Harkonnen, the manipulations of the Ixians, as more weight to bring down the Atreides. Frank Herbet may have believed such a thing but the novel does not bear that out. We are only told once (in a sequel) where in the "Did Hitler use a Lasgun?" conversation, Paul recounts the destruction that has occurred off-screen. We are merely told about it, have not seen it. Even worse, the awareness that Paul exhibits is quickly forgotten and does not come up again in any shape or form (as too the destruction). Interesting, I thought it started as an ecological treatise.. Yep found it... https://niche-canada.org/2020/04/24/frank-herberts-ecology-and-the-science-of-soil-conservation/ Yes, the Bene Geseret had laid the foundation of myths (HeroQuesting) for 100s of years before the book. Paul was a/ taught this my mom b/ got this intuitively once he got the “memories”. No, but add in all the other weight... well, works for me anyway. Agreed Nice insight, did not see it at first dozen blushes but I do now, good call! Thanks, those numbers look better.
  15. There is the rub, you do not own property. The clan or really the cults (earth only?) own it. The rights of hospitality you have are just that... not the rights of a landowner ETA I believe that is the right to stand on your stead’s meeting place in a nightshirt yelling “Get Off My Lawn!”, but please do not quote me. Thanks. I boot that up a level in my game, as I said above, but it is nice to get a game ruling on that.
  16. I am thinking a noble could carry a sword or a religious GodTalker would carry ceremonial weapons as would Thanes and guards. I think so... depends on other circumstances of course.
  17. Unless I happen to see the complete Red Cow Saga and the RboM in hard cover while picking up the Starter.... D’oh! ETA Oh heck, support your FLGS!
  18. One word: moratorium! Don’t say it, don’t do it!
  19. Oh s#!t I forgot about those. It would be too much copying to give the full flavour so go with what Akhôrahil says. They are quite flavourful!
  20. There is a Thing/Moot/Wapentake (not sure of the terminology) in late spring for the Tribe. Sorry not perfectly clear. Saw it a long time ago here on BRP. I would imagine Summer Solstice and Yule are marked though I wonder about the Equinoxes.
  21. Ooo Ooo Ooo bought a copy of BGB so, I finally have a copy of the BRP rules for the first time since they came in a 8 (?) page booklet in the RQ3 Deluxe Box Set. Add to that the Starter Set and I am done my RQ oriented shopping until Dec. 10th! Unless...
  22. Well, one might think it is obvious but in fairness good sir Oracle there are three Beer With Teeth folk mentioned on that cover there! ETA Huzzah!
  23. I have been three Rs since the ‘70s so I think I will stay with that!
  24. Lot of people apologizing for “thread necromancy”. I don’t get it. If it is good bring it back!
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